The reason OS has no storyline is because 1)the OS team hasn't found the time to make it, 2)the staff for the OS team gets called over for to work on other games for a while, 3)AQW is AE's most popular game, so with all that money going towards them, it's like their other games are ignored (people might still play WarpForce, but there hasn't been a release in ages making it a dead game; think about Disney's online games Toontown and Pirates of the Carribbean Online, their story lines finished, but players still played with no new release until it shut down, but the players playing or not isn't what makes a game dead; it's a lack of releases of ANY kind, even just shop and item releases, which is why HeroSmash isn't dead despite its lack of story), and 4)they're working on their stupid mobile games. But I do agree about there being too many character releases. It doesn't have to be particularly a story update, it could be a bug fix. We need those. Only and just character and nothing else releases show lack of game development. Notice how I bolded the word "stupid" and put it in front of mobile games. If that's why no story is made, I'm like, "Whatever..." But by doing their mobile games, they're ignoring their most annoying as crap bugs on their online computer games that not only make gameplay less enjoyable, but drives some players over the edge with their anger and away from the game(s).