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RE: CH4OT1C!'s Suggestion Bank

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11/22/2017 18:02:25   

Acceleration Blade
MC energy rapier. +3bth lean on all attacks. Mastercraft is the compression of a quickcast skill that can inflict you with "accelerated".

Example Tier:
Level: 150 Mastercraft
PowerLvl: 153

Price: 24,205,166
Sellback: 12,102,582
Location: Limited Time Shop

Damage: +3bth lean on attacks
Type: Melee
Element: Energy
Special: 0 proc

  • No-proc, so *1.08 damage
  • MC Effect: Compresses a quickcast skill. The skill inflicts the "Accelerated" status effect for 3 rounds that costs 392 SP (100% Melee). You don't have to keep the weapon equipped. The player has a 30% chance to strike twice. This doesn't apply to Pets/Guests

    *You feel the power of the acceleration blade coursing through you, enhancing your attack speed
    You feel the power of the acceleration blade, but your foe still outmaneuvers you!

    Appearance: A thin blue rapier blade with a gold hilt. Around this blade are particles of blue light. Blue electrical charges occasionally run up and down the blade itself.
    Description: Just by touching this powerful energy blade, you can enhance your movement speed, giving you the chance to attack more than once before your enemy can strike back!

    Moving faster than normal! Chance to attack twice in the same around!

    Affected player/monster has a percentage chance to attack twice in the same turn (essentially Celerity with a percentage chance to activate).

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/13/2023 20:34:06 >
  • AQ  Post #: 26
    11/24/2017 13:03:55   

    The Question

    So... "Accelerated" is like "Celerity"? but seemingly higher %-chance?

    < Message edited by Rorshach -- 11/24/2017 13:05:00 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 27
    11/24/2017 15:04:52   

    Not quite. "Accelerated" works in a similar way to the relationship between "daze" and "paralysis". "Paralysis" essentially works as a 100% inaction daze. In this scenario, "acceleration" equates to "daze" where "celerity" relates to "paralysis". "Acceleration" offers a percentage chance for a player to act again before the foe gets a chance to attack. Putting into context, that means a 40% Acceleration means a 40% chance for the player to attack again before the turn of the enemy. By multiple turns in a row, I refer to the fact you can attack more than twice before an enemy has a chance (on that additional turn, there is a further 40% chance you attack again. Duration of "accelerated" obviously reduces with each time you get to select an attack, as with other status effect durations.

    Hopefully that clarifies the effect!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 11/24/2017 15:07:19 >
    AQ  Post #: 28
    12/2/2017 14:51:57   

    Fallen Seraphim
    MC spellcaster light armour with dark and wind secondaries. MC is fueled into a free armour effect (to boost it's power).

    Example tier
    Level: 150 MC
    PowerLvL: 153

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: LTS/Canyon of lost souls

    Combat Modifiers
    Melee: 45
    Magic: 45

    Fire: 70
    Water: 70
    Ice: 84
    Wind: 42
    Earth: 95
    Energy: 84
    Light: 39
    Darkness: 42

    Attack is 3 hit, +3bth lean.

  • You receive the FO Armour Lean (*1.25)
  • MC Effect: +12.5% Healing Resistance
  • Free effect: If you cast a spell and have 392 SP, you pay it and deal +50% damage. Unlike Bloodmage, this also applies to heal spells.

    Appearance: Female armour looks similar to brilhado lich. The wings are instead made of dark energy (wings made of energy like mayhem burst). Male equivalent replaces the dress with robes designed similar to angelic robes. Detailing follows closer to the design of the lich dress however, with a similar colouration. Pale skin. Female head is similar as well, only hairstyle changed, with a silver tiara, embedded with purple gems. Male lacks this, but eye colour follows the energy of the wings.

