How We Roll Winner Mar15
@ChaosRipjaw Thanks muchly. I wanted the head to obviously be a pyramid but also less then that. More of an impression or suggestion of a pyramid than an actual solid structure. Which is why I shied away from a ton of detail there. Xafgnosi is a concatenation of the Greek words Xafnikos (sudden) and Gnosi (knowledge). The idea is that he is a new god for a new age. Here are the quick notes I jotted down to get the juices flowing: "Decades ago people dreamed of the land of Tomorrow. Flying trains, cities on the moon, travel tubes, and the like were but a few of their whimsical fantasies. Those dreamers of old brought with them their old gods. Cracked and faded deities; decadent and fragile beings driven to dust with the coming of the future. Tomorrow has come and the dreamers of Tomorrow have cast out ancient gods. Continually connected Tomorrow's dreamers praise science, logic, and the courts of public opinion. These new dreamers bring new gods. Flashy, sleek, and quick; bulging with the promise of the latest upgrades and pouring forth upon their congregation new technology and the impersonal clarity of their binary wisdom." Spot on with your item guesses. Thanks mate. @Chaosripjaw I really like your submission! I toyed with a few layouts with a central figure parachuting. I really like the fun expression you gave the guy he looks really flustered lol. Are those birds in the background carrying spears?
< Message edited by Wyrm -- 2/18/2015 18:27:17 >