Aura, to catch you up on most of this: Facts: Fleshweaver is not confirmed, but if it is, it will be canon, no exceptions. In order to unlock it, you must devour Aegis, no takebacks. 3 Classes will be locked off, as well as any potential content involving Aegis. Reasons for/against: Most people who want it, want it because it would be denying them content they want, and it does sound like it could be an amazing class animation wise. People against it worry about the moral implications on the Hero and the workload this will place on the staff (Armor, locking classes out at the source and Armor closet, potential branching of storylines here and there, etc...) Personally, i am against it if only because the staff is currently working on a lot of projects, if at anypoint this changes, and they have the time and resources to create it, then i will be for it.