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All you need to know about Ascendant

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12/21/2013 0:34:22   

All you need to know about ascendant


What is the Ascendant class?
The Ascendant is an atealan class which is basically a stronger form of a mage. All the skills are similar, except that they are buffed much more. The Ascendant class is available to only mages. If your base class was a Rogue or Warrior, check out the guides for Crytics and Riftwalkers.

Where do you get this class?
This class can be only obtained in Atrea (The Anomaly). The trainer for the class is Isiri, and she can be found in the tower which you see after entering the place. There are 3 staircases; one on the left, right and center. Take the center one and keep going till you find a room. Enter it, and Isiri will be there. Remember, if you are not a mage you cannot enter! Once you enter, go to Isiri and click 'read signs'. There you will have to do a quest to unlock the armor, along with its skills. However, you must have a Dragon Amulet to be able to unlock the armor.

How does this guide help?
Whether you are an Ascendant newbie or a master DragonFabler, everything about the class is located in this guide, and can be useful to you! Since this class is closely related to mages, you may not have any trouble with the class at all, but if there's any doubt on the skills or the abilities of the class, feel free to check this guide out!


Scale: From 1-5, with 1 being poor, 2 being Average, 3 being Good, 3.5 being Pretty Good, 4 - 4.5 being Very Good, 5 being excellent

Offense (Damage output, boosts): 4.5

Defense (shielding skills, defense boosters, etc.): 2

Healing: 1

Stalling (debuffs, stuns, etc.): 3

Mana Consumption: 3 (moderate)

Overall Rating: Pretty good

Best Ascendant stats for your level


Level 80
INT: 200
END: 135
WIS: 60

Level 70
INT: 180
END: 115
WIS: 50

Level 60
INT: 160
END: 95
WIS: 40

Level 50
INT: 140
END: 75
WIS: 30

Level 40
INT: 120
END: 55
WIS: 20

Level 30
INT: 90
END: 30
WIS: 25

Level 20
INT: 60
END: 10
WIS: 25

Level 10
INT: 25
END: 10
WIS: 10

The Ageisk Boost

Before we move on to the skills, you need to know about the Ageisk Boost, a vital component of the Ascendant armor. In a battle, with every passing turn, you get a boost of 5%, capping at 25%. This means you will have a 25% boost after the 5th turn. This means Ascendants are at full power later in the battle, and is extremely useful for boss fights. However, using the final skill reduces the boost back to 0.

Ascendant Skills


Incomplete. Will be completed soon

Tolm's Wrath : 30% damage DOT for 5 turns.

Appearance: The player strikes by spinning the weapon to hit, and then punches.
Effect: 2 hits of 55% damage for a total of 110% weapon damage. 30% Fire DoT for 5 turns.
MP Cost: 15
Cooldown: 5 turns

Kick : Stops a foe from running away. With style!

Appearance: The player runs and kicks the target
Effect: 1 hit of 150% damage, prevents the target from running away
MP Cost: 5
Cooldown: 10 turns

Break Concentration : Damage's Target's Mana.

Appearance: The player strikes by spinning the weapon to hit, and then punches.
Effect: Damages the target's mana with 150% damage
MP Cost: -
Cooldown: 10 turns

Aksal's Light! : -60 Hit for enemy

Appearance: The player summons comets from the sky to strike the target
Effect: Gives the target a -60 bonus for 5 turns (Including the turn it is used on)
MP Cost: 20
Cooldown: 6 turns

The Hammer : Buff self and target sleeps for 3 rounds

Appearance: The player is enveloped with a celestial pattern, and then strikes by spinning the weapon to hit, followed by a punch.
Effect: 2 hits of 55% damage. Increases your boost by 25% for 6 turns. Stuns the enemy for 3 turns.
MP Cost: 15
Cooldown: 30 turns

The Book – Chapter 2 : Restores 10% mana

Appearance: The player is enveloped in a rune design
Effect: Heals 10% of the player's mana
MP Cost: -
Cooldown: 3 turns

Thorny Shield : Barrier Defense for 2 turns

Appearance: The player is enclosed in a shield
Effect: +180 Defenses for 2 turns (Including the turn it is used). If the player is hit, the enemy takes the same amount of damage back.
MP Cost: 15
Cooldown: 10 turns

2 hits of 50% damage
Appearance: The player strikes by spinning the weapon to hit the target, followed by a punch.

