Congratulations. The Paladin armor has finally become the tank it was always meant to be. The Good Points: The new Inner Light ability is really awesome. The paladin is now a really good tank for the non-DA (who have no access to DL), and quite useful to DA holders, too. It was an excellent improvement to transfer some of the offensive abilities to the non-DA side. There is finally a decent stun, and a nerfed multi. The fair heal & mana abilities, combined with bless, inner light and an OK shield makes it quite unkillable, without having to use the seal. Points for Improvement: Seal- i think it is redundant. the class has a lot of healing, and it hardly gets to the point where this is useful. seal is a dead skill, that is unlikely to be used. Phoenix Song, Spear of light- the class already has 3 powerful offensive abilities (dawn&crusade for non-DA, wrath for DA) that has no special effects. these skills have decent damage, but that is not what is needed for the class. the current problem is that the class has many skills that does the same thing. there are 5(!) good offensive, 3 heals plus inner light, and almost no utility (only prism and aura). the solution, in my opinion, is to replace (or give effects of) a damage buff (10%), a DoT (10%) and a blind (20%) for seal, spear and song. to Ash- i know that the reason there are no such skills is the overall power, but as small utilities (giving effects no larger than 10-20%) with reduced damage they might actually reduce the power of the class, and make it more interesting to play with. true, we had many tankish-buff/debuff classes lately... but still. EDIT: Ash- thank, i did not know some skills had the mentioned bonuses. i do agree that many classes lately have a lot of damage-for-bonuses things. i guess i got used to it. (although i still love RW the most).
< Message edited by mahasamatman -- 9/24/2014 10:51:34 >
His followers called him Mahasamatman, and claimed he was a god. He never claimed to be a god, but then, he never claimed not to be a god. Circumstances being what they were, neither admission could be of any benefit. Silence, though, could.