What will the plot be like? (Full Version)

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FriendOfAFriend -> What will the plot be like? (12/6/2015 17:44:47)

Will it be mostly AQW, maybe like Dragonfable, or will it be brand new? I'm confused on this front x:

ernitis -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/7/2015 5:22:02)

We don't know yet but this game is seperate from the timeline of others.

Autasai -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/11/2015 18:06:54)

Well, by username elimination, I can confirm that DRAKATH might have a large role.
Again. He's just AE's Junko Enoshima at this point, ain't the guy
Or someone already took the name 'Drakath' 30 seconds after the alpha release

Rlogg -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/12/2015 2:30:54)

Actually there would be new villans in the game and the old ones wont play a large role

Rezilia -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/12/2015 2:40:17)


Autasai -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/12/2015 8:57:38)

>drak's not a large role
>new villians

thank you AE

Darkonus -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/12/2015 12:34:20)

Regardless of the specific villains, I personally hope for a plot with similar structure to dragonfable book 1. The large scale plots with specific goals and multiple quest chains and towns to discover each step of the way have made coming back each week exciting, even after all these years. It's nice to have a singular goal over a long period of time like collecting a finite number of elemental orbs subdivided into a variety of interesting subplots like saving towns from various baddies. Not to mention special events like wars and rare rewards.

teravor -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/12/2015 12:42:57)

I'm fairly certain Vaxen will play SOME role.

I wouldn't be averse to Yurei from the phantom pixel event showing up either, truth be told.

LyRein -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/13/2015 9:04:42)

Knowing AE and most of AQW/HS staff working on AQ3D

no characters will die (yet all the villains will).

the story will be second, fashion first (have you seen twitter requests for AQ3D).

no backstory planned beforehand.
I.E DF and AQW arguements (in book 1 DF it was said to be AQW past, Artix said in book 3 if you weren't frozen in ice AQ events would have happened. Then Tomix completely changes this and says DF is it's own and plays no part in AQW. Yet in AQW they said it's DF's future but later on changed this as-well).

recycled villains (sepulchure, drakath, gravelyn).

one-dimensional villains.

David the Wanderer -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/13/2015 9:22:02)

@LyRein: What? No, the original project for DF was to be AQ Classic's past*, but some time after that (when none of the current DF staff was working on it yet) the Separate Timelines Theory was developed to allow each game greater creative freedom.

*which was never stated in-game, anyway

LyRein -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/13/2015 9:51:19)

Still they said it.
That's why AE needs to plan the world before hand so they don't run into problems like that.

Artix said on topic about DF,

During the phone-booth the timelines split, making a DF timeline where one lead into AQW, another into the current DF and another which is us NOT being trapped in the ice, leading to AQ which also splits into three.

MQ also would've had 3 timelines, 1 reset making DF, 1 that was not reset continuing into AQW, 1 that we don't know anything about.

That's NOT me saying that IS the case. Just showing you how confusing it gets when you don't have a common backstory for your games.

Rlogg -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/13/2015 11:02:03)

@above what are saying human aqw is a mixture of all the three timelines (DF,MQ and AQC) it came into being when galanoth slayed the the eternal dragon of time before that it was a completely seperate timeline

LyRein -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/13/2015 13:48:43)


i know that...?

that's just what Artix said

Darkonus -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/13/2015 15:39:17)

Tbh I would not mind certain plots from the timeline simply being redone in 3D. The great fire war for instance was a classic in Lorean history and when it was redone in dragon fable it was a very cool event. I don't think all plot to aq3d should be a straight copy but it would be nice to work off of existing lore. I personally did not like the direction aqw took with the storyline in just grabbing the same characters and going off the rails.

speedmeteor101 -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/13/2015 16:38:23)

I'd say something the Fire War was part of something too big to be redone in aq3d. Maybe smaller things such as the bounty hunting, sneevil fortress raid and maybe would work well redone. And the "Hero is Bored" intro was perfect. I'd love to see it practically redone! I tink aqw's intro comes in 3rd, AQc in 2nd, DF's in 1st. It'd also be really cool if we could start somewhere like (or similar to) Oaklore and travel to battleon fighting everything solo until then.

ninja12533 -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/13/2015 22:10:14)


Knowing AE and most of AQW/HS staff working on AQ3D

no characters will die (yet all the villains will).

the story will be second, fashion first (have you seen twitter requests for AQ3D).

no backstory planned beforehand.
I.E DF and AQW arguements (in book 1 DF it was said to be AQW past, Artix said in book 3 if you weren't frozen in ice AQ events would have happened. Then Tomix completely changes this and says DF is it's own and plays no part in AQW. Yet in AQW they said it's DF's future but later on changed this as-well).

recycled villains (sepulchure, drakath, gravelyn).

one-dimensional villains.

I think(or at least hope) that AE will do a better job this time. they did say there will be more mature themes like love, ...(i forgot what they said here), and DEATH so I think we can start to see some people die,
also as far as aqw goes there have been many people that have died that are not a villain in the main story line (ex: Princess Brittany)

Azan -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/13/2015 23:06:40)


Knowing AE

Are you sure you really mean AE or just AQW? AQW does not necessarily reflects AE as a whole.

no characters will die (yet all the villains will).

Again, I assume you're just talking about AQW here. Pay a visit to DF and you'll see good characters die and villains surviving.

the story will be second, fashion first

Okay, maybe for AQW (though I don't play AQW very regularly). But fashion does not come first in DF, nor do I think it does in AQ.

recycled villains

While I agree I'd like to see new, interesting villains that aren't recycled from other games, we cannot just assume that it won't be the case for AQ3D. Each game has its unique, interesting villains. AQ has The'Galin, Carnax, etc. DF has Roirr, Valtrith, Wargoth, Aspar, etc. Even AQW had two pretty nice villains (in my opinion at least): Ledgermayne and Lionfang.

one-dimensional villains.

