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RE: Has EpicDuel really become Pay2Win?

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5/2/2013 0:38:38   


Varium will and forever will be an advantage.
Varium is a currency system for EpicDuel. :D

If you don't know already, other games do the same.
MQ: You become a Star Captain, you get better and stronger things and if you use Nova Gems, you get even stronger things.

Varium seems to only be a shortcut nothing else.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 26
5/2/2013 2:07:12   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph


so, that proves that varium players still have the a slight power boost

If the player does not use the skill itself, it does not have any boost at all.
Even if it were to be used, it is a One-Time use, which makes the boost only 1 damage in an entire battle.
Not much of a boost..

Varium seems to only be a shortcut nothing else.

Epic  Post #: 27
5/2/2013 2:31:22   
The Incredible Hulk



Has EpicDuel really become Pay2Win?

Not in Omega
Epic  Post #: 28
5/2/2013 2:35:42   

Epicduel is not Pay2Win. If it is really pay2win why does the Dev of epicduel bother to make new cores in the basic shop? Why do they make all item the same? Why do they make varium items could be purchased with credits. So no, Epicduel is not pay2win.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 29
5/2/2013 3:13:48   
Baron Dante

Azrael's and such aren't really that huge of an issue, tbh. All they do, until their eventual release for all players next year, is give the players that can access them, more variety. They aren't necessarily much better. They just allow a wider array of viable builds to be available.

Neither of Azrael's are horribly difficult to counter in the end. One can take a majority of your buffs? Time your buffs at a better time, or simply don't use them. One can force you to strike? Make that a non-issue by a build that can actually do damage on-strike. Both get mauled by Yeti's.

Yes, your build doesn't necessarily counter them. That doesn't make them broken, or OP at all. It's when there is no viable counters at all. But for example, I have a very crummy vuild designed to get quick wins. Yes, it loses a fair share, but that's entirely intentional for the sake of the function it exists for. Now, since Azrael is considered to be some kind of epitome of amazing, there's a lot of people using them. So, the build more or less entirely avoids both. It doesn't use buffs, thus it cannot be taken away. It's able to hit hard with any weaponry, thus forced Strike is a very minor issue (Really, the only issue it causes is minimally lower damage, and the chance to be blocked). Yes, the build utilizes both pieces of Azrael itself. Why? Because the build benefits from them more than any other core.

Now, while we are thinking Varium is an issue, for largely the same issues, we could argue gear that goes rare causes balance issues. Yes, this more or less is only relevant with cores in items, and bots, but when stuff goes unavailable, like Yeti's, one of the best counters against Azrael, it puts newer players in a disadvantage. It's no difference from Varium. The only difference is that it's not P2W. It's PL2W (Play Long to Win). I don't see people complaining about that. Why? Because a majority of the players that have an issue with Varium have been playing for a long time. They don't have an issue with this, because they HAVE the advantage.

Yay for double standards.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 30
5/2/2013 4:07:01   

You get the best cores that come along with the best weapons, armors, and robots through promos together with buying Varium.

What I meant by Varium being an advantage, is it being, not just a shortcut, but something that comes along promos, promos that can only be paid through real money.

Hence: pay2win.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm not complaining the whole pay2win system. It's always been like that.

Beta - Founders, Bunnies, FrostBane
Gamma - Gamma Bot
(and during these times, only Varium could buy certain things. I don't know about Delta, I was inactive during that time)
Delta - Delta Armor and Weps
Omega - Azraels, Omega Weapons
Seasonal Events - Seasonal Rares

If you can't accept that, then you're prolly just a noob

And if you don't believe it and you think otherwise, then you're most likely a promo-buying parent's-wallet-stealing kid or an indoor Varium man-child wuss.


< Message edited by Raiii -- 5/2/2013 4:12:04 >


AQW Epic  Post #: 31
5/2/2013 4:18:17   
Baron Dante

Rai: Except, y'know, outside Omega weapons, for obvious reasons, they aren't promo-only. They will just be available earlier.

Also great job insulting people with differing opinions. Makes your argument look very, VERY convincing. (Appeal to emotion is, by the way, a terribly fallacious way to argue)

< Message edited by Baron Dante -- 5/2/2013 4:23:37 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 32
5/2/2013 5:18:26   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph


You get the best cores that come along with the best weapons, armors, and robots through promos together with buying Varium.

