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RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum

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7/21/2021 17:53:26   

Haha, nah I don't mind that much, no worries. Can't even remember whatever thing it was, I'm sure it was clever in my mind.

Glad to see some familiar faces though!

@Digital X, Pretty sure it basically has been, something like 9 years or so? Long time for sure.

@D.U.M. Haha nice, I was just going through some of my old PMs earlier, always kept some as well nice to read them back really :D
AQ DF  Post #: 251
9/4/2021 13:02:29   
Legendary Answermon of Snuggles

I don't know what got me here. Just casually logging in and I see so many familiar faces.

@Elnaith - I definitely remember you as 1 of the Mods in the forum :)
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 252
9/16/2021 6:40:27   
Stray Cat
The kitty
without a name

Wow, coming here is so nostalgic, even bittersweet… It’s like visiting your old alma mater long after you’ve graduated and feeling like a kid again for just a moment.

It’s funny how much simpler the world was back then, at least in the eyes of a kid whose main worries were teen acne and not flunking my school grades and keeping up with the latest anime. I had no idea how rich and terrible life could be, the soaring highs and the crushing lows.

I don’t have the words to express myself properly. Just wanted to thank you guys for all the memories. I hope you’re all staying safe during the pandemic and through all the other stuff life throws at you.
Post #: 253
11/30/2021 21:43:21   

I do indeed remember the good old days, both in the game and in the forums. And I remember you, Seahawk, as well. I miss when the forums were as lively as the game, and there were always many people to chat with there. Seeing the forums now, and the current mods, makes me sad. But it does seem that few good things last in this world.
Hey Wallo - great to see you made your goal - hope life continues to go well for you. Luck, kevin

< Message edited by kevinc1 -- 11/30/2021 22:44:46 >


Ab hoc possum videres domuum tuum.
AQ  Post #: 254
11/30/2021 22:11:30   
Hollow Knight

I don't know why AE suddenly came to my mind. These games and these forums were such a big part of what made into what I am today. I have a career, I have moved to four different states. Who would have thought that some flash games on the internet would have brought us so close to create lifelong memories than in some cases decades later we still think about it.

I think that's awesome! It's always good to see some familiar faces here!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 255
12/1/2021 7:51:47   

It's December now. Another year is about to end and yet we are all still inexplicably drawn back here to this time capsule.

I only pray we may run across each other again in the future whether here or elsewhere.
AQ DF  Post #: 256
12/16/2021 22:43:42   
Guardian Patrick

Yep, exactly and holiday is coming
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 257
12/21/2021 21:17:06   
Ribarg? Zard contest runner-up

It is so weird how I used to spend so much of my time on this site. remember is waiting for updates every Thursday or Friday and experiencing the whole AE universe expand from December 2003 to about early 2011.

I think I joined the forum in maybe 2005. Back then my username was Baruman and all I really wanted was to have the helpful title so I answered tons of questions, helped people by rating their account, mentored other in rating accounts, re-wrote the abbreviation guide and tried to help in the Pedia as much as possible. I can't remember why I quit, but I remember that it hurt me that all my friends from here became AKs over multiple years, while I couldn't even become Helpful. I was still very happy for them though, because they were great at what they did :D

On the positive side, I managed to learn how to code by making macros for weapon damage based on stats in Excel. That sparked an interest in me and now I'm a software engineer

Edit: I almost shed a tear, when I went through the thread and saw that Bball remembered me

< Message edited by Calimehtar -- 12/21/2021 22:22:36 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 258
12/25/2021 0:37:21   
The Game
Pegasus Overlord

Good to see you, Baruman. I definitely remember you and your bot kicking me from #Angband.
AQ  Post #: 259
12/30/2021 7:26:04   
Ribarg? Zard contest runner-up

Good to see you as well. I had forgotten everything about my bots on mIRC xD
I remember there being a joke that everything was always my fault and I couldn't remember how that started, but it mskes sense now that I remember which kind of menace I was in the rating channels xD

< Message edited by Calimehtar -- 12/30/2021 11:49:28 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 260
12/30/2021 14:15:27   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

I remember being on mIRC many years ago, I vaguely remember the UI of it. Those were good times indeed!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 261
2/1/2022 21:05:24   

Goodness! Been a long time indeed. So long that some of the new players are younger than our older accounts XD
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 262
2/19/2022 8:46:59   
Shadow Spawn

I was active a decade ago until I realized I got too lazy to play the game.
Left to pursue education and now an adult.

