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RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread

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5/5/2015 0:37:15   

I'm probably in the minority here, but honestly? I hate the animations. They're so boring and "stiff". They don't have any "weight" behind them.

Just "copying and pasting" DragonLord's animations would have yielded more appealing results.


AQ DF AQW  Post #: 301
5/5/2015 0:42:57   
Mystical Warrior

@Evangel lol, I find that too funny, given how Guardian class uses its shield on its attack, if it were easy, I would like EDL/DL to have the shield animation in "Awethur's Fury" to be used on their Shield Bash skill, because as it stands, Guardian class really bashes the enemy with its shield unlike EDL/DL which is like they are just grazing the enemy with it when they use Shield bash. On the weight thing, the way Guardian uses his shield on the final animation of Guardian Rage certainly has weight to it, same for how they use Defend when they plant the shield on the ground

< Message edited by Mystical Warrior -- 5/5/2015 0:45:03 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 302
5/5/2015 0:57:37   

@120% Attack. Given this is a hybrid of what appears to be the Awe and Guardian sets from Adventurequest, both of which are based on "Screw it, hit this guy lots", it makes sense.

Although...............would it be too much to ask for the Armor of Awe's regen (Mighty is warrior, Deft is rogue, Insightful is mage) effect or having a 100% Attack with a chance of doing a double or triple attack ala the Guardian Plate?
Post #: 303
5/5/2015 1:01:36   
Mystical Warrior

@Lordkoz I don't think its possible to make the "Attack" button do 3 different kinds of attack animation although I'm not sure if there's a class that already does such a thing
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 304
5/5/2015 1:16:00   

I'm not sure of the coding of it, but Artix did have 2 attacks coded to his regular Attack button, a 1-hit and a 4-hit. If there's only two, any combination would be great.
Post #: 305
5/5/2015 1:53:13   
Mystical Warrior

@Lordkoz If that is so, then it's possible, although to balance it out, the 1-hit attack would have to be weakened to compensate for the more stronger multi-hit attack, or just make it equally as strong but just divided into hits.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 306
5/5/2015 1:55:58   

@Mystical. That is basically what I was trying to suggest. IE it would have a 50% Chance of doing 100% Damage as a single attack, 25% for a 130% and 25% for a 150%, which would total to 120% on average.
Post #: 307
5/5/2015 2:31:41   

looking at the numbers the class is close to being a tier 3 class with the drawback of long cooldown and locked element, it does the hybrid job very well, but sometimes luck-dependant, and rage still has the O'l "hit the monster that has 200 darkness with darkness"

@ash, the ray of light is kinda useless.
1. the other 13 skills can loop without it by mixing offense and defence.
2. if an enemy has -20 to an element then attack is a better choice.
3. even if all the other Mega offensive skills are on cooldown you are better off using your multi attack against a single target.

please reconsider this skill, we can accept if it has way higher mp/cd if it becomes usable, maybe attaching an effect to it.

< Message edited by DarkDevil -- 5/5/2015 3:02:39 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 308
5/5/2015 3:34:13   
Sakurai the Cursed

@Evangel - You're not the only one; Cronix is great at static art and even effects and such, but his animation of character movements definitely needs some more work. Still, you can see the improvement between ACCL and Guardian (meaning Guardian is way better in that regard), so I'm sure he'll be churning out Tomix-level animations soon enough.

< Message edited by Sakurai the Cursed -- 5/5/2015 3:41:35 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 309
5/5/2015 3:48:38   

Give Cronix some time. When Tomix was starting out, his animations were quite stiff as well. You should have seen Tomix's first flash animation with a DF-styled character. I can't really track it down now but basically you wouldn't know it was made by him someone tells you.

< Message edited by Chazero -- 5/5/2015 3:49:41 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 310
5/5/2015 5:42:03   
Shadows Morgenstern

Also keep in mind the Guardian animations were done...a year ago or so? And have you seen his recent Assassin animations? Vast difference.


