Hi, I'm not sure if this is allowed here, but I've been secretly using the Armor Golem from the updated Morningstar quest to farm gold. It gives the highest gold at Lv150, and is especially good for warriors, since warriors have a perfect setup with werewolf default armour, minotaur's, chieftain ironthorn and horo-show sword with Harm toggle. It's fast enough to be a close second to Mages farming Zardnado, and very low chance of dying. Just complete the normal morningstar quest once, then choose it on travel map; go for Boss Rush. Fight the golem, flee the next one, repeat. Gold per battle: 1830000 (I capped for today so I'll check this again tmr!) Turns to kill: 1-2. 2 because I'm lazy and just use STR/DEX toggle, double Dun, no beast form. With beast form it's usually 1 turn, 2 if something misses. My mage doesn't have it as easy, I've been using Chthonian count and Necragon guise, Voidsplinter for Harm damage, Moonwalker's grace, and an earth misc like Postgraduate's diploma (Seekrat) or Polygalactase Process (Truphma). It's slower, at about 3-4 turns (because lazy), and the chance of death is a bit higher. Haven't found a more efficient way to farm yet. Shinyaro form with Harm nuke isn't as effective as you'd think over a long run, because the Golem has high MRM, and also because I'm lazy and don't want to spam Essence Orb every battle. Death Fist will however, one-shot most times with my warrior setup (Horo-show, minotaur, Dunamis), especially during minotaur day + Fragile. Also, can you teach me your ways on how to farm Zardnado, my sempai's! What are some of the methods you use? Lv150 Pure(?) Mage Char: Here! Farming spot: Zardnado Notes: I don't have Pyromancer Bloodmage, been using Headless Horseman. I die about 1 in 10 battles if I get unlucky
< Message edited by Basha -- 8/7/2018 5:24:07 >