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RE: Strength changes

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6/17/2015 19:18:29   
Rogue Ninja


Drains EP based on damage dealt?

@ Dual Thrusters That's a good idea as well. Maybe let it take only 20% and make it work like the core skill called "Energy Shot" which means it can only take energy depends on x% of Primary damage.
AQW Epic  Post #: 51
6/17/2015 19:33:26   
Uchiha Sarada

I was Thinking on Maybe Reducing critical strike chance on all battle after used? or
Leech a % of all damage back as energy?

< Message edited by Uchiha Sarada -- 6/17/2015 19:52:39 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 52
6/18/2015 0:21:56   


Sounds like idea, but having 3 skills improve with dex (Fireball - Overload - Plasma rain) is kinda humm... why not making improve with technology to go on par with plasma canon?

Scaling it with technology would make it exactly like plasma ball- but physical. Also increasing it Ranloth mentioned that if we increase it with dexterity it will enable bloodmage to replace plasma rain with a unique multi- that scales with strength.
Post #: 53
6/18/2015 1:12:01   

Replacing it with a new Multi would be pretty low priority, and would possibly take months before it would be done - it's not an effective solution, when Fireball is weak right now and could use a boost asap.

Moving scaling around could be done at a later date, when we can replace duplicate skills. Right now, putting it on Dex and Tech would result in abuse by either build. Support is a possible option, but it would be highly inferior to the likes of Mercs, because Multi deals damage on both opponents - thus the build would be ineffective in 2v2.
Leaving it on Strength seems to be the best option, and possibly giving it an effect; small EP burn based on damage dealt, one-turn debuff (because the fire broke through your defences), etc. EP burn sound like the best idea, since it wouldn't be a huge amount, but significant enough to make the skill more viable.
AQ Epic  Post #: 54
6/18/2015 13:24:00   


Replacing it with a new Multi would be pretty low priority, and would possibly take months before it would be done - it's not an effective solution, when Fireball is weak right now and could use a boost asap.

I know, I meant that in the future its a possibility.
Also if it gets EP drain would it get a fixed number or percent of damage?

Edit: Support scaling would be fun for 1v1. But like you said: ineffective in 2v2.

< Message edited by AQWorldsFarmer -- 6/18/2015 13:25:37 >
Post #: 55
6/21/2015 21:59:29   
Lord Machaar


I don't think strength needs to be changed much or at all really. I'm a strength Tech Mage and I win around 65-70% of my battles while doing it fairly quickly (30-35 wins an hour in 1v1). I was also a strength Bounty Hunter using blades, poison, and cheap shot and won around 60% of my battles also fairly quickly at around 28-33 wins per hour.
I can take damage as well. I have two sources of physical skills that improve with strength (bludgeon and fire scythe) that I use when a person is capable of using a resistance shield or technician. Or I can malfunction and assert my true strength against those who have no shield.

This is quoted from this reply:

This is not said by me, but by another player who is now playing this build at the moment.
Here is a quote of mine;

Fixing a 30% lifesteal is better, this skill is shared by 2 classes, both classes have different access to energy, CHs can easily use lvl max massacre while BHs can't, therefore following the concept of berzerker/bludgeon/double strike will "overnerf" this skill when it is used at level 10.

If you replace bludgeon with massacre, you will understand the following idea.
Bludgeon is shared by 2 classes, TMs and BMs, now strenght TMs are already doing good, strenght BMs aren't, buffing a mutual skill by the same amount doesn't seem as a good solution for me as:
A- TMs are already doing good with strenght builds.
B- Both classes have different access to energy, TMs are the best energy-wise classe at the moment.

I hope mutual skills such as: bludgeon and massacre are well tested before getting buffed to avoid creating a new balance problem.

< Message edited by Lord Machaar -- 6/21/2015 22:02:26 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 56
6/26/2015 13:29:07   


You can't have high Str and low Dex, because your attacks will likely get blocked...

You can, if you have the Celtic leaver, and lots of people do.
Post #: 57
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