    When attacking, weapon is raised, with purple particles glittering around the player. A small orb of dark energy , damaging opponent in a similar fashion to gravity crush, dealing the 3 hits. 33.3% damage for each hit.
    Description: Obtain the power of a fallen seraphim. Although fallen, you still both resist and can command the brightest light, and can even boost the power of your own regeneration!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/11/2023 19:23:22 >
  • AQ  Post #: 29
    12/3/2017 9:30:46   

    Angelic Robes already has a boost to healing spells in addition to light ones as its MC. You can add another effect in addition to the free effect.
    AQ  Post #: 30
    12/21/2017 12:49:09   

    I go through with my promises
    Neko Bloodmage
    MC FO earth armour. Free inbuilt effect when casting a spell - pay 151hp for a chance to inflict your foe with "kawaii overload" (renamed paralysis). Has an inbuilt armour skill "Kyoot Aura".
    Example tier
    Level: 150 MC
    PowerLvL: 153
    MPlevel: 152

    Price: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750
    Location: LTS/Neko Subrace shop
    Combat Modifiers
    Melee: 46
    Ranged: 46
    Magic: 55

    Fire: 54
    Water: 68
    Ice: 83
    Wind: 95
    Earth: 39
    Energy: 68
    Light: 83
    Darkness: 54

    Attack is 2 hit. +0 bth lean

  • You receive the FO Armour Lean (*1.25)
  • Free Effect: Whenever you cast a spell, you pay 207 HP and have a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to inflict "Kyootness Overloaded" (renamed paralysis) for 1 turn. Your Foe can resist at a +0 Bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *OMG! The kawaii aura of your spell has left your foe in Kyootness Overload!!!111eleven! (»^?^«)
    Srs opponent is Srs. ?_?

  • MC Effect: Compresses a spell. "Kawaii Overload", costing 653 MP. 2 hit earth attack that deals -50% damage (100% Melee) and inflicts your foe with "Enamoured", a renamed (renamed panic. Deals -42% damage)**. Your foe can save at a +0 Bonus:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    **Your kyoot aura makes your foe think twice about attacking you!(»^?^«)
    Your foe resists the kyoot aura! ?_?

    Appearance: A brown version of the bloodmage gear. Instead of a hood, your characters face is displayed with additional cat ears. Additionally, a cat tail is added to the back of the armour. The Spell appears similar in style to other bloodmage spells, only in brown, with an additional sphere of light radiating from the chest symbol.
    Description: Pay in blood to enhance your magical neko charms, making it hard for your foe to fight back!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/11/2023 19:13:33 >
  • AQ  Post #: 31
    1/6/2018 7:18:52   

    Chilling Aura
    MC neutral skill. Does no damage but instead makes your next attack attempt to freeze your foe. MC is spent on reduced SP cost

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS/ Frozen Northlands/Frostval shop
    hits: [see effect]
    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 359 SP

  • Quickcast skill, with 1 turn duration*.
  • After you next attack, you have a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to Freeze your foe**. This is resisted at a +0 penalty:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLevel
    Major: Your[STR/DEX/INT] (Depending on weapon type) vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *You emanate a chilling aura!
    **Your frozen aura chills your foe to the bone!
    Your foe endures the bitter cold!

    Appearance:A blue aura appears similar to that used in the mana shield skill of Quester's heavy dragon gunner, with additional snowflakes similar to those trailing Nilak. This fades after several seconds.
    Description: Focusing on the ice realm, deliver a strike with an aura cold enough to chill your foe to the bone!

    Soul Shatter
    MC neutral skill. Does no damage but instead makes your next attack attempt to Spiritually rend your foe. MC is spent on reduced SP cost

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS/ Paladin class shop
    hits: [see effect]
    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 359 SP

  • Quickcast skill, with 1 turn duration*.
  • After you next attack, you have a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to Spiritually rend your foe** Your foe can resist at a +0 penalty:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLevel
    Major: Your[STR/DEX/INT] (Depending on weapon type) vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *You emanate a strong spirit!
    **Your mighty strike shatters your foe's spirit!
    Your foe endures the spiritual onslaught!

    Appearance:Similar to Chilling aura but in gold. Instead of snowflake. Twinkling golden lights appear instead
    Description: Focusing on the light realm, deliver a mighty strike strong enough to even shatter your foe's spirit!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/11/2023 18:59:47 >
  • AQ  Post #: 32
    1/7/2018 16:53:10   

    Champion of Igneus
    MC Fully Offensive fire armour. As an MC, you deal *1.05 damage. Has a clan effect, downtrigger *0.95 damage. Unlocks a skill on trigger.

