So, I've been playing on and off since the beginning of Gamma. Jugg used to be something I could win well. I've got a great build for it (my F5 TechMage with Dex and Dex emphasis, plus Technician boost). I have tons of high-hits I can do with or without energy, can heal/energy cycle, and have a ton of Def/Resist. The problem is that simply with the underdog boosts AND getting levels at the minimum difference from my (only 6 levels of difference) I simply cannot beat them. I too used to be able to just crank out the Jugg wins and inspire fear (wahahaa, I'm a Jugg). Now it's just a joke. I feel less like a Boss taking on weaker players and more like some old boxer getting his butt kicked by two newbies. So, fixes are simple: 1) The level difference needs to be higher, definitely. MINIMUM 8 level difference. 2) The two players you're fighting should NOT get an underdog boost. Because when it is 2v1, they are no longer the underdogs. That's enough compensation in and of itself. 3) Give the Juggs some kind of nerfing. I agree, nerf energy and HP stealing actions, as well as Multis. I faced off against a pair of Super-Dex BHs yesterday. To beat me all they did was shield/heal cycle, and switch off using their Energy Steals. I can heal/energy cycle well, but I cannot out pace the energy grenades from two players. This fighting method is broken when the majority of Juggs not only cannot win, but fail to kill even one player.