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RE: Updates

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9/28/2016 22:11:44   
  Exploding Penguin

Hey everyone, sorry for the long wait on any status report but I finally have some information to give to you after talking with Charfade. I've recently just kinda been checking the forums several times a day, waiting for some information to relay to you guys about where we're at and specifically why it's taking so long to get anything moving and I'm a super glad to finally have it.

The main reason why approval is taking so long is because ED currently connects to the AE master account system. However, if ED were to move to a client, the way master accounts would connect to it would be entirely different, which is extremely important since payments, transactions, and all the other similar things happens through master accounts and it definitely can't afford to be jumbled up. Hence why gaining the approval that we've been waiting for is taking so long, since the entire way the master account system of AE links to a client version of ED would need to be changed.

So, to answer many of your guys' questions, AE has not simply ignored us or decided that they don't want ED to have a client, they just need to fix a whole slew of things with the way the master account system links up to ED, and allocating staff and other resources to do so is tricky for them at the moment. That being said, the ED client itself has actually been made and it does work, so we are literally just waiting for resources to become available to help ED with this whole master account situation.

As a long-time player of ED, I'm sorry that I can't bring the greatest news to you all today, but at least for me it is satisfying to know exactly where we're at now, and that we have clarity on the whole subject.
Epic  Post #: 26
9/29/2016 2:06:38   
Lord Machaar

So if anyone was wondering why their dear AQW game isn't linked to AE master account system, that was your answer. An AQW client could be launched at any given moment if something goes wrong with Flash. For other games though...

< Message edited by Lord Machaar -- 9/29/2016 10:02:30 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 27
9/29/2016 2:35:39   
Silver Sky Magician

@Exploding Penguin

That's awesome news!! ED has a lot of design issues and the master account linking sounds really complicated, but it's heartening to hear that there's a way out from the death of Flash. Hopefully we could see content updates return in 2017.
Post #: 28
9/29/2016 4:03:01   

thats the best new yet
Epic  Post #: 29
9/29/2016 9:54:33   

please do not get your hopes up again for this late breaking news about ed. ( The main reason why approval is taking so long is because ED currently connects to the AE master account system. However, if ED were to move to a client, the way master accounts would connect to it would be entirely different, which is extremely important since payments, transactions, and all the other similar things happens through master accounts and it definitely can't afford to be jumbled up. Hence why gaining the approval that we've been waiting for is taking so long, since the entire way the master account system of AE links to a client version of ED would need to be changed.

So, to answer many of your guys' questions, AE has not simply ignored us or decided that they don't want ED to have a client, they just need to fix a whole slew of things with the way the master account system links up to ED, and allocating staff and other resources to do so is tricky for them at the moment. That being said, the ED client itself has actually been made and it does work, so we are literally just waiting for resources to become available to help ED with this whole master account situation. )

ok they had to say something again to hold down the fort again. remb what they said about the 40 days lie. l just hope they will stand by their word this time if not it will kill ed , if they back out of what they said. what was said was said before only they used another way of saying it an nothing happen. l think they will not fix ed for a year or more because they have income coming in from other games that artix owns. since titan sold the rights of the game to artix com. which he did ,l would like to know who is in charge of epic duel now as far the total work force for it now.

anyway my thoughts on this always the syfy
Post #: 30
9/29/2016 11:21:09   
One Winged Angel1357

Syfy they already have it working in house so everything they can be done by EpicDuel team short of learning how to work on the master account system has been done.

Titan is still the lead of EpicDuel and so long as Artix isn't coming down with another project they need to work on, company wide event or being told they need to learn unity, Titan and his team decide what they will be doing.

Also can you please use the quotes formatting when you quote someone or just say your comment is referring to someone else's post? The system you use makes it seem like you are claiming everything exploding penguin said is yours and not that you are referring to what was said
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 31
9/29/2016 12:41:12   

To be honest, as much as i want to believe that this is not only true but they actually intend to carry this out. As syfy has stated, with such a lack of communication and even lies to keep players around over the years i can't actually buy into this. It just seems like a bit of a ploy to keep players around for that little bit longer and perhaps spend some more wasted cash on varium or war bombs.
Post #: 32
9/29/2016 13:58:32   

I finally got a moment to check in and comment.