    Example tier
    Level: 150 MC
    PowerLvL: 153

    Prize: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750
    Location: Igneus clan shop

    Combat Modifiers
    Melee: 45
    Magic: 45

    Elemental Modifiers
    Based on the elemental wheel. Fire main, ice weakness

    Base attack is 2 hits. 0bth lean.

  • You gain Armor Lean x1.25
  • MC Effect: *1.05 damage
  • If you're a member of the igneus clan, you deal 95% damage on all attacks. If you are a member, the following skill is unlocked:

    Blazing Aura
  • The members of Igneus burn hotter in the face of adversity. You can use this adversity to burn your foe with your strikes!

    Cost: 392 SP
    Hits: [See Effect]
  • Quickcast. After casting*, your next weapon-based attack has the chance to Burn** your foe (Element: Fire, Power: 6.67, 3 turns). Your foe can resist on a neutral save*:

    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLevel
    Major: Your[STR/DEX/INT] (Depending on weapon type) vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *You radiate a blazing aura!
    **Your foe is charred by your blazing aura!
    Your foe endures your blazing aura!

    Appearance: This in the same colour as the fur of Igneox, and with 1 tail instead of multiple. A flaming tail tip.
    Description: Igneox has selected you to become one of his champions! This armour offers powerful fire defence, and can channel your blazing aura to burn your foes to cinders!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 1/21/2024 7:01:17 >
  • AQ  Post #: 33
    1/8/2018 13:24:28   

    I would wear it with pride
    AQ  Post #: 34
    1/17/2018 17:17:46   

    Castigation of the soul
    MC Dark tome. Mastercraft is spent on the compression of spells. Contains 3 spells, plus a "draw mana" option

    Example Tier
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153
    MPlvl: 152

    Price: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750
    Location: LTS/GGB/Any quest involving undead monsters/ soul canyon

    - If spells are disabled, the the weapon does a "wand" attack

    Proc: 0% (only if spells disabled)
    3 magic hits. Darkness. +3bth lean

    - when attacking, a GUI is brought up with 4 different options:
    1. Castigation
    Cost: 653mp
    hits: 3
    element: Dark
    Takes a 50% damage penalty. there is a [hitsconnected]/[hitsattempted] chance to cripple* your foe (-X STR and DEX) permanently (subject to save as below). The monster can resist at a +0 bonus:

    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLevel
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The chains bind your foe, crippling it!
    Your opponent manages to avoid the binding chains!
    Your opponent shatters the chains binding it! (monster immune)

    2. Punishment
    Cost: 653mp
    hits: 2
    element: Darkness
    Standard 2 hit dark spell. Nothing speciall

    3. Penance
    Cost: 392mp
    element: Dark
    hits: 3
    3 hit dark spell. +3bth lean

    4. Draw Mana (restores 395mp)**
    **Your weapon, willed by your desire to punish your foe, restores 395mp

    On a lucky strike, the weapon will deal an additional hit of darkness damage***
    Punishing strike!

    Appearance: Similar to this, purple light replacing the blue. This purple is similar to that of mayhem burst. The chain hanging from the staff is made of this energy and disappears faster than in the image. The eye in the centre is replaced with a more crystalline orb.

    "Castigation" shows three chains appear from this crystal, made of the same substance as the chain attached to the staff. These wrap around the foe. Dealing the damage and inflicting the status. "Punishment" shows the purple glow of the staff brighten, before flames of the same colour appear below the foe, dealing the damage. "Penance" shows 3 wisps of this purple fire emanate from the crystal, assaulting the foe, each dealing a hit of damage. "Draw mana" shows just a slightly increased brightness of the staff, before fading to the original brightness
    Description: This staff resonates and amplifies your dark will to both castigate and punish your foe. It can concentrate this will through several powerful spells of pure darkness!

    AQ  Post #: 35
    1/22/2018 12:53:20   

    Celestial Empress Phoenix
    Champion Elite Void Boss encounter. Can inflict you with heatstroke, and can resurrect itself after death.

    Level: 150
    Power: 3.75 (champion elite boss)

    Location: The Void
    Monster lean: 0.75 (defensive)/2 (offensive) [See effect]
    Element: Fire

    Fire: -100%
    Water: 90%
    Wind: 90%
    Ice: 50% (This phoenix is too hot to handle, no amount of cooling will weaken it)
    Earth: 100%
    Energy: 50%
    Light: 80%
    Darkness: 80%

    Melee/Magic focus on defense. Ranged is much weaker to compensate.

