I like the way it is. Attack is just 'Power' in general. Why have stats that do the same thing but limited to different class types? This would make gear not shareable between classes, requiring even more gear variations to hold in your bag, should you want to switch classes. It goes 100% against the free class swapping this game is aiming for. Please, don't do that mistake! Instead, you can add more different stats that would be useful for ALL classes: - Auto-attack & casting speed increase - Lifesteal - movement speed - Hp regen/mana regen - Damage-reflection (heh these examples would be more like percentage stats rather than numbers, but its just to get the point across) Anyways, these stats are good for any class type, even if in combo with some skills and the rest of your gear, some classes could take better advantage of them. For the same reason, I dislike "Elemental resistance" and "Elemental damage" as stats. This requires you to have separate sets of gear to deal with these various elements, and doesn't add anything to gameplay. World of warcraft went this route in the past, and they regretted it and never did it again. Its not fun to have content that is impossible for players who do not have the 'Fire resist' gear, but becomes trivial and boring when you have it. This also goes for classes! Dragonslayer? Undead Slayer? Its not good for the game when some classes make it easier, or a necessity to have. Might seem fun on paper, but its not a good design.