Cloak Scrap A darkness swirls around this small scrap of black cloth... it almost seems to pull in the shadows around you. (No DA Required) Location: The Evil Artifact Price: N/A Sellback: 0 Gold Level: 1 Element: Evil Stats: Crit +4, Magic Def +2, Pierce Def +2, Melee Def +2, WIS +2, END +2, INT +6, DEX +6, STR +6, Bonus +5 Resists: Light +5, Darkness +5 Modifies: Warrior, Mage, Rogue, Ancient Shadow Warrior, Ancient Shadow Mage, Ancient Shadow Rogue, Shadow Warrior, Shadow Mage, Shadow Rogue Rarity: 100 Item Type: Artifact Equip Spot: Neck Category: Armor Other information This item is one of the 13 cursed items from Artix Entertainment's 12 Anniversary Curse of the Phantom Pixel special event. This item also affects the dialog in the Caitiff quest if you have it in your inventory. Replaces your necklace slot when equipped. Thanks to Niki for corrections.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 12/22/2023 13:13:31 >