In other words, Influence-based shops, with more unique items in each shop? I like the concept - even if it's just art, not everyone would be able to get it because they haven't fought enough during the War. I'd be fine with everything but exclusive cores, because of balance - unless they were reskinned versions of existing cores (and the same damage, obviously). Just not too many shops - more items would have to be created, and this means the Artists could lag behind and not have time to do so. Oh, and give War discount so they won't be overpriced either - also because they need effort to be put it, in order to get those items + Infernal Android is cheap due to being a War item. quote:
But to make it more of a realistic war, the winning side should get a unique reward plus physical changes to the map. And perhaps alignment-exclusive areas of a map? Such as part of the Dread Plains is controlled by Exiles, and all the War rewards - which they've unlocked - can be purchased there. Legion players cannot join it. *of course, these would have to be new areas - not existing ones, so you won't end up locking players out when they shouldn't be*