The Staff :+30% Power Boost for 5 rounds

Effect: 1 hit of 100% damage, 30% boost for 3 turns.
MP Cost: 15
Cooldown: 5 turns

The Wand : +25% damage, extra damage when Frozen

Appearance: The player walks up to the target, becomes surrounded by a rune pattern, and then drops lighting bolts onto the target.
Effect: 5 hits of 25% damage, does extra damage when the target is affected by Frozen.
MP Cost: 35
Cooldown: 5 turns

The Scythe : +30% damage, adds -25 Fire

Appearance: The player walks up to the target, becomes surrounded by a rune pattern, and then drops large icicles onto the target.
Effect: 4 hits of 32.5% damage. Applies the Frozen condition, reducing the target's Fire resistance by 25%
MP Cost: 25
Cooldown: 5 turns

The Dagger : +30% damage, +30 BtH for 5 turns

Appearance: The player walks up to the target and kneels down, becomes surrounded by a rune pattern, and starts jabbing with the weapon.
Effect: 8 hits of 16.25% damage, gives +30 bonus to the player.
MP Cost: 25
Cooldown: 5 turns

The Book - Chapter 1 : +30% damage for 5 turns

Appearance: The player is surrounded with a rune design, then summons comets to strike the target
Effect: 2 hits of 65% damage, gives the player a 25% Boost for 5 turns
MP Cost: 25
Cooldown: 5 turns

Ageisk's Fury : Cast to all enemies

Appearance: The player is surrounded with a rune design, after which the enemies take damage.
Effect: Hits all enemies for 150% damage each
MP Cost: 30
Cooldown: N/A

Ascension : Guaranteed Crit

Appearance: The player is surrounded by a rune deisgn, then summons comets from the sky to strike the target.
Effect: 1 hit of ?% damage, guaranteed critical. Ageisk boost applies to this skill, but is reset after using.
Prerequisites: Requires 3:10 to be used
MP Cost: 25
Cooldown: 15 turns

Pros & Cons


  • Ageisk boost makes the class extremely powerful
  • Has many boosting skills, further increasing damage output
  • Has extremely powerful skill combos
  • Has a variety of offensive moves which affect its offensive stats


  • Lacks healing skills
  • Lacks mana healing. Its only mana healing skill doesn't exactly help matters.
  • Against bosses which can heal or bosses which can possibly do high amounts of damage, ascendant isn't very useful.
  • Animations are long. This is annoying enough to be mentioned here. They aren't JUST long. The rune designs sometimes even makes the game lag. Its a strong class for farming, but the long skill animations can be very irritating.

    Ascendant Strategies

    This section will show you all the combos and strategies for ascendant. If the first few of the sequence manage to kill your opponent, then good. But if not, follow the other steps. If the opponent is not dead with all these steps, repeat the sequence based on the steps given. Use alternative skills for ones which still have their cooldown going on. You have to be discreet while seeing combinations, and come up with your own ones too! Some notes have been given below each sequence to follow though and understand better.

    Weak/Medium opponents: Ascend -> Dagger OR Aksal's Light -> Ascend

    Tough Opponents: Ascend -> The Hammer -> The Scythe -> The Wand
  • The Hammer isn't a compulsion, but its recommended
  • Scythe -> Wand is the main combo. If you REALLY feel you need to play something between those 2, you can, but only one move, or the Frozen condition will wear off.
  • Throwing in an Aksal's Light skill can be quite useful.