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DF  Post #: 311
5/5/2015 7:19:31   
Mystical Warrior

Found another issue on the Guardian class, although its mostly related to the faced used, in some cutscenes that zooms in the character's face, where he is supposed to be frowning, the face used is still in a little smirk and the frown ends up looking like a mustache for some reason.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 312
5/5/2015 7:37:22   

@darkdevil. i'm not sure about the uselessness of the light ray, my 0 WIS self think it is a good skill, since most skills cost a ton of mana and the mana drain heals just 10% of MP, which is kinda low for 0 WIS characters, so having a mana efficient skill like that one isn't bad, you can just use the others instead if you have plenty of WIS, you said it yourself that you can skip it by using other skills

< Message edited by Brasca123 -- 5/5/2015 7:38:26 >
AQ DF  Post #: 313
5/5/2015 8:23:33   

in much cases it would be weaker than the attack button, it's not even cost efficient to start with, 20% boost is 2% per 1 point of mp, that's lowest efficiency ever for a skill that does a locked element to a single target. using light ray is both a waste of mp and turn.

edit: replying to david's post under this post to avoid spam.

cost-efficient skill that deals some extra damage

this is exactly the point, it's not cost efficient, compare the 2:1 damge/mp ratio to any other single target locked skill in game and you'll see how it fares poorly , and since it isn't cost efficient it isn't worth spamming.
paladin has the least efficiency of 3.5 and guardian other element locked skills have 4 and more in case of dots.

< Message edited by DarkDevil -- 5/5/2015 9:13:30 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 314
5/5/2015 8:28:29   
David the Wanderer
Legendary AK!

I dunno, against enemies weak to Light (and you find a ton of these for most of Book 1), it wouldn't be bad. It is also a quick and cost-efficient skill that deals some extra damage, which is always a good thing. Yeah, it wouldn't be useful against enemies resistant to Light, but so are other element-locked skills against their respective element.
DF AQW  Post #: 315
5/5/2015 9:02:15   

The CD on the skills are kind of long but I think I can do a proper rotation with it. I guess its because its in the 2nd tier.
Okay. A look on the skills breakdown. It's really decent and a self-sustaining class which fits its name but DL might do better.
Can the "Ray of Light" have an additional effect of blinding the opponent? Though, it may seem redundant since it has a skill with a similar effect and Paladin has one as well.
Can "Awethur's Fury" have a stronger attack range like 200%-250% or 250%-300%? The 100 point difference seems a bit large.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 316
5/5/2015 9:09:53   

@louiscyphere it has the one percent chance on the awethur's fury for instant kill. so lets not mess with that skill cause it make up for instant kill with the low chance of it happening and that I like.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 317
5/5/2015 9:10:35   

is it a CONFIRMED instant kill?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 318
5/5/2015 9:17:11   
Mystical Warrior

After playing some more with the class, it lives up to its "Hybrid" classification. The skills are well-balanced, when it comes to boss battles going for a defensive start (Starting with either Vortex/Guardian Heroes) will lead up to an offensive onslaught (Keen Strike/Awethur's Fury/Guardian Rage/Dragon). Its skill setup is not too complicated, I would have to say that this class is really the pinnacle of Tier 2 classes.

Although I would have to agree on what the others are saying about Ray of Light, I hardly use the move except when the enemy is weak to Light.

@above judging from this post I'd say its an insta-kill move since Meltface Akriloth has more than 21k HP last I checked

< Message edited by Mystical Warrior -- 5/5/2015 9:20:59 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 319
5/5/2015 9:23:22   



is it a CONFIRMED instant kill?

Yes it is. it will do a six-digit damage on the enemy. A pop-up will occur with the lines "You feel Awethur's power flowing in you" or something similar and the character will be "covered/highlighted" with red similar to the Health drain skill.

I'm fine with the 1% PWD. I'm only concerned with the damage range of the skill.

