I had an idea regarding the Librarium. I'm pretty much going to say what I did in the original thread, although probably in more detail this time, and maybe a couple of additional suggestions. Right now, it's not really there for any reason other than to, well, be there. But it has the potential to do a lot more. In AdventureQuest, and I believe DragonFable as of a while ago, there is a Library and there are actual interactive books you can read. I for one think this is a great idea, and as someone who loves reading, I would be incredibly excited if such a feature got added to AQW. It has the potential to add more story detail, lore/history and entertainment value. And heck, we could even have books about our own adventures written after a certain point in the storyline! We could also tie this in to the Loremaster faction (and/or storyline progression), since it too is kind of just there for the sake of being there at the moment. Anyway, here are some book suggestions I'd love to see if this ever got added. 1.) Spellbooks/Magic Books (maybe just have these there for new players or for Loremaster rep) 2.) Books on certain races/species, like maybe moglins (see above) 3.) A book on the Eternal Dragon of Time and other almighty dragons (the Eternal Dragon of Time one, I think, should be unlocked after The Span and the almighty dragon ones could be unlocked after Etherstorm, although it could just be tied into one book) 4.) A book on Champions/Avatars (maybe unlocked after Doomwood?) 5.) A book on weaving/weavers (after the Ravenloss story) 6.) As aforementioned, books about our own adventures, and maybe other great heroes? 7.) The Book of Lore (an earlier version, maybe, and with story/other odd information? Also, the (old?) cover was great, could it maybe be used as the book cover?) 8.) An in-game link to the Lorepedia? We could also have other odd books just for the sake of comedic purposes, like a Pockey Mogs book after the titular release or after the Akiba storyline (Ash Ketchup, anyone?). As for other activities, like fishing, I thought it was cool when DragonFable had other alternate locations for fishing. Maybe one day they could release other fishing docks in the future, with different fish and (maybe) different rewards? Also, I felt that it was easier and less frustrating when you could buy the bait from the shop instead of having to beat up Frogzards to get them, although maybe the staff wanted the bait to be a bit harder to come by. As for the other activities, I feel like they're alright, maybe a bit boring at times, but alright. I might come up with something for them later, although right now I could only come up with feedback for fishing. Anyway, I just felt like this might be a fun little idea that could give more motivation to completing storylines and give you a little something to do while discovering more about the world and story and give the building an actual purpose. I would really love to see this get implemented one day. One can dream, right?
< Message edited by Wizardlife -- 12/29/2016 4:54:25 >