I'll elaborate a little more as to what EP has mentioned above. It is true we haven't really communicated much. There is indeed a lack of that. Truth be told our team isn't the best at it. Our skills are best suited for dev time and planning. EP and BF do their best to bring issues to us and we do look them over. Thing of it is, there really isn't much new to say. Yes we have a ED client. We took it as far as our 4 man team can do. We also helped build a test of the AQW's client. After In-house testing it is theoretically possible to port. We even looked up how to get on steam and did quite a bit of research on this process. Where we get stuck is implementing account security, new payment systems and transferring accounts from master to another updated system. This whole process need staff time allocation from other AE teams. That's talking to Captain Rhubarb, borrowing people away from AQ3D, which is only going to happen with the support of the AE staff and Artix approval.

So that's kinda where we are atm.

Now feel free to put on your tin foil hats, and interpret the above however way you want. :)

< Message edited by Charfade -- 9/29/2016 14:25:29 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 33
9/29/2016 16:10:07   
Lord Machaar

The question though is, if you want to buy varium, wouldn't you just be be redirected to portal.battleon.com?
Most of the games that have clients, downloadable ones or not, redirect you to their webpage to purchase their currency. Including league of legends I suppose (not sure).

So why not make Portal.battleon.com more simple for anyone willing to purchase currency. Delete artix points and replace them with each game's own currency. Many companies out there run multiple games but have a common website. Maybe make portal.battleon.com/GameName here like portal.battleon.com/Epicduel or something like that. Portal.battleon.com would be the homepage for sort of all of AE games. Heck even make portal.artix.com or something like that, new website dedicated to purchase currencies. There are a lot of ideas to bypass this problem. It's just AE team, especially Artix feels it's not needed, why? Because AQW and AQ3D don't use the AE master account system, so all good to them.
MQ Epic  Post #: 34
9/29/2016 16:28:14   

All very good questions Lord Machaar

ED team doesn't manage or have anything to do with Portal.battleon.com other then linking to it. You would have to ask Artix or someone out of the realm of ED. Probably Captain Rhubarb. We don't make those decisions.
MQ Epic  Post #: 35
9/29/2016 17:39:20   
Cyber Dream

Guys, I've said this before. If we want change to happen then we have to take things ups with the main staff of AE since they have more control over ED. My suggestion would be to move all of our concerns here. http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tt.asp?forumid=138
AQW Epic  Post #: 36
9/30/2016 0:45:50   
One Winged Angel1357

I wouldn't say AE has more control over EpicDuel. I would go so far as to say AE has been very hands off of EpicDuel minus the whole shutting down the old forums thing, still salty, but you are correct in saying if we want a quicker solution to the current roadblock of migrating to client we need to take the issue to the proper channels so that they see it as a priority instead of continuing to be hands off and let EpicDuel handle EpicDuel
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 37
10/3/2016 14:42:37   
Lord Machaar


ED team doesn't manage or have anything to do with Portal.battleon.com other then linking to it. You would have to ask Artix or someone out of the realm of ED. Probably Captain Rhubarb. We don't make those decisions.

Well, I don't have a direct link to contact Artix or Rhubard. I'm just suggesting solutions here that you guys can discuss with them. ED team doesn't manage or have anything to do with the portal site but in order for the client version to succeed, the protal site should be re-adapted and re-built.
MQ Epic  Post #: 38
10/3/2016 14:59:49   
One Winged Angel1357

Machaar I am well aware that you and a lot of the EpicDuel community have access to twitter so saying you don't have a direct link to Artix and Rhubarb is a bit hard to swallow when I can tweet at both of them. Furthermore you can round up a bunch of users on twitter and tweet in mass to tell them that the issue is important to the EpicDuel community.

Captain Rhubarb

There are even some tools that have been used by AE to tweet in mass so there is no reason you can't use the same means to rally the community. Or you can use the link dropped by Cyber which is for comments directed at AE as a whole and not just at a game. Telling the EpicDuel devs that the master system is the issue isn't going to solve anything because they are trying to get the issue resources on their end but from what I can tell they need our help to get quick action on it
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 39
10/3/2016 16:53:44   
Lord Machaar

If I did fancy having convos concerning the game on twitter. You wouldn't find me here.

Twitter allows you 140 characters per tweet. In the reply where I was asking questions, that was around 982 characters, so I'need around 10 tweets to post my concernes properly to Artix or Rhubarb on twitter to put them in the situation.

