An Epic Flail Moment So, the other day, a French player messaged me in rage about our weird, non-standard key setup in AdventureQuest 3D. Huh!? I was confused because we are using the standard "WASD" keys that every game has used since... well, a top FPS gamer named Thresh popularized the keys making it the defacto standard waaaay back in Quake I. (Oh Rocket Jump, how I miss thee.) Literally every game I have ever played used WASD, so I was having a hard time understanding why one of our players was so furiously upset. I mean, he was REALLY upset. He said we should be using ZQSD instead-- and I looked at my keyboard and thought to myself, "OK, no one could play using those keys..." and then asked myself the important question, "...what am I missing here?" Life is 10% of what happens to you, and 90% of how you handle it On the internet it is easy to just post the first thing you think (Especially on evil deceptively misleading click bait articles.) But did you ever notice that people who do this often look... foolish? (understatement of the year.) So, in moments like these, a wise person does not simply respond with the first thought to pop in their head-- they investigate! Of course, I did not do that... or this post would be at least 16.5% less embarrassing. I posted, "But... WASD is the standard for all games O_O?" (Not the most embarrassing thing I have ever done... or will do... but you get the idea.) Then... I learned about the French AZERTY Keyboard O_O /Facedesk Most English keyboards are what they call "QWERTY". You will know this is true if you look at the "Q" on your Keyboard and read the next few letters. However, I was sent a message from another French player who kindly told me that they use a different style of keyboard where the "A" is in the upper left and it goes "AZERTY". See the picture below-- AdventureQuest 3D is really hard to play on it! ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Keyboard Knowledge 101 My apologies to the player who messaged me about the unusual keys. Now that I know there are different keyboard types (coming from Flash games that did not use keyboard commands this is an understandable learning curve) we will be making a way to customize your Keys on the PC/Mac/(Maybe Linux in the future) version with presets for English and French keyboards :D VICTORY! BONUS... Epic Guardian Rider & Patch We are rolling out a new patch today which will fix the XP/Gold exploit and a dozen other important issues. Korin finished animating the Epic Guardian Rider Mount Travel Form... and if Zhoom fixes the last few bugs he is working on, he says he might be able to get it in very soon!