    Very Tough Opponents: Ascend -> Aksal's Light -> The Hammer -> The Staff -> The Book -> The Scythe -> The Wand (Note: Preferably using a fire weapon)
  • The Hammer can be used at any time, but not between The Staff -> The Book -> The Scythe -> The Wand. This is the MAIN combo. And you can't interrupt it this time.

    Very Tough Opponents (alternate tactic): Ascend -> Aksal's Light -> Tolm's Wrath -> The Hammer -> The Staff -> The Book
  • Ascend can be either used at the first or last. It does immense damage at last, but removes your ageisk boost.

    Matching Accessories

    Interested in style? Not to worry, we have the perfect section for you!


  • Thanks to Boxer2380 for helping out with strategies
  • Thanks to Boxer2380, DarkLore, and ~Cursed Hero~ for typo corrections
  • Thanks to Neo21 for helping out with strategies

    < Message edited by Silver -- 5/25/2014 5:33:25 >
  • Post #: 1
    2/23/2014 4:36:38   

    I came up with another little combo for tough opponents:

    1. Aksal's Light!
    2. Tolm's Wrath
    3. The Hammer
    4. The Staff
    5. The Book - Chapter 1
    6. Ascension

    The buildup of the Lost Chapter boost from the first five abilities greatly improves the Ascension; additionally, The Hammer, The Staff, and The Book - Chapter 1 each give a 30% damage boost that stack on top of the Ascension.
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 2
    2/23/2014 4:43:46   

    In the cons section you put pros by mistake.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
    3/1/2014 22:54:16   

    Also, a lot of the appearances, effects, mana costs, and cooldowns have Calendar Armor (not sure which one) stuff.
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 4
    3/2/2014 7:06:31   
    ~Cursed Hero~

    You might wanna recommend a level to start using this class. Also, fix this typo:

    out the guides for Crytics and Riftwalkers.

    And it would be good if you linked the Cryptic and Riftwalker guides.
    Good luck :)

    < Message edited by ~Cursed Hero~ -- 3/2/2014 7:08:02 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 5
    3/2/2014 9:05:40   

    Thanks you guys, I apprecate your help ^^ I'll add all of your names in the credits

    @Boxer: That isn't a bad tactic (and I'll add it) but 2 problems-

    1) Your ageisk boost is gone

    2) The wand does more damage (and even more with a fire weapon) provided that its boosted with the scythe
    Post #: 6
    3/7/2014 22:31:36   

    Yeah, it's more of a five-hit-kill kind of thing.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, and you still haven't fixed the Calendar Armor thing yet.

    < Message edited by Boxer2380 -- 3/7/2014 23:19:42 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 7
    3/7/2014 22:37:58   

    ...The typo I mentioned is still there. The cons section still has pros above it.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
    3/13/2014 23:28:42   

    You've got a few abilities that seem to describe Time Killer abilities instead of the appropriate Ascendant. Break Concentration, The Book - Chapter 2, Thorny Shield. On top of that, most if not all of your ability image links show Time Killer abilities instead. For the three you mis-described, they seem to show the ability you were describing instead, so.. I'm just confused.
    AQ DF  Post #: 9
    5/24/2014 1:35:46   

    I find askal's light -> ascend a quick combo for dealing with low health/high damage opponents, rather than dagger -> ascend.
    You still get the boost, but you take less damage, which helps for longer quests.
    AQW  Post #: 10
    5/25/2014 5:32:49   

    @Neo21: Thanks, I've added you in the credits.

    Sorry I haven't been able to edit/maintain this guide. Any help regarding the best accessories for ascendant would be greatly appreciated.
    Post #: 11
    6/24/2014 13:04:21   

    the final requires 3:10 to be used? isn't that a TK thing?
    Post #: 12
    6/24/2014 15:38:49   

    Semi weak bosses

    The staff
    The scythe
    The wand

    The Ascension skill

    Prerequisites: Requires 3:10 to be used <--- Thats from TK
    DF AQW Epic  Post #: 13
    8/27/2014 17:04:06   
    Hopeful Guy
    Hope Upbringer!

    Locked by owner's request.
    DF  Post #: 14
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