Exploding Penguin
Hey everyone, sorry for the long wait on any status report but I finally have some information to give to you after talking with Charfade. I've recently just kinda been checking the forums several times a day, waiting for some information to relay to you guys about where we're at and specifically why it's taking so long to get anything moving and I'm a super glad to finally have it. The main reason why approval is taking so long is because ED currently connects to the AE master account system. However, if ED were to move to a client, the way master accounts would connect to it would be entirely different, which is extremely important since payments, transactions, and all the other similar things happens through master accounts and it definitely can't afford to be jumbled up. Hence why gaining the approval that we've been waiting for is taking so long, since the entire way the master account system of AE links to a client version of ED would need to be changed. So, to answer many of your guys' questions, AE has not simply ignored us or decided that they don't want ED to have a client, they just need to fix a whole slew of things with the way the master account system links up to ED, and allocating staff and other resources to do so is tricky for them at the moment. That being said, the ED client itself has actually been made and it does work, so we are literally just waiting for resources to become available to help ED with this whole master account situation. As a long-time player of ED, I'm sorry that I can't bring the greatest news to you all today, but at least for me it is satisfying to know exactly where we're at now, and that we have clarity on the whole subject.