    Stat Distribution:
    STR: 250
    DEX: 275
    INT: 0
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 225

  • Paid directly out of power, this monster automatically inflicts the player with "heatstroke"* (in the same way as the prismatic burn of the challenge Wicked king), for 5 turns. "Heatstroke" applies as a combined choke effect 30% damage output modified by [ExpectedFireResist], and Elemental Vulnerability to fire (*1.15 Fire damage).
  • Has "freedom"

  • This boss fight has 2 stages (much like Dracolich's Spite). Each form has half a CEB's total HP (so *1/2 max health bar to pay for the 2 forms). Regenerates in the same way as Dracolich's spite.
  • The first form ("stable" form), with a defensive lean. Deals *1/2 damage in this form. Damage is recorded and stored. Normal attack is 2 hits. In this form. SP is spent on a healing skill (nothing unusual about this). This will be used as soon as enough SP is charged.
  • Once "stable form" reaches zero hp, it will regenerated to full and transform into "unstable form"** (The phoenix becomes engulfed in flames). This form has a number of characteristics:
    1. Shifts to offensive lean (so 2 Monster lean)
    2. The phoenix will spend HP to use a quickcast skill to boost damage output by 50%*** (in a similar manner to Predatory Vampire Form*
    3. Regular attacks now do 100% damage
    4. The phoenix can spend SP to form a blue star of flames around you. This deals -[x]% damage and can leave you with an "Astral Sear"**** ( Soak, for, boosting fire resistance by 1.5*Ice resistance for 3 turns) AND "heatstroke" for 1 turn. You this can be resisted with END/LUK.
    5. When it reaches 1 HP, the phoenix releases the equivalent damage recorded over the turns whilst in "stable form"*****. This damage receives a boost for building up over the course of the battle. It is further affected by the quickcast skill and is fire element (so can be affected by "Astral Sear")

    *The intense heat of the mere presence of the Celestial Empress Phoenix has left you with heatstroke!
    **The flames surrounding the regenerated phoenix emanate an unstable aura!
    ***The phoenix offers it's own life force, and the flames burn hotter still!
    ****The otherworldly flames of the phoenix have left you with an Astral sear!
    You manage to endure the otherworldly flames!


    Appearance: Similar to a regular phoenix in game, with much longer tail feathers. Colouration is bright blue (similar to this. A golden crown with a blue gem sits upon the head of the bird. Battle is set in space. The phoenix flaps blue flames towards the player as a regular attack, dealing the 2 hits of damage. Healing skill, the phoenix glows brighter blue for a short period of time. A blue star similar to that of Star Forge is conjured, dealing 4 hits for the damage skill in "unstable form". In unstable form, the entirety of the phoenix becomes engulfed in blue fire, with only 2 glowing eyes of the bird still visible of it's original form.
    Description: Celestial Empress Phoenix's are rare. Each contains and can control the power of a star within its body. It is dangerous to even be in the presence of such a bird. Dare you attack it, and risk such a power becoming unstable?

    Reward: Raiment of the celestial empress phoenix and feather of the phoenix coming soon

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/9/2023 7:58:39 >
  • AQ  Post #: 36
    2/2/2018 18:57:17   

    Celestial Phoenix Raiment
    MC Fire armour with an ice secondary. Can switch between FD and FO. Standard attacks deal reduced damage to inflict Choke. MC compresses a skill which can choke the enemy and make them more vulnerable to fire damage.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Prize: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750
    Location: Defeat the Celestial Empress Phoenix in the Void

    Combat Modifiers
    Melee: 45
    Magic: 45

    Elemental Modifiers
    Fire: 39%
    Water: 84%
    Wind: 84%
    Ice: 42%
    Light: 70%
    Dark: 70%

  • Standard Armour attack is 2 hits, nothing unusual otherwise.
  • Standard Armour attack is 2 hits, deals -10% damage, and attempts to Choke your foe (Renamed to "Heatstroke", 10 / 0.4 / 0.85 / 1.4 * ( 85 / 85 ) / 1 = -21*[Attack Element]% damage, 1 round). This can be resisted at a +10 save bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLevel
    Major: Your[STR/DEX/INT] vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The intense heat irradiating from your armour gives your foe heatstroke!
    Your foe endures the intense heat!

