to be fair, a change this big will need testing for a while before my answer can be finalized. ive been looking forward to this change for a while now. although i dont play a fraction of what i used to, this will definitely give a large change of balance to all classes. i say "change" with foresight to both good and bad. tanks now will have a a new advantage, since one single turn should not be the cause of their downfall, however as some people have calculated, certain classes have one or two extra stats which can give a large advantage when those numbers matter. if a mercenary faces a techmage caster. no longer does the merc have to worry so much about reroute, whereas the caster does not have to worry about hybrid. however, if the merc starts the battle by activating their armor, then the mage has a chance to activate their reroute, whiche regardless of level, gives it a boost. however, the merc having the skill of static smash available, should definitely get the win in this scenario, and i think this change will reintroduce a more rock-paper-scissors, where merc>mage>bounty>merc. of course this isnt always the case, but im looking at this with a very generalized, skill, not core, reliant builds. this was a brief 10 minute thought, with i admit very little insight on outliers and % and other important figures, but i hope some of you can be a little more like me and admit that there are some good sides to this change occurring. some other things to look out for: azraels weapons losing buff from deadly aim. massacre loses buff when pairing with bloodlust. mercenaries become less of tanks mages lose the whole recycling ability this increases the lopsidedness of builds, which i think will increase the enjoyment of 2v2's greatly, and boss battles. it will greatly monotize 1v1's, but who knows, the game is only as fun as creative you can be :D it will lower the odds of winning in juggernaut i know i pointed out mainly the positives i could think of. Dont claim its biased because i am trying to optimistic so i dont care about those remarks. Battle on my friends, enjoy the upcming bloodshed :D