Legendary AdventureGuide!
Something I can, but won't say. The thing that is coming is moving along smoothly but slowly as time is unfortunately divided, but it has all the approval and backing it needs. That said, crap happens. I won't say what it is, because there is always a chance, however small, that it won't happen. I won't say when it is, because unforeseen delays come up. I don't want to build up too much hype, too much hope, until we are 100% certain and have a confirmed date, just in case. But I will say that Kiyone has worked exceptionally hard on this, and Gal and Warlic are doing their part as well. Hopefully you won't be waiting too long, hopefully you won't be waiting in vain. But as of now, something is coming, and while it isn't as grand as the game deserves, such as the long story quests it never got, it will be worth the wait. Kiyone has made a little teaser that likely won't make sense until everything is announced, but if you can convince him, he may show it to you ;)