Stats (str,dex,tech and sup) didn't change with this update, so I can't really see how the rate of blocks and stuns would be effected unless the base calculation was modified and I highly doubt that these have been touched. Just my opinion! At one stage, when I was active as a moderator and tester, I created luck calculations that were based on trigonometry. What this type of calculation method would do is that it would replace the direct comparison method (i.e linear that has minimum and maximum chances) with a curve that compared the statistical difference and would give a value from 90 to -90 (i.e. the the min and max value of a right angled triangle with a statistical advantage/disadvantage) Then, depending on if the value was above or below zero a chance factor was created. The issue with the calculation method is that it's trigonometry and not easy to explain how the chance value is calculated as it actually used 2 RNG functions. One RNG determined if there was to be a luck factor, this part of the equation could be based on previous turns/level difference etc... and then the other RNG would occur if the outcome of the first value was true. It then compared the chance factor to a random value to determine if there would actually be a luck factor. The result could be easily varied by having a static fixed value (luck modifier) that was triggered by an if statement e.g if x >= 50 then the luck factor would occur. x being the sum of the chance factor times random plus modifier. Way too hard to explain in simple terms :( So the choice is easy to explain, but erratic luck output or hard to explain with refined chance output. That is not to say luck would be removed from the game, just the more suspect one would be harder to obtain! In my opinion luck should also favour the lower levels because, due to the statistical difference the higher levelled players will in most cases always have more luck. Maybe I didn't explain it to Rabblefroth very well ;) Also when I was stuffing around with flash I traced the output of the Adobe RNG function one million times, stuck the output in excel and averaged the output. Guess what? The RNG works fine ;) Anyway, Epic Duel without luck factors would be called Boring Duel. Edit:typos
< Message edited by Goony -- 1/10/2014 5:04:47 >
In Epic Duel, success is not final, failure is not fatal and it is the courage to continue that counts!