And that's if they have time to look at this "concern" or even reply to it, with all the projects like AQ3D and . I'm sure a reply on twitter will take you more than 1k characters. We actually need a whole design note from Artix talking about this matter.


Furthermore you can round up a bunch of users on twitter and tweet in mass to tell them that the issue is important to the EpicDuel community.


There are even some tools that have been used by AE to tweet in mass so there is no reason you can't use the same means to rally the community. Or you can use the link dropped by Cyber which is for comments directed at AE as a whole and not just at a game.

I think you skipped a level here. If we follow the chronology in NW's announcement.
"When BioBeasts is “feature complete,” which should happen early in April, we will return to EpicDuel to provide some much needed fixes and improvements. Keenly aware of the dwindling lifespan of Flash, we will also investigate options such as a downloadable client to make EpicDuel future-proof. With all the traction AQ3D is getting on Steam, we could possibly find a home for EpicDuel there as well. "
- NW's Announcement

Epicduel is not provided yet with the "much needed fixes and improvements". So going back to players and telling them, alright folks, we going to skip some uneeded and stuff, and go beg uncle Artix to have pity for our game.
If the devs don't believe in ED, then automatically the players won't. The devs have stats to prove that ED can still be saved. It turns in massive amount of cash when good stuff comes out, and everyone knows ED had, has and can have potential.
Once players will see in ground improvements, then believe me, everything else will come in handy. If devs follow what they say, they will succeed. But as they say, saying is easier than doing.
MQ Epic  Post #: 40
10/3/2016 18:15:48   

One thing to remember is we were never told about what these "much needed fixes and improvements" would be.
Or if they have even thought of them yet.
You'd think they would have said something about it to keep players sticking around until it gets added if the devs knew what these fixes and improvements were going to be.

Unless just upgrading to a client is what they meant.

< Message edited by Xendran -- 10/3/2016 18:17:50 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 41
10/4/2016 1:25:38   
One Winged Angel1357

Lord Machaar you do know this issue extends beyond just EpicDuel right? I'm going to tip my hand a bit here and go you know that promise Artix made of always having the legacy games be playable all data intact. The one where you can walk away from a game and pick it up years later where you left off. Yeah he probably has no plan for how to accomplish that. Whereas EpicDuel team has made a solution for that issue and gotten it working to some extent on both EpicDuel and AQW. The AQW client was a buggy mess and the EpicDuel client needs more resources to make it work correctly. But those issues are not just locked to the EpicDuel client but to every client if Artix wants to keep his company wide events going because you need a system in place to connect all of your games.

So the players just need to plant the seed in Artix's mind that he needs to make a call on what to do with the legacy games and his existing systems before the march of progress forces him to make a slap dash decision. You can give your essay to him, I would recommend tweet longer instead of a million tweets, but you also can just have a bunch of people asking simpler questions about the legacy games and his promise to keep them running.

AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 42
10/5/2016 7:18:43   
Lord Machaar


So the players just need to plant the seed in Artix's mind that he needs to make a call on what to do with the legacy games and his existing systems before the march of progress forces him to make a slap dash decision. You can give your essay to him, I would recommend tweet longer instead of a million tweets, but you also can just have a bunch of people asking simpler questions about the legacy games and his promise to keep them running.

Or since ED devs work in the same lab with Artix, they can show him the thread, and he can come here to have a nice little discussion with us. We do have a liaison to represent the community, so I'm sure the liaison can help somehow.

But those issues are not just locked to the EpicDuel client but to every client if Artix wants to keep his company wide events going because you need a system in place to connect all of your games.

This problem doesn't include ED only, but it also doesn't include what artix cares about. If you remember, we are here talking about master account system, that neither AQW or AQ3D depend on. If AQW used the master account system, then, we would be saying that AQW faces the same problem. Technical problems of AQW's client can be fixed solely. ED's client doesn't have technical problems only, but also has problems with the master account system. So which client that will be lunched first when Flash goes off?

Simply put, you can't ask the community to beg Artix for a master account review, when the same community hasn't received anything in return. The community has given a lot in the past 2 years, unconditional support and patience without receiving anything in return, not a single thing. Name me a community out there who is willing to do the same.

If the devs found this as a dead end. They can close the game. And then we can meet again in another project of them in 2020 or 2030.

< Message edited by Lord Machaar -- 10/5/2016 9:40:22 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 43
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