  • MC Effect: Compresses two abilities:

    1). Reckless Flames
    Click to toggle between FD and FO armour leans. The default mode for the armour is FD. Can only be toggled once per battle. In FO mode, instead of dealing reduced damage, the player takes increased damage from enemy attacks (+10/1.4% damage) to inflict Choke.

    2). Astral Blaze
    Cost: 185/231 SP (*0.472 Elecomp)
    Hits: 3
    Element: Fire
    Skill deals -25% damage (50% Melee) and attempts to afflict your foe with Elemental Vulnerability (Renamed to "Astral Sear", 50 / 0.4 / 1.4 / 0.85 * 85 / 85 / 2 = +52.5% damage, Fire element, 2 rounds). It deals a further -25% damage (50% Melee) to inflict a Choke (Renamed to "Heatstroke", 50 / 0.4 / 0.85 / 1.4 * ( 85 / 85 ) / 3 = -35*[FireResist]% damage, 3 rounds). Both can be resisted at a +10 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLevel
    Major: Your[STR/DEX/INT] vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    **The celestial blaze leaves your foe with [heatstroke/an astral sear/heatsroke and an astral sear]!
    Your foe endures the celestial blaze!

    Appearance: Shining blue armour (same colour as that of the celestial empress phoenix). A bright blue glow emanates. Two wings extend from the main armour. A crown identical to the one worn by the phoenix. When attacking, player flies using wings, and strikes twice at the enemy. Skill is the same as the celestial empress phoenix, with you glowing brighter and raising right hand
    Description: This metal plate was forged from the fires of the celestial empress phoenix! Not only does it offer titanic fire, energy and ice defence, but it can also leave your foe with heatstroke, and call upon celestial fires to leave them with an astral sear!

    Feather of the Phoenix
    MC Fire misc. Provides Fire resistance and DEX. Attacks have a passive change to inflict your foe with "heatstroke"

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 6,051,293
    Sellback: 3,025,646
    Location: Defeat the Celestial Empress Phoenix in the Void
    Cost: [x]SP

  • *0.5 fire resistance
  • +50 DEX
  • Attacks have a passive chance to inflict your foe with "heatstroke". [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]*[x]% chance. Foe can resist with a save at a +0 bonus

    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLevel
    Major: VStat vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The intense heat of your strike leaves your foe with heatstroke!
    Your foe endures the intense heat!

    Appearance: A simple feather the same colour as the celestial empress phoenix
    Description: A feather from the celestial empress phoenix! This feather offers powerful fire defense, enhanced movement and can empower your attacks with a heat powerful enough to leave your foe with heatstroke!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 10/30/2024 8:01:33 >
  • AQ  Post #: 37
    4/17/2018 17:31:17   

    Aura of Despair
    MC darkness spell. Does no damage. Instead makes your next attack attempt to inflict Despair onto your foe (see below).

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: Necromancer Shop
    hits: [See Effect]
    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 478 MP

  • This spell is quickcast
  • After use of this spell* Your next attack has a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted] Chance to inflict Despair onto your foe (essentially a different elemental version of Freeze). Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus**:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLevel
    Major: Your[STR/DEX/INT] (Depending on weapon type) vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *You concentrate your necrotic energies and emanate a terrible aura!
    **The necrotic aura leaves your foe in despair!
    Your foe endures your terrible aura!

    Appearance: A small symbol similar to that below the Necragon armour when using the skill to boost damage appears below you. Glowing purple particles rain down, , before concentrating into a ball. A flash occurs to end the animation.
    Description: This spell channels your necromantic magic, making you emanate an aura so terrible your next attack may leave your foe in despair!

    MC Darkness Spell. Has a chance to inflict "Hopeless" (renamed Fragile).

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150
    PowerLvl: 153
    MPLvl: 152

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: Necromancer shop
    Element: Darkness
    Hits: 3
    Cost: 653 + 174 HP

  • HP Cost fuelled into a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to inflict "Hopeless" (renamed Fragile, -33.3 END, 5 rounds). This can be resisted at a +0 bonus*

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLevel
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Having seen oblivion, your foe loses hope!
    Despite seeing oblivion, your foe keeps its spirits up!

