Lord Machaar
And once again, Exile pull off another win thanks to the pay2win aspect of the war system, wasting the huge and legit effort done by Legios. Not really feeling bad for the loss, since that war prize, is just like taxi car 2.0. Just seeing that the current war system is far from getting fixed. Legions pulling off a win despite the huge difference in players numbers is feasible, but stockpiling 500 bombs, and releasing them in the last second is not something you can encounter. Anything is good if those pockets are getting full, good for the devs I think. The thing is, there is some cash being pulled out from the game being broken, it's just sad you don't see it spent on the game, like updates and whatnot. If devs are going to pull out some cash from the pay2win aspect of wars, or gifting event, at least re-spend it on the game to promote for other things, like bi-weekly updates with missions and whatnot. This is sort of big companies that pollute the earth (Broken features in-game) who pulls tons of cash, but they end up investing some of it to promote for environment stuff like funding renewable energy sources and whatnot.