I think, reprehensible as it is, it would be a good addition to the game, especially for those who want a darker, edgier hero. Would probably couple nicely with that Doom Weapon they carry. Of course, the ramifications for ding such a thing are, well, hard to gauge. If Tomix ever wanted to write more stories with Aegis, well, he'd have to account for the fact that some people ate him. Not in the sense that Aegis is necessary as a McGuffin, for his abilities, because I imagine a Fleshweaver could supplement with their own. No, I mean as a character, and he'd essentially have to double the size of the quest to account for that. And what if the player changed midway through and ate Aegis in the middle? I think cool as the idea is, it'd have to be implemented properly if at all, but the size is fairly unfeasible.