Lord Machaar
I don't think strength needs to be changed much or at all really. I'm a strength Tech Mage and I win around 65-70% of my battles while doing it fairly quickly (30-35 wins an hour in 1v1). I was also a strength Bounty Hunter using blades, poison, and cheap shot and won around 60% of my battles also fairly quickly at around 28-33 wins per hour. .... I can take damage as well. I have two sources of physical skills that improve with strength (bludgeon and fire scythe) that I use when a person is capable of using a resistance shield or technician. Or I can malfunction and assert my true strength against those who have no shield. This is quoted from this reply: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=21995445 This is not said by me, but by another player who is now playing this build at the moment. Here is a quote of mine; quote:
Fixing a 30% lifesteal is better, this skill is shared by 2 classes, both classes have different access to energy, CHs can easily use lvl max massacre while BHs can't, therefore following the concept of berzerker/bludgeon/double strike will "overnerf" this skill when it is used at level 10. If you replace bludgeon with massacre, you will understand the following idea. Bludgeon is shared by 2 classes, TMs and BMs, now strenght TMs are already doing good, strenght BMs aren't, buffing a mutual skill by the same amount doesn't seem as a good solution for me as: A- TMs are already doing good with strenght builds. B- Both classes have different access to energy, TMs are the best energy-wise classe at the moment. I hope mutual skills such as: bludgeon and massacre are well tested before getting buffed to avoid creating a new balance problem.
< Message edited by Lord Machaar -- 6/21/2015 22:02:26 >