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RE: Assault Bot buff

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5/15/2013 23:06:20   


why not just make them put items with better art with no cores in the promo package?

I would prioritize this over what we do with promos now because we lock those cores into the items (without keys). Cores are best left in the core shop for anyone to buy when they want them. A forced core can ruin the art especially.
AQ Epic  Post #: 51
5/15/2013 23:14:03   

@ depressed void

I wonder how that would affect the game business wise? Especially since all items are now the same stat wise. But on another note Wow this topic has been derailed extremely hard. Sorry OP.
Epic  Post #: 52
5/17/2013 11:13:04   

To make this compleatly fair they shuld impliment that assult bot heals you when used and also takes a bit of opponents rage.

It is very obvious that azreals brog is clearly better atm. To proove it lets compare them side by side!

Assult bot is defensive and reduces debuff of opponent by 65% NOTHING ELSE (No damage delt, No rage given on use, no heal ect.)(attack 12dmg)

Azreals brog is offencive. IT attacks dealing 60% damage ALSO it reduces buff by 65% AND it gives you rage. And if you are BH/BM IT GIVES YOU HP?!?! (attack 13 dmg)

You can clearly see that azreals brog is better than assualt bot. Lets just list the advantages which assualt bot DOESN'T HAVE
Attack, Rage gain AND SOMETIMES EVEN HP REGENED. So OBVIOUSLY they shuld rase assualt bot repair % or nerf the Azreals Brog so it doesn't do any damage just takes the buff off.(but it wouldn't be fair to those who bought it so just rase assualts bot repair %)

Keep life simple!
I copy this here http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=21153742

My opinion. Assault bot need buff. No matter how. Assault bots is useless now.
Too weak special. raise that special 75% at least or give heal few points (heal 10-15)

Azrael bot no need buff.
Epic  Post #: 53
5/17/2013 11:25:03   


Azreals brog is offencive. IT attacks dealing 60% damage ALSO it reduces buff by 65% AND it gives you rage. And if you are BH/BM IT GIVES YOU HP?!?! (attack 13 dmg)

bloodlust should not be an excuse.

robots are uni-class (meaning it can be used with any class) therefor comparisons should be the same.
AQW Epic  Post #: 54
5/17/2013 11:35:09   

they would not and should not get any buff/nerf whatsoever, the devs know better than anyone to not tamper with already balanced things, not many even uses the azrael's borg and i still see people use assault bot.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 55
5/17/2013 11:43:31   

@ trizz

I think I might be the exception to that rule of people you see use the azreal's borg. But then again the bot is rare unlike the assault bot so it isn't like every tom dick and harry can buy the bot to use it.


while I agree with you as I said before if people bring up that the Azreal's borg should get buffed as well so they can counter each other (which was why they never made the % more or less then the other) everyone will bring up the old "The assault bot doesn't attack and give you rage while the Azreal's borg does" excuse to say one needs a buff but the other doesn't.
Epic  Post #: 56
5/17/2013 11:49:35   

Mother1, that's because of defensive and offensive mechanics. Debuffs are forced to use attack when used on the enemy, debuffs on yourself are not classified as an attack. It's not a problem with Bots but the way in which debuffs work in.


robots are uni-class (meaning it can be used with any class) therefor comparisons should be the same

AQ Epic  Post #: 57
5/17/2013 11:50:07   

@mother1 yep i was gonna mention you


"The assault bot doesn't attack and give you rage while the Azreal's borg does"

ikr thats a lame excuse, each type of bot works differently, so you can't compare assault bot to azrael's borg.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 58
5/17/2013 15:18:34   

one of the posts that are enjoyable when reading...comparing asault with Azrael ,isn't it like comparing frenzy to energy shield? (fenzy atack, gives hp....blood shield - no damage - less health)

While i agree asault bot may need a buff due to the high debuffs here...

This isn't the topic about Azrael to discuss...

And Azrael gun. aux, bot...Who is this Azrael anyway?
Epic  Post #: 59
5/17/2013 19:24:33   

@ necromantres

Not sure if you are using sarcasm but if you aren't I will explain (if you are disregard my post)

The azreal's borg is a bot that the azreal's aux is modeled after. It works like the assault bot since it works with status effects but instead of removing debuffs it removes buffs.

When this bot was originally made it's percent was put the same as the Assault bot so these bots could counter each other since these bots effect wise are 2 halfs of the same coin. However since some people find one half useless (the assault bot) and one strong enough (the azreals borg) they want to buff one without buffing the other.

But personally I don't think this bot needs a buff but rather the scaling of debuffs needs to be fixed. The scaling of buffs and debuffs are still in delta and haven't been brought to the omega standard which means that debuffs (especially with Support abusers and Tech abusers for BH) are too high. If they tone down the power of these debuffs the Assault bot would get a indirect buff.
Epic  Post #: 60
5/18/2013 2:14:24   

nope i wasn't using and i didn't diregarded any post...


If they tone down the power of these debuffs the Assault bot would get a indirect buff.

Yes it may be so, many skills should just get an "update"(emp it's kind of a concern for me) the bot should get and update because we both know it will take some time before the debuffs will be updated...

And at least for my point of view Azrael bot it's better than Asault bot..because taking out buffs it's better than nullifying debuffs (again from my point of view)
Epic  Post #: 61
5/18/2013 3:43:02   


so you can't compare assault bot to azrael's borg.

Because ...?
AQW Epic  Post #: 62
5/18/2013 8:56:22   


each type of bot works differently, so you can't compare assault bot to azrael's borg.

can't you read? one is offensive and one is defensive, one works like a debuff and the other works like a buff, you deal damage when you debuff, you do nothing except use up a turn when you buff yourself, it is just how it works, get it? :P
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 63
5/18/2013 9:42:02   

Gee , man , just because they're different doesn't mean they can't be similar in other things . Like say , you want to go defensive , but did you know that going offensive can make you go defensive as well? Debuff + Borg ( if buffs are applied ) , and you're done .

< Message edited by RageSoul -- 5/18/2013 9:44:44 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 64
5/18/2013 9:45:51   

@above it all depends on how a player uses it but their main purpose is at that, so both of them should stay where they are now and not be tampered with.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 65
5/18/2013 15:46:35   
  Exploding Penguin

@mother1: Buffs typically overpower the debuffs because they don't deal damage/give rage. Technician and reflex last longer than a debuff, and defense matrix/energy shield apply a massive amount of defense/resistance to counter the debuff. So if assault bot and azrael's borg supposed to mirror this logic, why is the assault bot equal to azrael's borg at 65%?
Epic  Post #: 66
5/22/2013 2:39:18   

Assault should heal a lil while it cleanses to counter the dmg/debuff.
End result: your still 35% debuffed after the exchange.
Epic  Post #: 67
5/22/2013 8:10:24   


(Soul Eater reference)

You do not compare the Azrael Borg with the Assault Bot in balance... you compare their special attacks' effects! That means comparing the shield reduction with the nerf reduction.
AQ Epic  Post #: 68
5/23/2013 1:43:25   
Dual Thrusters

Increasing the bot's percent would make it OP

I suggest that the cool down should be lowered by 1 or 2 to make it spammable.

And do not touch Azreal.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 69
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