< Message edited by LouisCyphere -- 5/5/2015 9:29:57 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 320
5/5/2015 9:24:36   

So what if they have 7 digits? as in a boss?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 321
5/5/2015 9:31:47   

I think it will still work. I believe in Ash's coding skills. And I don't remember having a boss with seven digits HP.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 322
5/5/2015 9:33:38   


@Ash just a little question though, is Guardian Rage really 14 hits? Cause I keep counting it as 15 hits, although its nothing big really.

That would be because I linked in the two hit attack and not the normal one hit animation I thought I linked. That'll get fixed.


Also is the "Normal Attack" supposed to have a 120% modifier?

All non-base classes have above 100% modifiers on the base attack. That's been the case since the revamps started.


So Ash, will the art bugs that a few others and I have reported be fixed by the time the class is fully released?

That really depends on if it's detrimental to the class. "My eyebrows aren't the right color" and "The guardian dragon is just a neck" aren't. "The game lags horribly with Heroes" will be.


Although...............would it be too much to ask for the Armor of Awe's regen (Mighty is warrior, Deft is rogue, Insightful is mage) effect or having a 100% Attack with a chance of doing a double or triple attack ala the Guardian Plate?

You're not getting everything related to AQ in one armor. I picked the most fitting for a reason.


@ash, the ray of light is kinda useless.
1. the other 13 skills can loop without it by mixing offense and defence.
2. if an enemy has -20 to an element then attack is a better choice.
3. even if all the other Mega offensive skills are on cooldown you are better off using your multi attack against a single target.

Aaaaaaand here we go again. Without numbers you all didn't even mention it. It was "oh all the skills look great and work great!" Once again when you get the numbers the nit picks start. Why didn't you notice that during testing when it should have been obvious it was doing less?

As for your points.

1. And? It's a filler if you need it, like all the other "1 turn cooldown better damage than base damage" skills. It's used when necessary or if you need light damage.
2. That's the case for every elementally locked skill in the GAME when it comes to non-locked. Also, your math is a *tad* off. Base is 120%, Ray is 145%, that's a difference of 25 not 20 as far as the game's engine and damage calculations referring to elemental weakness are concerned.
3. Again, And? I think you're missing the point.

Elemental locked skills aren't ALWAYS "better". In this case Light is one of the most common weaknesses in the game. That means it gets LESS of an elemental compensation akin to a non-standard element like Curse. I really don't care about your "2:1" remarks as they don't hold water to how the skills are balanced. It's NEVER a straight "2:1" or any such something. It's based on more factors than that. Ray is a combination of "How much compensation does the light element get", How many turns cooldown should this skill have to be spamable", and "How much mana should be a good spam skill limit." It's not MEANT to be amazing, it's meant to be a quick filler if you need it but because of how Chronix animated it I ended up have to use light, just like Pally and everyone back then complained about something similar.


is it a CONFIRMED instant kill?


14. Awethur's Fury
1% chance for "Insta Kill". (Fills in for PWD)
150-250% damage. (Randomly chosen upon attack)



I'm only concerned with the damage range of the skill.

So you want the skill to have the ability to be a "any element nuke"? You lose 1% chance to PWD. It still can do a significant amount of damage and the MP cost is lower because of the fluctuating range. If I made it another nuke like GD you'd straight up lose the 1% death and get a flat damage nuke.

< Message edited by Ash -- 5/5/2015 9:37:01 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 323
5/5/2015 9:42:11   
Mystical Warrior

Well I certainly want the 1% PWD to be retained rather than get another nuke, I mean the class already has alot of nukes: Guardian Dragon, Guardian Rage (If it doesn't choose the wrong element), and Keen Strike. So the class has enough of it as it is. I don't mind the fluctuating range at all.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 324
5/5/2015 9:43:54   

So that's the consequence then. Well I rather have that PWD Any update on using Time Core Edge's element changing with Guardian? If it's not much of a problem or anything.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 325
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