Yes, that would be awesome! I had a hard time at first sorting through the forums in order to find the Paxia forums. As to what would attract players to the Clans, I believe the only thing that will truly propel the Paxia forums into popularity is more focus on Paxia in the game itself. I think we're long overdue for some sort of high-level Clan armor in-game. My dream is that someday there will be a class related to Paxia somehow, but I seriously doubt that will ever happen. Maybe this statement doesn't belong here, but I think the single biggest problem with AQ in general (I find very few problems with AQ, btw...) is the way the staff members don't coordinate and work on projects together. Right now, most of the original staff have left to work on other AE games, and the newer staff (all of whom are totally awesome!) make quests that focus only on their characters or take on projects that either never get finished or take years to complete because only one staff member works on a project at a time! If they would talk with older staff members and get permission to use their NPCs and finish the many abandoned projects that now litter the forgotten wastelands of Lore, then IMHO not only would the game get a huge popularity boost but we might see some more attention given to Paxia as well.