    Appearance: A necromantic symbol similar to that below the Necragon armour when using the skill to boost damage appears under your foe. Purple energy concentrates at you, before firing at your foe to deal the first hit. Glowing orbs of purple light appear around your foe, with lines forming between them, dealing the second hit. This creates a cage which is slowly filled into create a full shape. before exploding, dealing the third hit.
    Description: This dark form of necromantic magic can not only deal hefty darkness damage, but also leave your foe hopeless, weakening their resolve to fight! This magic is more draining than most!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/27/2023 20:55:40 >
  • AQ  Post #: 38
    4/23/2018 17:55:47   

    Symphony of Silence
    MC wind spell. Sacrifices MC and damage to attempt to prevent your foe from using skills/spells for [x] turns

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS/ Maurinelle's Voice
    hits: 3
    Element: Wind
    Cost: 653 MP

  • +3bth lean on spell
  • This spell does -[X]% damage (MC is spent on reducing this damage penalty). Afterwards, your foe makes a save at a +20 bonus:

    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLevel
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    If your foe fails the roll, it is afflicted with Silence (see below)*.

    Your foe shatters the silence

    Appearance: A tree fades into view. Wind blows the leaves in the tree, with gusts dealing the three hits of damage. Shattered musical notes are carried on these gusts of wind.
    Description: Many (rightly) say that silence is golden, and this spell is no different. This silent symphony is so beautiful, it can spread the silence, preventing your foes from using spells and skills

    falls becomes unable to use skills and spells. For these purposes, the effect is treated as asleep*

    Chilling Melody
    MC Melee/Magic Ice rapier. MC and damage penalty to attempt to inflict "Panic"

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: Limited Time Shop/ Maurinelle's Voice

    Damage: +3bth lean on attacks
    Type: Magic
    Element: Ice
    Special: 0 proc

  • 0 Proc, so *1.08 damage. Deals *85/88 damage due to lean
  • MC Effect: MC and weapon deals -10% damage to inflict a (3.75*3) / 1 / 1.4 / 0.85 * (85 / 88) = -9.13*[HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% "Panic"* onto your foe. Enemy can resist on a neutral save:

    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourSTR/INT vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The Unnerving Melody has sent your foe into a panic!
    Your foe is unnerved, but does not lose contro

    Appearance: Similar original hilt shape to Maurinelle's Melody. The blade is slightly thinner and light blue in colour, with icicles hanging from it. The hilt is dark grey in colour, with a bright blue gem encrusted. In magic mode, this gem shines, and snowflake particle effects are visible around the blade.
    Description: The haunting melody sung by this blade as it slices the air can not only chill your foe physically, but can also cause them to go into a panic!

    Silence: [x] round(s)
    Neither a murmur nor whisper. Unable to cast spells or use skills!

    Does what it says on the tin! The target cannot cast spells or use skills

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 1/21/2024 7:05:04 >
  • AQ  Post #: 39
    8/7/2018 23:41:02   
    Bannished Rogue

    In regards to the "Feral fury" and "Vampiric Enthrallment", I had a similar idea that I suggested, but given the "relatively" new subrace no-drop armors; that would make those suggestions a little lackluster don't you think? Maybe not so much the vampiric enthrallment but definitely the feral fury.
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 40
    9/16/2018 17:35:21   

    MC Darkness Blade. Switches between a standard damage mode, and a mode which sacrifices MC and damage to inflict The Cold.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: The Final Battle

    Damage: +0bth lean on attacks
    Type: Melee
    Element: Darkness
    Special: 0 proc

  • 0-proc so *1.08 damage
  • MC Effect: You can click the weapon to switch between "Damage" and "Status" mode. In damage mode, the MC effect is a simple *1.05 damage. In Status mode, the weapon deals -25% damage and has a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance of attempting to afflict your foe with The Cold (-6.4 bth and MRM). Your foe can resist at a +20 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourSTR vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your foe accepts it's fate and loses hope!
    Your foe refuses to give up hope!

