RE: What will the plot be like? (Full Version)

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speedmeteor101 -> RE: What will the plot be like? (1/7/2016 18:16:33)


I don't hate on all fan boys or [partial w/ you + you justify yours] haters. You and nuetral here are obviously on 2 ends. Now honestly, with a team of 11, what do you expect? They have a couple coders to destroy the endless supply of bugs, and only have a couple of modelers/artists. Read this by Cysero on art alone:


Well that depends a lot on the geometry. Things with lower tris are usually simpler to rig since they are more forgiving in skinning and animation. Also depends on the speed of the modeler/rigger/animator/artist obviously. It will take Xero about 2 days on average to model a monster for us and he's very fast. After approval it might take Dage maybe 2 days to paint a single texture depending on the monster, while Korin skinns and rigs in that same time frame. Assuming the monster has an idle, walk, run, hit, 2 or three attacks and a death, it might take Korin a week to 2 weeks to animate the monster depending on feedback on the animations. During that time Yergen is usually working on particle effects for things like fire breath attacks and such. Overall that's what... 10 to 17 days. That's flying.

To compete with other games that are good in alpha, they'd need a much bigger staff about 2x the size it is now, at least + the fact that they're developing this cross platform means there will be many bugs along the way to make it an even longer process so it'll be behind most MMOs and I'm pretty sure most of the ones you're talking about are on PC anyways. (maybe kickstarter helped, idk if you could get more than 2 or 3 people off of the 70k left over from the stretch goals)


"I think you should focus on gameplay" > "If the gameplay was more focused on the game and the NPCs would be much more noticeable as-well" > "Oh great... are we going to update gameplay soon though?" <fanboys shouting IT'S ONLY ALPHA even though most games at alpha look better than this> "You guys aren't really going to improve the gameplay are you?"

So don't expect the gameplay to improve until they knock off almost everything on the kickstarter stretch goal list. Then they will probably start looking at out suggestions again, as they will be caught up with the more mandatory things. Right now, they probably aren't concerned with gameplay at all; JUST the stretch goals, really, so they're giving us 'keep'm'busy' quests and with holding even more. The even more may include the new UI, which we have seen. I'm assuming they aren't updating it as they want to fulfill the first promises before moving on to distractions like bugs from a new UI. So the answer to a lot of your would be "no" or "not yet" as they have other promises that they are most-likely focusing on. And planning for this stuff was probably why we haven't seen much of a response (in-game either via updates) to our feedback.

And I'll admit, I do have a bit of "fanboying and nostalgia" but I don't take it that far without substantiation. So there's an explanation for your sadness besides incompetence. You may have known most of this already and just may be delineating your general distaste, but I gave you this, just in case. And I understand you, you're saying it's not very good right now, and that makes sense. I mean we all want this to be a good game. All I'm saying is they have priorities, and this stuff comes after theirs.

LyRein -> RE: What will the plot be like? (1/7/2016 18:25:13)


what are you talking about lol
i said those things like last year haha

i actually have a good idea to make the 4 skills work now but they won't listen to me so no point on telling
what i'm most concerned about is the story

btw why is Artix thinking up ideas when Cysero is Lead Writer?

the fact that they're developing this cross platform

they're just porting the mobile version over...
it's actually very easy compared to actual cross-platform (where each device uses it's full potential)

speedmeteor101 -> RE: What will the plot be like? (1/7/2016 19:55:53)

That's true, in way that they're porting the mobile version over, but that's where the size of the team, time, and community interest play an even bigger role for actual cross platform. I'm not gonna write an essay about that too, though. I'm sure you can go figure.

And about what you said last year I addressed the past and you just posted it (maybe again) today so you can't blame me for replying (you know what I mean).

There are plenty of ways to make the four skills work and many good ideas have been flung around the forums, but obviously, like I said above, it doesn't matter yet. It's not what they are focused on right now.

Right now, the jobs aren't exactly being used correctly right now because, as game lead, Artix technically has power to do whatever he wants (including influencing the story) and Cysero is organizing other parts of the game. So they're kind of doing the same jobs right now. But I think Artix is just generating small ideas, and probably not too much of the main story. And probably a lot of sidequests and whatnot. So it really isn't gonna affect too much right now, as I doubt they've even started thinking up a story. And if anything they need to learn to do cutscenes (hopefully interactive though it doesn't seem like they will anyways) cutscenes before delving too deep into the story because that's one of the most important parts of their games. Without those they might as well write a book, cuz its the action that gets us player goin.

LyRein -> RE: What will the plot be like? (1/8/2016 11:42:38)


go on twitter

that's all you need to do lol

speedmeteor101 -> RE: What will the plot be like? (1/8/2016 12:18:32)

for what?

