@DeathGuard quote:
not all have the necessary credits to upgrade their equipment because they maybe lost more fights than they won and that's a credit deficit 1) First, losing does award 20 credits so you’re still earning credits. Also, you earn EXP at a slower rate losing which means more chances before leveling to upgrade AND considering I also mentioned outside credits sources you won't be at a credit deficit. Also, if a player is actually going to sell his aux and gun for a cool weapon, that is totally their own fault. The Devs can give out a ton of credit sources, but it won't do anything if the player w/o gear won't utilize them correctly. That's totally their own fault and no one else should be burdened by it. The old proverb you can give a horse food and water, but if the horse won't eat or drink, it's hopeless holds true to this situation. It's up to the horse. Likewise, it’s up to the player. I said this before: You have 100 battles of NPC per day which is 3k per day, PvP battles, and Missions that don’t need PvP (and those give you around 50k excluding the recent lionhart missions). If they sold gear there is plenty of ways to get back the credits needed, and varium is the shortcut method but not needed. Also in case if the player can't even beat any NPC at their level range, he/she will obviously have no chance at 2vs2 and is obviously going to be a burden to the partner who has gear. quote:
base coding probably couldn't permit. That's really up to the actual ED coders quote:
Other time players skip on purpose or strategic purposes Skipping on purpose is basically trolling which is bannable. Besides the "lag"/DC, Players should only skip for strategy when someone is stunned or at rage and want a better attack. I already accounted for this in my suggestion. Also, your loss viewpoint is subjective. Some other players including myself believe wins/losses are still motivation (better ratios) that he/she can see which does matter to some. It's discouraging to get losses that you don't deserve. ED still record losses, albeit only you see them, but you do still see them.