Three minutes before the deadline(according to TD) is still a little later than recommended though. And I have posted! In case anybody didn't know what a Bodkin pointed arrow was. According to Wikipedia: Bodkin points are short, rigid points with a small cross-section. They were made of unhardened iron and may have been used for better or longer flight, or for cheaper production. It has been mistakenly suggested that the bodkin came into its own as a means of penetrating armour, but research has found no hardened bodkin points, so it is likely that it was first designed either to extend range or as a cheaper and simpler alternative to the broadhead. In a modern test, a direct hit from a hard steel bodkin point penetrated Damascus chain armor. However, archery was minimally effective against plate armor, which became available to knights of fairly modest means by the late 14th century. @Necro-Knight, do note that Zephyr's bow is enchanted, so the arrows flying at Rowan are even faster and stronger than the usual ones. They can pierce through plate armor quite easily with the enchantment.