Knowing AE Are you sure you really mean AE or just AQW? AQW does not necessarily reflects AE as a whole. quote:
no characters will die (yet all the villains will). Again, I assume you're just talking about AQW here. Pay a visit to DF and you'll see good characters die and villains surviving. quote:
the story will be second, fashion first Okay, maybe for AQW (though I don't play AQW very regularly). But fashion does not come first in DF, nor do I think it does in AQ. quote:
recycled villains While I agree I'd like to see new, interesting villains that aren't recycled from other games, we cannot just assume that it won't be the case for AQ3D. Each game has its unique, interesting villains. AQ has The'Galin, Carnax, etc. DF has Roirr, Valtrith, Wargoth, Aspar, etc. Even AQW had two pretty nice villains (in my opinion at least): Ledgermayne and Lionfang. quote:
one-dimensional villains. Again, not the case in all of the AE games. Just look at Aspar in DF. Point is, you can't just take AQW and say it applies to all the AE games, including AQ3D. It doesn't have any plot yet, and it's nice to speculate about a possible one beyond "bleh, AE's just going to recycle everything from previous games". Because there's absolutely no reason to assume it'll just be recycled.