LyRein -> RE: What will the plot be like? (1/8/2016 14:04:53)

Artix's twitter.

he said like a day or two ago he's working on the story lol

speedmeteor101 -> RE: What will the plot be like? (1/8/2016 18:11:16)

I know. I mentioned that a long time ago [not in this post], but I guess you didn't see that (cuz it was almost a week actually). I was just answering your question "btw why is Artix thinking up ideas when Cysero is Lead Writer?" I said he's project lead.... but because some people [not you] tend to need the most obvious things I added more... so in a way, anything I address is sort of directed at all who could possibly view it, because anybody reading can not take something correctly if you miss one thing. And I learned that from experience so I tend to state the obvious even when it's not needed. There seems to always be a good chance that somebody won't get it if you don't say enough.

LyRein -> RE: What will the plot be like? (1/8/2016 18:12:56)


quote from ur last post


as I doubt they've even started thinking up a story.

speedmeteor101 -> RE: What will the plot be like? (1/8/2016 18:22:17)

Okay, I meant the REAL story. Sorry for the lack of my info. And I stated earlier in the post, "But I think Artix is just generating small ideas, and probably not too much of the main story."And sorry for my constant vagueness but I meant by that quote was what I said earlier... the stories for the side-quests, or just small ideas that may or may not be a big part of the main story. I'm sorry, I assumed you'd apply what I said earlier to that.

LyRein -> RE: What will the plot be like? (1/8/2016 18:29:55)

oh ok i understand :)

sorry for trying to act smart lol

speedmeteor101 -> RE: What will the plot be like? (1/9/2016 23:55:09)

Well, real story is now being put into action!

Artix's tweet:


QUESTION 2: Most terrifying Villain backstory
A.) Dimensional Conqueror
B.) Strategic Psychopath
C.) Fallen/Corrupted Major Hero NPC

I think if the community wants something new, we go with 'B.' That'll be more like vaas from fc3.

Rezilia -> RE: What will the plot be like? (1/10/2016 17:24:48)

Can I choose both B -and- C? Because I feel that a Strategic Psychopathic Fallen/Corrupted Major Hero NPC is the best and most terrifying villain backstory.

LyRein -> RE: What will the plot be like? (1/10/2016 17:50:55)


on twitter btw

Handsome Jack is a good example of B + C
The Joker isn't psychotic or plans stuff (he just does stuff) but he does fit B if you think about it and we've never seen a B type main villain before, it's always been A, C or D (returning evil)

so a B type villain would be perfect, since they end up being the best ones

speedmeteor101 -> RE: What will the plot be like? (1/10/2016 19:21:55)

There are soo many good examples of 'B.' (I tweeted this too, btw.)The only way I would accept A or C is if if they were mixed in with B. So priorities = B > C > A. Sorta like you meet a new NPC in a cutscene near opening gameplay in the woods and he saves you or something, and he gets hurt seemingly badly in the process. He says he's alright and continues to fight and help others and you never see him again. You continue doing small 'adventure'-based quests 'until he's almost completely out of players' minds. Then all of a sudden a psychopath emerges and does a bunch of stuff outsmarting the player in many ways (kinda like vaas from fc3, or the many other good B examples). Then he goes on to possibly (i hope not, rly) become 'A' and near the end you figure out he is the guy who saved you, and while he saved you the injury gave him some sort of infection or something (let's leave corruption out of this) and he gets crazier, smarter, and more evil. And at the final cutscene (slow mo moment) you have a choice to kill him or ko/imprison him and if you take to long to decide he get's back up and kills you. That's the kinda thing I wanna see.

Edit: Even deper would be in that cutscene where you save him there's another NPC, and you're facing something like a dungeon boss. He gives directions for the three of him, and you have a choice to "go for the death blow" or "listen to him and trust that he will get the kill" whatever you do, the other NPC that's supposed to be listening does the opposite. So the injury will be the fault of whoever didn't listen and that would make players either hate the arrogant NPC or be like "WOW, it was my character's fault." That would honestly be great story design IMO.

Christophoses -> RE: What will the plot be like? (1/14/2016 2:08:15)

By dimensional conqueror he's OBVIOUSLY referring to the Mysterious Stranger... or Vaxen. A fallen/corrupted major hero NPC would be cool though. It would be nice we've known for a long time in the AE universe turn evil. As long as it's not Dage because he's a blessed Lich King and he's already the evilest he can be, in his own category of evil that is.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: What will the plot be like? (1/14/2016 8:09:23)

B. We've got a whole plethora of dimensional conquerors/threats and fallen heroes have been explored a fair bit in AQ, DF and AQW. B is pretty new though, only examples I can think of are Grimskull from AQW and Erebus from AQ, both of which are loads of fun. Of course, I hope 'strategic psychopath' doesn't mean 'crazy one-dimensional villain with a half-baked plan', which is most villains in AE games.

speedmeteor101 -> RE: What will the plot be like? (1/14/2016 8:47:05)

Any body played a Far Cry game? Those are some of the best written villains IMO and they use them effectively in gameplay. If aq3d could at least do something like that (maybe [less] swearing since they like to make their games kid-friendly) we'd have some bausss villainz. Like seriously B is the most logical choice.

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