=DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Melissa4Bella -> =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/2/2013 16:00:10)

Hiya DragonFablers!

You wanted more various threads of discussion about Classes and we listened! This week and every week following, we will be introducing a thread for every class in DragonFable.

This thread: All things Guardian Armor.
Now for the rules of this thread:

  • All =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules apply.
  • The "All Classes" thread will remain pinned to the top of the forum until all the current class threads are released.
  • There will be a Class Directory stickied to the top of the forum once a few class threads are active for quick locating.
  • On suggestions: The DragonFable staff offer specialized suggestion threads from time to time and you may post your suggestions when those events occur.
  • Please keep discussions to the Guardian armor.
  • Most important: Have fun!

  • Frost Moglin -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/2/2013 16:12:40)

    Well, I have 1 thing to say, it's a really random and fun-to-train class. I mean, what other class needs DMs, other items from usual quests and one was for waching a cutscene! And by random I mean that hey, it has a skill of 12 hits, with random elements! And the guardian blade, the greatest random damage weapon ever(Not actually a part of armor, but has a bonus at the armor)!

    Rukaji -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/2/2013 17:41:21)

    I never used Guardian, but it looks fun. I really love that crazy attack they have. :D

    Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/2/2013 17:43:38)

    It easily has the best and most diverse class training in Dragonfable.

    Therril Oreb -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/2/2013 18:17:09)

    Easily the best class or at least in the creative sector.

    First of all, the history of the class
    The Guardian dates from back when there was only AQ. Being a guardian was like top-notch. You had tons of perks and you knew you supported AE with the development of their game.
    Being a guardian is cool, still and as such, always has this nostalgic feeling no matter what game it was used in.

    The training of the class
    After you confirm your guardian account on your DF account, you instantly get sucked into it.
    You do avrious quests, collecting different items all just to become a better guardian. It really gives you a feeling you are improving yourself to get better doing different kinds of training.

    Even getting the signature weapon involves doing a quest with a special room where only guardians can get the sword.
    And of course we have the Guardian dragon that of course made it all the more fun. I am still sad you can't redo this quest. :p

    And finally, the class itself
    In the whole game, Guardian does not really make a strong appearance. It has mediocre skills with a bit of this and that. But the skills themselves make sense for the class and are all unique in their own way.
    Having a random element spam attack rage skill, using the guardian shield to protect yourself or summoning the guardian dragon to egt a free message and a flame on the opponents behind.

    I just love the class in every possible way and I have used this class a long time for it was just so fun to use.

    flashbang -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/2/2013 19:40:56)

    I remember how desperate I was to unlock the armor. I was already a Guardian. I finally did it and I was like "These quests..." I don't use it a lot any more, but I like it. Just never war with it.

    afb728 -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/2/2013 22:20:06)

    I can never get myself to use it for more than 2 quests at a time. I like the way it looks, but I could never take the time to figure out what its capabilities were.

    EDIT: I decided to try it again for fun. It's not useful in a war at all.

    Galez -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/3/2013 1:50:40)

    Copy pasting on what i post on "What is your preferred class for wars?"


    the guardian rage is pretty powerful especially if the enemy don't have any resistance but the multi a bit meh.

    usually for the guardian rage i got 70 crit on all of the 12 hit. also i think the guardian dragon need a new catchphrases and a new fire breathing animation

    shadow dragon666 -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/3/2013 2:01:27)

    Guardian is one of those classes you use to joke around in basically, it has some interesting skills, and if it was given a Post 9.0 Update I could see it being pretty funny to use, though it'd have to be changed around a little to not be so elemental forced.

    The guardian dragon could use some new phrases as a few said, but that's minor, though something to keep in mind if it ever got a update.

    In truth if anything i'd love to see like Guardian Captain or something else sort of like the Evolve Dragon Lord, we get a higher version of the guardian armor allowing both old and new skills to be played with, and a new one could be made into the 3 base classes such as AQ's rogue warrior and mage based guardian armors.

