Ronin Of Dreams
Still Watching...
Waiting on Kell, who agreed to take a look at my post, but I'm afraid work is calling me in so my time availible is swiftly dwindling. I may have to post without his lookover for polish...we shall see. General update, though! I will be travelling Thursday through Sunday! I should have some form of access to the internet, and therefore shouldn't need to ask for an extension, HOWEVER this WILL wind up limiting my access for collab or answering questions. If you need a prompt reply after tonight, and I am not around, feel free to ask Kell or Ryu. They know me well enough such that I feel comfortable allowing bunny right or so forth of my character based on their interpretations if needs must. I'll just work with it. Now posting itself...well, writing shouldn't be a problem. Posting might. So if I get someone to post my writing in lieu of account access, don't be TOO shocked about that either. EDIT: Posted. Must now flee to work. Will do a summary of important actions in an OOC post later. Hint: Not too much ACTUALLY happened, the woes of being tiny and movement taking appreciable amounts of time instead of negligible amounts. EDIT 2: First off, I'd like to thank Apoc for waiting on me. Much obliged. Seriously. Second, what happened of importance in that post? Not all that much! The ferret hopped off its blade-perch, moved in a vague arc to its left towards the Energy Pillar, and has set itself up in a flanking position of the Connor-Kriege fracas forming up. More behind Connor than to the direct side of either, in terms of flank, and close enough to be able to assault either with a mentioned preference in intention in the post. Don't forget, ferrets are SMALL critters, and sand really isn't their friend all that much. Yeah, everyone has seen a squirrel sprint away from a person/dog/cat/<insert threat here>, but that's on hard ground and really short distances all things considered. For it to travel the same distance as most other competitors ought to, and I hope the portrayal does, take a much longer time than any of you bipeds. Even Kriege standing two-legged can probably outpace the ferret, though the ferret will certainly accelerate much faster.
< Message edited by Ronin Of Dreams -- 9/17/2014 20:10:33 >