@Bjeble: Welps, the X-Boosts still need to be re-worked I believe, which looks like is not happening at all. Lel. So unless things like X-boost events happen. . . .eh. . . . As for SG Characters. . . what was it, like 10 SG for Queen Aegea? Given 50 ACs equals to 1 SG. . .. 500 AC's? Pretty cheap then .. I mean, in AQW an armor is like usually 600-750 ACs, sometimes 900 ACs, maybe 1,100 I think. . .and for some it's like 2,000 AC for armor. . .. and then you put in the helmet/cape/weapon. . . and pet maybe. . . So I guess the character costs are good. Though if you want to collect ALL the characters.. . well that could be expensive. Lel. Since you would also want the pre-evos. . .