Thanks for all the support. I agree that VME-VoF is clunky so if I receive the title which I believe is only if I win then perhaps for short, Eternal Void of Fate as in sucks in fate of others taking good and bad and harnessing that energy. If I don't win I can settle for Master Void of Fate. @Voltaggia Great points but who said I wanted to usurp Nulgath (I know story...) but I want Nulgath back and to be the volunteer coder he never had not that I have any coding experience yet... As for having a queen as Gorillo has suggested I choose Arcane Ranger - not sure what options or if it is real or not. And as second in command not sure if Hanzo because I fought so many to get here, or something else such as Drakath because of its power and create a new storyline here... @DarkLore you can start story whenever you want but I shall improve upon it or write my own regardless of results. Due to the great amount of support I shall give a little in-depth of the game although not as calculated as TFP. So our first game was very evenly matched within first half each of us laying about 2 flame whirls, 2 shields, 1 incinerated 500. We used iron hides at approximately the same time. He played 3 shields and I played another iron hide. I had to use a newly developed strategy for the match so although it seemed smooth for me, it was due to practice. To give you a gist, I ditched my burns and Oversoul did not use any either showing equal strategy again. Second game I just had a great hand to counter his iron hide but my camera ran out of memory *ugh new comp soon* *quickly switches cameras* to record the kill and final words of the great tournament. This was given to show that although the games went quick that it was still truly very subtle differences in the Rebirth v Rebirth deck. Any ideas for boss fights? PM me if you would like can't have Kiyone knowing. I also may want to duel against Drakaths, Dragons, Nulgaths basically hard-core tourney v me for the sake of Oversoul
< Message edited by DarkBlazer49 -- 12/14/2015 18:03:10 >
Voice of Fate, Founder, Void Rebirth and until I defeat Nulgath's Shadow, Master of the Voids: I am neither mortal nor immortal but if you excuse the "puns" an Elite, a Titan, and a Phoenix as we all are. Nothing more and nothing less... The Transcendent