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RE: Is magic worth it?

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12/4/2015 19:01:34   

Custodian (DF)

I will be short with this one: Stop bickering, stop trying to drive each other's arguments into the ground or to drive the thread off-topic while doing so.

This applies to everyone. Debate is acceptable, even encouraged, on a thread. That does NOT give your the privy to be disrespectful to your fellow forumnites however and the forum staff WILL take action against those who cannot respect other members in a debate.
AQ  Post #: 126
12/5/2015 3:50:59   


Wait, they use telepathy or the DA to talk? HUH. I forgot that. :/

I'm pretty sure Galanoth can only kill dragons because he's using a metal that dragons are weak to. That metal, as far as I know, is magic in nature - so an absence of magic would eliminate its dragon-slaying properties.


I believe it's best to use examples from other locations when we're talking about a work of fiction. If it's all theoretical, knowing the various possibilities will help us figure out how things may work in DF. My point was that dragon's mouths can produce sounds and that they don't need to produce the fire inside their bodies; I simply gave examples of those points from other locations.

Post edited. Check your inbox for more information.

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 12/6/2015 13:17:41 >
DF AQW  Post #: 127
12/5/2015 6:27:00   


Wait, they use telepathy or the DA to talk? HUH. I forgot that. :/

Probably both really, their oral communication are Draconic (growls and snarls to humans basically) which are translated to whatever-human-language-is-in-Lore by DA; I'll assume they can also use telepathy because you know, would be weird if one of the greatest magical species on the planet is unable to use the more basic form of magic.


I believe it's best to use examples from other locations when we're talking about a work of fiction. If it's all theoretical, knowing the various possibilities will help us figure out how things may work in DF.

I would rather just ask Geo to be honest......

Each fantasy works have their own take on dragons that can be different from each other in some way depending on the author like how Asian dragons vs Western dragons or ASoIaF dragons vs Inheritance Cycle dragons . So if we were to talk about dragons in one specific work I would rather just go with facts we have in said work

I mean really, if I were to write my own story I could make some Lovecraftian horrors and called them dragon because hey, my story, my rules brah.

So is the current argument "How does dragon work?", guys?
Just wanted to make sure.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 128
12/6/2015 9:55:55   
Silver Sky Magician

We don't know how the Rose is planning to eliminate magic. They may simply be trying to selectively block the ley lines to prevent the active use of magic, while preserving the flow of magic in nature and in Lore's core.
Post #: 129
12/6/2015 9:57:57   


how does one.

let loose magic
yet also prevent magic?
Post #: 130
12/6/2015 10:08:07   
Silver Sky Magician


As I said, selectively block ley lines. E.g. if magic were compared to blood, what the Rose could do to amputate necrotic parts of the body (i.e. abuses of magic) as doctors do in real life could be to block the relevant blood vessels (ley lines) rather than draining the body of blood altogether or blocking all blood vessels. In other words, the Rose may aim to prevent the active use of magic while still preserving the natural functions of magic for Lore's existence.

It'll be helpful to get more information on what exactly the Rose is trying to do so we can make a more informed judgment. Currently there is no indication that the Rose is trying to target magic at its root - thus far all it has done is to target the symptoms i.e. magic users. We don't know if it has the capability to actually eliminate magic or the active use of magic per se, as this thread assumes. There are a lot of questions that need to be answered in the Swordhaven saga.

< Message edited by Silver Sky Magician -- 12/6/2015 10:17:57 >
Post #: 131
12/6/2015 13:19:19   
Therril Oreb
Legendary AdventureGuide!

When a forum staff member asks people to get back on topic and stop fighting one another, we expect people to listen to that.
People who got their posts removed know why, those who don't will also know why now.
Either this discussion is done in a respectful manner and kept on topic or this thread gets locked.
This is your final warning.

~Therril Oreb
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 132
12/6/2015 20:22:33   
Dark Lord Urmi

Adding to this once again. Magic is in our blood...literally we have all the elements in there so to end magic is to end all life on lore thats not robotic there really is no contest magic is worth it unless you hate all life.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 133
12/6/2015 21:41:53   

I agree, also iirc there is a quest chain that confirms this thus unless we protect magic all and prevent it from coming under attack in any way shape and form or life on lore will most likely be dead and the rose would be the cause of the death of an entire planet.
Post #: 134
12/7/2015 15:19:31   

so basically

the rose are one-dimensional villains who have a good side that's trying to be gray villains.

i bet the guy who owns the rose probably assembled it over something cheesy like

magic destroyed my town ugghh i must nuke Lore!

< Message edited by LyRein -- 12/7/2015 15:20:10 >
Post #: 135
12/7/2015 15:24:13   
David the Wanderer
Legendary AK!

@LyRein: The Rose was created by Jaania, and we already know her motivation for doing so: she witnessed magic destroying the lives of her friends and her own, and the first thing she saw after spending centuries trapped in magical ice was Wargoth laying waste to Lore. Have you played through Book 2? That's all explained in there.
DF AQW  Post #: 136
12/7/2015 15:28:46   


so basically.

she's a confused runway valley girl.


btw idon'thinktheicewouldactuallyaffecther

cause cryosleep
if not she would be dead.
so i guess it's mostly just her being

ughh u killed my town i must nuke Lore even though it nearly got nuked by someone else!
Post #: 137
12/7/2015 15:44:59   

more or less
Post #: 138
12/7/2015 16:07:11   
David the Wanderer
Legendary AK!