Now, the pandemic has been affecting my life and I would like to enjoy some of my retro games.

I see the forums are like a ghost town.
I wonder what happened to be honest during my absence?
Post #: 263
2/26/2022 13:00:28   
Bone Head Emo Ranger Power!

AQ DF MQ  Post #: 264
4/17/2022 6:05:19   
Contest Winner



Oh man. I'm gonna read this whole thread when I have time. This was my first forum, and the OOC room had a lot of friendships and fond memories. Battleon Town News. OOC Newsletter. Aerodian Game. The Gentlemen's Club. JTR5353, Mastikator, TheRottenLeprechaun, Gorobei, weatherseed (I leave his name uncapitalized as he did, respect). The mods who kept us from dissolving into anarchy with an 80% success rate. Reens, SCAKK, Seahawk. Unfortunately my old account is probably long gone after some 12 years of no login. That's another thing I'll look into later, when I have time for nostalgia.


Man alive, it has been an age.

< Message edited by weatherseed -- 4/17/2022 6:07:07 >
AQ  Post #: 265
5/2/2022 2:09:30   
The Imp

This is extremely surreal. I mostly lurked so no one here will recognize me and this isn't even the account I used back in the day. I've been around since like '07 or so? I have super fond memories of these games. Staying up way too late for events, browsing the forums, just so much pure joy. Seeing all these names I remember is crazy, just wish I wouldn't have been as shy about posting then. It's hard to believe it's been 15 years since I discovered AQ. I was just over 10, now I'm approaching 30 and so much has changed. I got my Masters, met the woman I'm marrying, have a career as a librarian, all sorts of things. Yet every now and then (usually late at night like now- guess I'm still a night owl ha) I'll come back and the nostalgia practically crushes me. I do miss those days and revisiting these forums is lovely. It's great to see them still in use, even if it's minimal. Even using forums themselves is a trip, what with social media the way it is today. Anyway I'm happy to see so many people from the glory days succeeding and thriving. I'll never forget the impact these games had on me.
AQ  Post #: 266
6/7/2022 11:36:25   

Definitely been a while since I was last on here (7 years apparently) and I logged on just now on a whim after rediscovering the AE games after being reminded about Dragonfable by Josh Strife Hayes. Was definitely good seeing some of the old names I recognised (sacchi and Glais mainly, my memory has really gone down the toilet in the past few years) kinda sad at how dead they are, guess reddit really did kill these sorts of sites off.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 267
6/11/2022 9:42:56   

Today is my "man I miss this place" day of 2022.
AQW  Post #: 268
7/12/2022 20:50:53   
Evil Torn

It's nice to go through and see names I still recognize, even nearly a decade later. I miss the old days when the forums were way more active than they are now.
AQ DF  Post #: 269
7/19/2022 22:01:12   
My life for Aiur


Today is my "man I miss this place" day of 2022.

Today it's my turn...getting older and more nostalgic by the day.
Post #: 270
7/23/2022 8:28:23   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

Long time no see, sean.2. Hope you're keeping well.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 271
7/31/2022 0:44:11   
Sir Nicholas

Good grief, I feel old. I remember starting here back in 2005. How I miss those days.

But, be of good cheer, for I have returned.
AQ  Post #: 272
8/3/2022 0:32:28   
Bone Head Emo Ranger Power!

You guys all are a bunch of old dudes. And dudettes.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 273
8/20/2022 14:07:19   

It's been so long since I was last here, so many names I still recognise! Old friends now mods, it's incredible to see after just over nine and a half years! I had a nostalgia hit and just had to find all of my login details, and it's mindblowing to see that it all still works and looks as it once did. Hope you're all doing well, and take care of yourselves!
AQ  Post #: 274
8/28/2022 1:06:47   

Wow, according to my profile my last login was in 2009- 13 years ago. I had nooooo idea the effect this forum had on other people as much as it did me. I scrolled through looking for familiar names and the only person I recognized was Guardian Patrick. But I know a lot of people may have changed their screen name since then. Anyone here remember the OOC battle?? Where someone made videos with us all as challengers?? Maybe I just remember it well because I won haha.

Anyone here there I know?? Send me a pm if so!

It's crazy that I knew this forum before I knew Youtube or Myspace or of course Facebook.
Post #: 275
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