Hun Kingq
Since Delta the staff been telling us the new classes will get new skills so what happened to these new skills? So now players have to waste a turn activating a passives so the blood mage gets smokes and or malfunctioned they have to waste not one but two turns or three turns while taking in damage each turn. Then we have the merc class that has hybrid armor high damage bunker buster even at low tech, high damage artillery strike/aux with good support, high damaging berzerker, which is basically unblockable now, at low strength high damaging double can be used at every other turn, now they will be able to use maul over and over again, Atom smasher over and over again depleting all your energy in two turns while they regain energy so did I miss anything? Now we have the Blood Mage class the true class that needs a serious overhaul only powerful skill they have is bludgeon even at the same tech as the merc Plasma Cannon is weaker. The multis, they might as well just scrap that skill for hunter classes and mage classes because their multis in sub par to Artillery strike. Making Deadly Aim and Blood lust into active skills will just make those two skills just as useless as many other blood mage skills why waste a turn activating those two skills that does no damage to the opponent or will boost any kind of defense or resistance.