You say 10% is a lot by far. Realistically speaking, it is, but...it isn't. if you currently us a MoB and it does 22% to HP, and lets say you manage to hit 500 damage (unrealistic mainly). You would gain 110 HP. Now, at 10% more, which is 32%, you would gain 160 HP with MOB. That looks pleasing in itself, yes? However, I'm going to use...realistic damage now. Say you manage to hit the opponent for 300 damage, which is a decent hit these days At 22%, that's 66 health while at 32%, it's 96 health. already we see a diminish in hp return from 500 damage to 300 damage by 30 points. Also remember that you won't always hit so high. Damage scaling isn't static; it's dynamic, meaning every little thing in battle changes it, like defenses, strength, buffs, debuffs, critical, rages, blocks, deflection and more. Im using MoB on a realistic scale of events, and not just using numbers over and over again. You WON'T hit 300-300-300 and gain ~300 hp. You WILL, however, hit 300, 174, 250 because of luck factors on the game. Also, I understand they provide amazing coverage I am NOT suggesting a buff, I am merely saying that a buff wouldn't op or hurt a BH or bm. At most, you may gain an extra 40-60 HP