The ErosionSeeker
*insert cheesy pun here*
Comparing Technomancer to Frost Moglin, Necro, Paladin: For MP Grenades, my WIS is 169, my MP is out of 2240. Techno in 5 turns: Turn 1: Byte (80% damage with 30% boost for 10 turns) Turn 2: Mana Grenades (100 + 170 / 5 + 100*(2000/2200)) Turn 3: Overclock (Re-enables Grenades) Turn 4: Mana Grenades (100 + 170 / 5 + 100*(2000/2200)) Turn 5: Force Sword (300%) Now to put this into numbers, assuming a weapon with 100 base 100 random and and no attacks fail, but 0% crit rate unless guaranteed... Turn 1: Byte (80 + 30% = 104) Turn 2: Mana Grenades ([100 + 170 / 5 + 100*(2000/2200)] + 30% = 292.5) Turn 3: Overclock (0) Turn 4: Mana Grenades ([100 + 170 / 5 + 100*(2000/2200)] + 30% = 292.5) Turn 5: Force Sword (300 + 30% = 390%) For a total of 1079% damage over 5 turns, or an average of 215.8% each turn. ------------------------ Paladin in 5 turns: Turn 1: Ultima Combo (4 hits of 30% at 100 crit) Turn 2: Zeal (3 hits of 75%) Turn 3: Phoenix Song (3 hits of 100%) Turn 4: Spear Toss (2 hits of 100%) Turn 5: Spinstrike (140%) Now to put this into numbers, assuming a weapon with 100 base 100 random and and no attacks fail, but 0% crit rate unless guaranteed... Turn 1: Ultima Combo (4 * 30 * 2= 240) Turn 2: Zeal (3 * 75% = 225) Turn 3: Phoenix Song (3 * 100 = 300) Turn 4: Spear Toss (2 * 100 = 200) Turn 5: Spinstrike (140) For a total of 1105% damage over 5 turns, or an average of 221% each turn. Frost Moglin in 5 turns: Turn 1: Spirit Burst (2 hits of 120%) Turn 2: Twig (3 hits of 100%) Turn 3: Spirit Burst (2 hits of 120%) Turn 4: Spirit of Giving (9 hits of 25%) Turn 5: Spirit Burst (2 hits of 120%) Now to put this into numbers, assuming a weapon with 100 base 100 random and and no attacks fail, but 0% crit rate unless guaranteed... Turn 1: Spirit Burst (2 * 120 = 240) Turn 2: Twig (3 * 100 = 300) Turn 3: Spirit Burst (2 * 120 = 240) Turn 4: Spirit of Giving (9 * 25 = 225) Turn 5: Spirit Burst (2 * 120 = 240) For a total of 1245% damage over 5 turns, or an average of 249% each turn. Necro in 5 turns: Turn 1: Corruption (80% damage with 40% DOT over 5 turns, total of 280%) Turn 2: Seed (delayed 100-300% damage, assuming 200% average) Turn 3: Dark Boon (80% damage with 30% boost for 3 turns) Turn 4: Champion (3 hits of 70% with 100% crit) Turn 5: Pet (160% damage) Now to put this into numbers, assuming a weapon with 100 base 100 random and and no attacks fail, but 0% crit rate unless guaranteed... Turn 1: Corruption (80 + 40 + 8 Fear = 128) Turn 2: Seed (0 + 40 + 16 Fear = 56) Turn 3: Dark Boon (80 + 30% + 40 + 24 Fear = 168) Turn 4: Final (420 + 30% + 40 + 32 Fear = 618) Turn 5: Pet (160 + 160 + 160 + 30% + 40 + 32 Fear = 696) For a total of 1666% damage over 5 turns, or an average of 333.2% each turn. For Fear, I'm counting it as 8 damage per charge to a max of 32. Adding in a (current expected value for near Level 80 players), 70% crit... Technomancer: Only Force Sword does not receive crit% boost Total of 1561.3% damage over 5 turns, or an average of 312.26% each turn. Paladin: Only Ultima does not receive crit% boost Total of 1710.5% damage over 5 turns, or an average of 342.1% each turn. FMA: No skills are 100% crit Total of 2116.5% damage over 5 turns, or an average of 423.3% each turn. Necro: Only Champion does not receive crit% boost Total of 2343.6% damage over 5 turns, or an average of 468.72% each turn. So at the moment, Technomancer is weaker than Paladin against no-resist/no-weakness single monsters. Assuming that it was against 3 monsters, Technomancer fares a bit better, gaining skills that deal an effective 420, 390, and 375, but... Techno in 5 turns against 3 enemies: Turn 1: Mana Grenades (100 + 170 / 5 + 100*(2000/2200)) Turn 2: Photon Bow (3 hits of 140%) Turn 3: Static (3 hits of 120-140%, average of 130%) Turn 4: Black Hole (3 hits of 125%) Turn 5: Mana Grenades (100 + 170 / 5 + 100*(2000/2200)) Now to put this into numbers, assuming a weapon with 100 base 100 random and and no attacks fail, but 0% crit rate unless guaranteed... Turn 1: Mana Grenades (100 + 170 / 5 + 100*(2000/2200) = 225) Turn 2: Photon Bow (3 * 140 = 420) Turn 3: Static (3 * 130 = 390) Turn 4: Black Hole (3 * 125 = 375) Turn 5: Mana Grenades (100 + 170 / 5 + 100*(2000/2200) = 225) Monster 1: 845 Monster 2: 395 Monster 3: 395 Effective total damage of 1635, split over 5 turns to equal 327 Adding in 70% crit... Monster 1: 1436 Monster 2: 671.5 Monster 3: 671.5 Effective total damage of 2779, split over 5 turns to equal 555.8 So only during multi battles does Tech beat the current king of tier 2, Necromancer. However, its cooldowns on Bow / Static / Black Hole are 4, 4, and 10. The class has weaker damage output than pre-vamp classes outside of multi battles, but its cooldowns are too inconvenient to actually use in multi battles. Since the class is supposed to be against multiple enemies, then it makes less sense for its strongest single-target skill to have the shortest cooldown. Mana Grenades has a cooldown of 4, which means using Overclock immediately after it lets you use Grenades twice in 3 turns, and the loop continues the instant the 4 turns clock runs out. Drillbit also has a very short cooldown (6) for what it is; a 2-turn stun that attempts to connect 3 times. Overly powerful skills like Grenades and Drillbit are treated to low cooldowns, while fair skills such as Table of Elements has a huge 9-turn cooldown. If anything, I think both Grenades and Drillbit should have increased cooldowns, while Table of Elements and say, Photon Bow / Static receive reduced cooldowns. Black Hole's 50% chance to stun enemies balances the fact that it's supposed to be the third multi on Technomancer.