Yeah, I'm sure it will. Hun's suggestions would also do wonders for balance (if you're a BM only). And so on. Not everyone will agree, not everyone thinks in the same way as you do, etc. Besides, there's no direct contact with Rabble. He was on IRC in the past, but that's long gone. If people utilized it more in the past, they would've had a chance to speak with the Game Staff directly. I mean, there was a lot of them around there: Lycus, Ashari, Rabble, Practel, Charfade (once or twice), Illuminator, and even Wiseman. Pretty sure NW and Titan got on few times, but not as much. There is a Forum section dedicated for IRC and related stuff, and it was all there. Existed for good few years, and there's one for every game, general, and even off-topic. But for ED, it's long gone because channel has turned inactive and was de-registered from official channel list.