Best weapons/armors is Non-existent.
All weapons are now the same, cores make them differ from the rest not the weapon itself.

Best Robots?
I find the robots awfully equal, some minor issues which can be fixed by lowering Focus/Robot Technology Bonus itself, not the Robots.

And, well said Baron, you take the words out of my mouth.

Epic  Post #: 33
5/2/2013 6:18:47   

@raiii ah, what can i say? you are just making yourself look bad :P
i say that this game currently isn't even close to be considered pay2win, the new promo bots are available for credits in-game, no-one complained about the botanical battlegear and botanical battle suit being OP, azrael promos are fine now, players wielding them can be defeated by those that does not have the promo at all, the omega promos are fine as it is, a weak debuff but only usable once per battle.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 34
5/2/2013 6:20:55   

@Trizz yeah, I think that the promo weapon are not OP. However if used correctly, you could beat opponents easily, even by using Omega weapon promo.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 35
5/2/2013 7:24:40   

OK, I've read enough stupid posts.

Player 1 and Player 2 are two newbs who join the game today. They both start with Default Staff and Basic Armor.

Player 1 buys 10k pack right away, chooses Azrael's weapons, and upgrades all his items with the best cores.
Player 2 is out of credits, so he has no other choice but to take it the hard way.

As balance shifts, Player 1 keeps changing class to the strongest one, while Player 2 can not afford that.

They both eventually reach lv35.

Who will have way better win ratio, Player 1 or Player 2?

Is it pay to win or not?
AQW Epic  Post #: 36
5/2/2013 7:35:49   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph

^ Not a very good example.
As it does not make you win the battle after all.

I have one alt, probably one of the bests out there where i didnt bough any varium on.
Here is a good example: Zaphe's Record. (yes, in Omega)
Which states that varium is not neccassary to get a good record.

< Message edited by Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -- 5/2/2013 7:43:00 >
Epic  Post #: 37
5/2/2013 8:02:49   

I'm not gonna reply anymore

My fellow Beta veterans agree with me on most of the topics similar to this, like the idea of Cores, so I guess where we're coming from makes our opinions on the matter different.

On a side note: Yes, you're right. I apologize for the last lines. Was a tad pi**ed awhile ago due to 1) not a good game in Soldier Front 2) sister scratched my car. I wasn't really dissing, I was just really in a bad mood

AQW Epic  Post #: 38
5/2/2013 8:07:56   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph

^ Yet you do not edit your comment, making an apology useless.
Epic  Post #: 39
5/2/2013 8:19:06   


You call 19 wins only, and obtained by an experienced player playing an alt, a good example for a countering point?

OK I'm out of this thread as well. Just try to prove whatever you want.
AQW Epic  Post #: 40
5/2/2013 8:44:31   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph


You call 19 wins only

With 0 losses, quite remarkable if you ask me..


experienced player

Not exactly, no.
Im delta, im everything except Experienced..


a good example for a countering point?

Since i proved you wrong with:
''Is it pay to win or not?''
Yes, yes it is a good countering point.


OK I'm out of this thread as well. Just try to prove whatever you want.

Will do, cya.
Epic  Post #: 41
5/2/2013 8:55:59   
Smackie El Frog


Not exactly, no.
Im delta, im everything except Experienced..

I am pretty sure if you have over 18K total wins you an experienced player Blitzex.

Anyways, ED was always been pay 2 win, but since late delta it has been slowly creeping away from pay 2 win imho.

< Message edited by Smackie El Frog -- 5/2/2013 8:59:13 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 42
5/2/2013 8:57:44   

IMO it is creeping away from pay to win but in its place becoming almost entirely a game of chance.
Epic  Post #: 43
5/2/2013 22:56:05   

Epic Duel used too be significantly worse when it came too paying and winning. I'd say that the game has improved 10 folds since delta, when buying varium was needed. I think once varium stops giving us in game bonus is when the game will no longer be pay 2 win. For example, instead of varium getting me a gun with a cool core no one else has... It gets me a cute pet that doesn't do anything but stands next time me in duel :) just for that extra intimidating look >:D
AQW Epic  Post #: 44
5/3/2013 2:15:57   
midnight santa

Epicduel is Copy-Class-Copy-Build-Copy-Cores-Copy-Weps-InfernalAndroid-To-Win
Epic  Post #: 45
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