    Galez -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/3/2013 2:08:18)

    @^i like that idea maybe we could get the ultraguardian armor or the armor of awe

    shadow dragon666 -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/3/2013 2:09:30)

    Ultra guardian could be an option, though Guardian Captain is kinda more interesting as it gives DF it's own version of guardian.

    salene -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/3/2013 2:10:10)

    i gotta admit, this is one of the most fun classes to rank up. most quest's require tedious farming of the same quest over and over again, but each of these is individual. the guardian dragon boss is also very unique and fun!

    99th Dracopyre -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/3/2013 2:13:20)

    The skills are random and outdated, but have an interesting blend of theme.
    If ever if get a revamp, it would be awesome, but the overall guardian theme should still be intact.


    salene -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/3/2013 2:17:23)

    @99th Draco ha LOL, i totally agree now that im thinking about it! i would be intrested to see an update, although honestly i wouldnt put much effort into getting the new skills

    rytis155 -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/3/2013 4:40:58)

    Guardian Rage is what makes Guardian a Guardian :D I enjoyed training the armor, though I was struggling with Guardian Dragon boss. The armor itself could be more powerful, or be required for other class *coughDefendercough*.

    ASdeTergI -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/3/2013 6:17:54)

    Yeah... guardian needs a serious buff. Maybe make the 12 hits element seek? and give more attacks with dots and stuff. And what if the guardian dragon did ??? damage and had a chance of guardian dragon jr also?

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    Zyrain -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/3/2013 10:48:27)

    As others have said, training the Guardian class is the most fun and interesting of all the classes.
    Due to using either Mage, DragonLord or SoulWeaver, I don't actually use the Guardian class.

    To me, it's only downfall is the Guardian Blast and Multi Attack skills as they're elementized, even though they're the abilities I'd use most during quests/farming. So against Fire and Energy monsters, I find the class a nuisance.

    I do still need to level up and defeat the Guardian Dragon for the final skill though. >.>

    Therril Oreb -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/3/2013 12:21:21)

    I think the guardian is fine as it is. No need for buffs, let it keep his nostalgic feelings the way it is.
    I only hope to see more classes with as much fun tot rain as this class [:D]

    shadow dragon666 -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/3/2013 16:16:26)

    Therril: It's so so, But that's where the idea of Guardian Captain came about, giving Guardian a face lift and a boost in power, But you're also able to maintain the old armor as is for those whom wish to enjoy it.

    Heck if they could, even pull something like dragon rider, and have 2 skill sets via one armor if people rather keep the original looks, that also would work.

    salene -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/3/2013 16:46:59)

    that would be ideal, although i say that the old armor be available for a revamp, instead of creating a whole new armor!

    shadow dragon666 -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/3/2013 16:52:30)

    Well, that's the 2nd idea make it like dragon rider, have 2 skill sets, Pre-9.0 and Post 9.0 sets and you can switch back and forth, means you don't need to create a whole new armor art. Just work with existing and such.

    In truth, that actually made some interesting concepts for armors like that, and guardian possible few others as well.

    salene -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/3/2013 17:10:53)

    oh, i get it, i thought you were suggesting to make a whole new armor that is similar to both combined, not literally combining the two. that would make for an interesting saga as well though!

    GearzHeadz -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/4/2013 0:19:32)

    I'm still upset we don't have the proper colors to make guardian look right. .-.
    We need stronger lvl guardian swords too.

    salene -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/4/2013 0:38:57)

    i say that there is an option, in titan boss fights, to get on the guardian dragon to fight. it could have a really awesome new skill set, along with a really awesome design!

    GearzHeadz -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (7/4/2013 0:44:12)

    Mind=Blown Great idea!
    I say that they should buff Guardian class in several ways including art, animation, and skills. For instance, it should use a shield, similar to DL. They can use the Guardian shield, a good implementation! I also think that it should be color custom option, and give us the base colors for it, because we don't have the color options to choose from to make it proper.

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