Hm. Final push without War Rallies would be interesting - but when would the "final push" activate, and disable any Rallies? When x side reaches n Influence, or when both sides reach n Influence? What if x side reaches it, and the other doesn't + gets a Rally - would it disable once it meets the threshold for "final push"? Also, it'd be cool if the rewards were upgraded to the level cap. Not only it requires 5K Influence now, to get the War Chest (which makes them more unique), but also would be nice. Actually, the fact it requires 5K Influence now SHOULD be the reason to have them upgraded to level cap - 100 Credit upgrades per level, basically. They do it to promos, and war items are coreless. Tl;dr - disable War Rallies after meeting n Influence (final push threshold), increase the threshold for the War Rally to activate at all, and upgraded rewards for the above reason.