Ok, one: The Rose doesn't want to "nuke Lore". I don't know where you're getting that idea from. While the Rose does want to get rid of magic, we don't know if they'd do so in a way that'd result in the planet's death and, indeed, they probably don't want Lore to die.

Also, no, Jaania's town was never destroyed by anybody. Please check the game's history, story and lore before making assumptions about it.
DF AQW  Post #: 139
12/7/2015 16:28:46   

The way I took what they was saying was that,
She got frozen so now she wants to get rid of magic because one of her friends 'got nuked' in away so now she wants to destroy magic and by default destroy lore and or mass extinction of who knows how many races just to get rid of magic.

so more or less it is the same thing, instead of a town she cared about it was one of her friends.

I played the Xan's past so I know what happened..

< Message edited by VJ -- 12/7/2015 16:37:59 >
Post #: 140
12/7/2015 16:35:53   
Sakurai the Cursed


btw idon'thinktheicewouldactuallyaffecther

cause cryosleep
if not she would be dead.

You know what's better than creating arguments on the forums by making random assumptions about the lore? Actually playing the story. Because it says specifically and clearly that she was conscious the entire time. I don't know why you assume she would be dead either; Xan's head has been on fire for centuries and he's not dead, but I guess that's just normal.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 141
12/7/2015 16:41:34   

Xan, dead? nope, brain slowly roasted yep.
Jaaina dead? nope
Monster? you bet!
Want to destroy magic? yes and by default harming lore in the long and short run.
Willing to enslave magical creatures? yep.

Need to save magic from her and persevere all life on lore and to protect the delicate balance? most diffidently yes!

< Message edited by VJ -- 12/7/2015 16:42:02 >
Post #: 142
12/7/2015 16:52:12   

...Did you actually play the quest "An uncertain future" ? I don't know where you got the "destroy magic and Lore" idea from,but that's definitely not what Jaania wants.

Besides,she doesn't seem to be fully controlling the Rose's actions. Akanthus on the other hand...
DF AQW  Post #: 143
12/7/2015 16:56:32   

she stated she wants to get rid of magic, that is clear throughout the entire rose quest chain.
and no she doesn't have full control of the rose and its clear from her actions during one of the rose quest lines that she is ignoring what is going on around her, so if she really wanted to control the rose I do believe she could.

as to destroying lore, it was made very clear by a few chains in the rose quest line that lore needs magic so to strip magic from lore you are removing the life blood of the planet as well as throwing everything off balance.

thus remove magic = destroy lore.
Post #: 144
12/7/2015 17:05:36   
Legendary Nightshade

No. She wants to prevent people from using magic. That's not the same as removing it.
DF  Post #: 145
12/7/2015 17:07:50   

@VJ:But yet The Rose never made any magic-destroying artifacts. The chains only prevent the creatures from using their magic. Tohat doesn't seem like destroying magic to me. STILL,that doesn't mean what they're doing is totally right. The Rose CAN be good,if it was a group that focused on preventing the BAD use of magic,Lore would probably be much more safer.

< Message edited by hidan_orochimaru -- 12/7/2015 17:08:09 >
DF AQW  Post #: 146
12/7/2015 17:42:50   


Xan's head has been on fire for centuries

- Says that another player should go through the story.

- Claims that Xan's been alive for centuries.


Xan, dead? nope

I'm pretty sure Xan died in B2. I'd have to play through it again, though.


so more or less it is the same thing, instead of a town she cared about it was one of her friends.

The funny part is that it takes most terrorists to have grown up in terrible conditions, have an extreme religious ideology, and/or be on a revenge quest against a nation or culture that hurt them to...well, become terrorists. For Jaania, it was just ONE person's death and all of a sudden she's ordering people to abuse the poor, innocent animals.
DF AQW  Post #: 147
12/7/2015 17:59:55   


- Says that another player should go through the story.

- Claims that Xan's been alive for centuries.

But...Xan was indeed alive for centuries...Well,200+ years IIRC. So what's wrong there?


I'm pretty sure Xan died in B2. I'd have to play through it again, though.

He didn't. He was frozen alongside us and Warlic.
DF AQW  Post #: 148
12/7/2015 18:23:30   

But all three of them were mortals in Swordhaven, a Swordhaven that looks no different from past to present. Which quest states that the events of the Alexander story happened over 200 years ago?
But he's made of fire. Wouldn't the freeze have killed him?
DF AQW  Post #: 149
12/7/2015 18:33:03   
Rune Knight

Only two of the students between Alexander, Jaania, and Warlic were mortal. The others had different circumstances that affected their longevity.

1) Warlic is half-infernal and is 5,000 years old. He is immortal.
2) Alexander was consumed by the healing fire. So long as it burns, he cannot die.
3) Jaania was trapped in Alexander's self-healing ice spell -- not unlike the fire Warlic used on Xan. It effectively shielded her from the aging process while she was trapped.

I cannot recall where it occurred, but if I remember correctly, there was staff confirmation that the Alexander Saga took place at least two hundred years ago. The Slugwrath lineage was still in power during the events of the saga. The main reason why Swordhaven doesn't look any different -- I would imagine -- is time constraints. It would have taken a significant amount of time to redesign Swordhaven so soon after its release.

As for the ice... It may not look it, but Xan's healing fire withstood Sepulchure's attempt to extinguish him with the Elemental Orb of Ice. He may have looked extinguished on the outside, but on the inside, that fire was still burning. The only way that Xan's healing fire could conceivably be extinguished is through a process similar to the one we used to free Jaania -- aligning the elements that remain in Xan's body and extinguishing the flames.

< Message edited by Faerdin -- 12/7/2015 18:35:07 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 150
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