HOLY MOLEY!!! you guys are vampires :O ok, how about instead of flaming in a negative manner how now the game is broken, and undo, undo, undo, you open a new thread, and let them know your full opinion on HOW and WHY this negatively or positively affects the gameplay.. so many posts have i seen about how "broken "ED has become. can your browser no longer run ED? oh wait nope. you seem to be fully aware of the situation, thus i am going to imagine that you have run the game, adn it is not actually broken. it may be imbalanced, or even easily abused, however, that is what this player base is, and has been for. to commute with the gods (devs) and tell them that their gift, we find unfair to the sacrifice we had lain before them, and ask them to send another winged horse, becasue those were so good the frist time (its a metaphor, let me be) I'm not a huge fan of every change which has taken place, but i have attempted to let them see what i, as a daily player see, in order to make the aware of the changes which CAUSE the imbalance in the first place. i get it guys, the new updates are a BIG change, and its nothing we cant ge though, however the solution isnt to proclaim that you have found something noe one else has: flaws. the solution is talking thourgh and AIDING the devs without experience so they can easily make the changes that are needed. I think this update was actually much needed. It gives the whole game a shift, and this shift must be met with push in the opposite direction. Enery is at too high a price right now, and i think that is one of the updates we will see in the near future, either everyone's energy will increase, or all energy costs will decrease, in order to make skills and abilities still playable instead of just a beat-em up game. i like the new skills, but some tweaking would be nice to re-provide a sense of competitivity among different classes, rather than boosting those with energy over those without.