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@darkhl7 Item boosts stack additively on the test servers, which means you add every % of boost on top of the others. Boost from equipment still don't stack on normal servers, don't expect it to untill the rewrite is done. Example: each AFDL piece gives 25%, so for each piece you equip, you will gain 25% more, based on the base value. Misc boosts only doubles the base value of whatever you are boosting, so if you have 4 AFDL pieces and use a boost, you will gain 3 times as much of whatever you are boosting, which means, for every 1 xp/cp/rep/gold you would gain without boosts, you would get 3 instead. Oddly enough, the server boost stack multiplicably with all the other boosts. @Alina What I like the most about the testing servers atm is the dynamic stat panel, it makes it a lot easier to find out what exactly happens under certain effects and making it easier to report possible stat related bugs. I do still wish we had the general overview of the skills somewhere, mostly the passives, because they are not listed anywhere else. Speaking of passives, they don't seem to be in effect and kind of makes some classes seem worse than they would be, which can be bothersome for balance testing sometimes. I also like what luck does now, it only increases the Crit Modifier (from what I can tell), although only under a very specific circumstance, making it more of a secondary enchantment. Crit damage seems to be higher, but crit chance seems to have gotten reduced serverly for most classes. There's also various bugs that have been around for quite a while (mostly class related), for better or for worse. I'm probably not alone in wanting class bug fixing to be a high priority, there's a couple classes I would like to use, but just can't due to bugs that makes them pretty useless, classes with 50/50 abilites only being able to activate one, stacking buffs/debuffs having the reverse effect upon fading, huge self DoTs (I'm not going to rant about it again), the seemingly nerfed state of Thief enchantments, not really giving any real benefit in pretty much everything (luck gives more evasion than thief enchantments, which should be the defining feature of a high Dex enchantment) and so on. There's also the highly variable spawnrate, which is nice when it rolls in your favor (more or less insta respawns), but it does give a little more inconsistency to farming compared to normal servers. And about xp, it would be nice if mobs and bosses gave xp that matched their difficulty, not necessarily their level. It's just odd to me that some bosses give 3k xp, while other, even harder bosses, only give 100 or so. Apart from the xp kinda scaling with level, there doesn't seem to be a pattern whatsoever. Some of the lower leveled bosses in bosschallenge even gives more xp than some of the harder ones, how does that make sense? It's probably a little nitpicky, but the feel of getting pityful amount of xp from something like Binky, or 100k+ bosses feels unsatisfying.
< Message edited by Metakirby -- 5/23/2017 17:50:40 >