King Bling
Static Smash of a mercenary is very pathetic, now to show you how pathetic it is if you compare it to other energy stealing skills, Lets start with Static Grenade. Now Consider a simple f5 build where the primary damage of the normal f5 will be 450 and with legendary stats 480, but lets pick 450 because we dont want legendary status to dominate this post, ok so, as per the description of the static smash, at max it drains 55% and out of that 55%, 75% of it is given back to its user, considering 450 as primary damage of a normal f5 user. Calculations : 450 x 55% = 247.5 Now out of that 247.5 x 75% = 185.625, just enough for a level 1 or 2 heal, nothing else not even a bunker buster which is a burst skill. Now consider a simple f5 bh, possibly a smart bh will have 45+14 support i.e 320 energy Calculations : 320 x 65% = 208 Now the difference isnt much but, now consider a strength build where the persons primary is 600, as we know str is nerfed and to attain 600 primary you need 157 strength or you may say 112+35+2 etc Calculations : 600 x 55% = 330 Now out of that 330 x 75% = 247.5, enough for a bunker buster, which doesnt work with str, now think of a bh with 160 support yes there is no build but this is just for a comparison, I dont know exactly how much he will steal but it is pretty much above 450 giving over 300 energy. NOTE : People say mercenary has burst moves thats why it has this kinda pathetic static but we all know it is useless, a level 1 heal can cover up a max out plasma cannon or bunker, over that if a merc is stuck in an energy trap like tlm or tms then its a GG. Another point people point out is in a battle one can use blood commander and get more energy later, but it can be cut down with cores as well and still as said if 600 primary takes that less, no use a str build cannot work against kartherax and rest stuff. Discuss. Thank You.