Again, not the case in all of the AE games. Just look at Aspar in DF.

Point is, you can't just take AQW and say it applies to all the AE games, including AQ3D. It doesn't have any plot yet, and it's nice to speculate about a possible one beyond "bleh, AE's just going to recycle everything from previous games". Because there's absolutely no reason to assume it'll just be recycled.[:)]

speedmeteor101 -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/14/2015 0:11:09)

^ Correct! The only reason some of these monsters and villains are going to be recycled is to keep the AE feel. And obviously the main protagonists don't change because they're based off of AE staff members irl (as you already know). I also think some of the oldies are coming back not to be "recreated in 3d" alone but also improved. Carnax is actually gonna have an explorable city this time. Honestly as far as the plot and story goes, the role-model here is DF. AQ Classic is tied with Dragonfable as they share the best features (shop system, general functionality, class attacks/skills) as well as give and take for functionality (like the abundantly dropped Z-tokens [compared to DC's and AC's], potions, item types, exploration, etc.). AQW wins out, really, only for the multiplayer aspect, as that's what gained it its popularity. Other than that some parts that were originally meant to please the players cosmetically sort of hurt the game's playability, and functionality.

So for story-DF wins, functionality-AQ classic, cosmetics/multiplayer aspect-aqw.

So here if you look at DF for how the plot ideally would play out (functionally, not specifically) you'd see aq3d is in good hands. :D

LyRein -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/14/2015 11:17:27)


You all haven't been paying attention have you?
It is clear that this version of AQ (it is a 3D remake) is based off on AQW.

AQ combat to AQW.
AQ Battleon to AQW.

then look at AQ3D.

If you've seen a certain Gjappy post, they plan to have tiers for items like AQW (common,rare,boss,epic etc).


You didn't mention this part of my post

and most of AQW/HS staff working on AQ3D

Artix is in charge of AQ3D.
Look at how DF did in Book I. It was really childish compared to future Books.

Dage is lead artist.
Look at his twitter posts for AQ3D.
Majority of AQ3D members being AQW fans only go to him when asking up things to implement in AQ3D, a.k.a lots of cosmetics.
The only real ideas for the gameplay itself happens on forums, which AE visits rarely.

Has anyone actually died or had any impacting decisions on the story in AQW or HS?
Character development?


Artix had the best explanation for the confusing timeline of AE.
Then the new staff took over and FOR SOME REASON had to change it, yet the first explanation gave the ability to freely create the story and explain the plot-holes.

AQ3D has zero story updates as of now so we can't judge it yet.
You can't say it will be similar to DF now.

You CAN say it will be similar (a lot) to AQW because of how it is at the moment.
So don't use that as an argument.

They don't NEED to recycle villains, they just will.
AE feel? You can still have old cast but why have them be the main bad guy or main good guy AGAIN? Why can't they have appearances based on their previous actions?

There's no such thing as the AE feel when you recycle characters. Tomix is not major character in AQW yet it's clearly got the "AE feel". Mirror realm does not exist in any other game except AQW yet it has that "AE feel".

Instead of giving them excuses to reuse overused villains or cast members, encourage them to think of new ways to introduce old cast.

I.E Why should Sepulchure ALWAYS be the overlord of undead? AQW killed him off because they no longer needed him.
Maybe have him appear like Vader in the new star wars?

They introduced Drakath in a great way and gave him much more character development than other games.

Wolfofdoom3 -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/14/2015 11:33:27)

Yeh I really hope they make a new villain and just show very rarely a glimpse of the old ones.But I hate how you think characters dying is a good thing.Would you kill your friend to make a story more interesting?

LyRein -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/14/2015 11:38:05)


Because it makes the story more relateable which is exactly what a writer wants.

Why would you NOT kill a character?

People die everyday in real life, if you're going to make a story where the whole world is being swallowed by a world-ending monster, why is killing a few main characters unreasonable?

Wolfofdoom3 -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/14/2015 11:44:49)

I never said it's bad for characters to die, I mean it is but just wanting a character dead out of the blue......What if you get attached to somebody would you want him dead for shock value?Anyway what if your character is the ex machima?Yeh people die everyday in real life but you don't want them dead do you?And Who says the story needs to be about a world ending monster?

LyRein -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/14/2015 11:51:39)


No we don't want them dead.
But what can we do? Death is a part of life.

It's not just shock value. If you get attached to a character and they die, then you cry, the writer knows he did a good job and you know what death of a loved one feels like.

What WOULD the story be in AQ3D then? you tell me.

The only time a real character is an ex machina in AE is AQW.
AQ3D is not AQW.

Why are you so against killing off characters?

David the Wanderer -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/14/2015 11:56:26)

You can make a perfectly good story without killing any character (Everybody loves Disney movies, and they hardly kill characters) , and killing character doesn't automatically make your story better or mature or more relateable (Star Wars prequels were filled with character deaths, and they still sucked). Good writing isn't about killing characters, it's about making a story that the audience will enjoy.

Killing a character only to get an emotional response from the audience is bad writing, really. If you have to kill a character is because it serves a purpose to the plot or the message you want to send.

Wolfofdoom3 -> RE: What will the plot be like? (12/14/2015 11:59:24)

I'm not against killing characters...but when you just go ahead and tell the writer to kill that character it's like you did not care if he will survive or not anyway you just thought"Hey it would be cool if this character died".David has a good point.This is why you're my favourite AK man.

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