    Appearance: A blade similar to that of the paragon ice blade. Embedded in the hilt is a crystal similar to that of falerin's staff in deep red (Similar colour to that of the devourer). This flashes every so often with the colour of the devourer's eyes.
    Description: Accept fate...

    Ephemeral tide
    MC water spell. Has a chance to fail. MC and damage penalty is paid to attempt to soak your foe.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    hits: 4
    Element: Water
    Cost: 653 MP

  • Has a -4 bth lean, deals *85/81 damage to compensate
  • Has a 20% chance of failure. To compensate, the attack deals +25% damage (50% Melee)*. MC Effect further boosts damage
  • Spell deals -17.6% damage (44% melee) and has a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to Soak your foe for 1 round. This can be resisted at a -20 bonus**:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLevel
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The tides are unresponsive....
    The tides respond with great force!
    **The tides soak your foe!
    Your foe manages to avoid getting soaked!

    Appearance: The ground beneath you and your foe becomes a cracked desert. A tide of muddy water surges from behind you and at your foe, dealing the 4 hits. If the spell fails, no animation plays
    Description: Call upon the full force of the desert rains to generate a massive tide!. The rains (and therefore the tides) are unpredictable, but strike with such force they can knock them off balance!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/27/2023 20:35:26 >
  • AQ  Post #: 41
    9/17/2018 16:43:51   

    Cosmic Blast
    MC light spell. Trades MC and 50% melee damage to inflict a light burn

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150
    PowerLvl: 153
    MPLvl: 152

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: Warp Wars!
    Element: Light
    Hits: 2
    Cost: 653 MP

  • MC Effect: + 50% melee is paid to have a [HitsLanded]/[HitsAttempted] chance of attempting to inflict a light element Burn (3 rounds, 7.33 power) on your foe. This can be resisted at a +0 penalty*:

    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The cosmic ray gives your foe a radiation burn!
    Your foe endures the cosmic radiation

    Appearance: A night sky appears above you and your foe. Light is drawn into a ball next to you before being fired at your foe in a blue/white beam, dealing the 2 hits of damage. The night sky then fades
    Description: Concentrate the power of cosmic radiation to deal massive light damage and possibly even give your foe a radiation burn!

    Prism Blade
    MC light blade. Has an inbuilt skill which can prismatically burn enemies

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: The Final Battle

    Damage: +0bth lean on attacks
    Type: Melee
    Element: Light
    Special: 0 proc

  • 0-proc so *1.08 damage
  • MC Effect: compresses a skill. Cost: 392 SP. This skill does no damage, but attempts instead to inflict your foe with a Prismatic Burn (Power: 0.735, 7 rounds)*. Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus:

    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourSTR vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The light shining through your blade gives your foe a prismatic burn!!
    Your foe endures the burning light!

    Appearance: A blade with a hilt similar to the greater light blade of victory. The gem remains blue, though the hilt is silver. The blade is invisible, though you can make out the blade's outline. When using the skill, a sun appears behind the blade, light enters the blade and is focused at your opponent, dealing 1 hit of damage.
    Description: This blade also functions as a prism! This allows it to not only powerful light damage but can also focus energy onto your foe, leaving them with a prismatic burn!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/20/2023 18:49:04 >
  • AQ  Post #: 42
    10/11/2018 17:26:33   

    Winter's Whim
    MC ice spell. Has a chance of doing no damage. Spends MC and damage to cause both you and your foe to go berserk

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS/ Frozen Northlands/Frostval shop
    hits: 3
    Element: Ice
    Cost: 915 MP + 174 HP

  • Overcharged spell, so +25% damage (+50% Melee)
  • HP cost also adds a further +25% damage (+50% Melee)
  • The spell has a 20% chance of failing* and deals a further +25% damage (+50% Melee)
  • After the spell, both the monster and the player are afflicted with "Whiteout", a renamed Berserk (-20 bth, *85/65 damage, 3 rounds). This can be saved at a -20 bonus*

    Level: 153 vs Level
    Major: VStat vs END
    Minor: VStat vs LUK

    *It turns out that winter isn't coming (at least not for now!)
    **Whiteout conditions cause you/your foe to become despearate, lashing out wildly!
    You/Your manage(s) to keep calm amid the dangerous conditions!

    Appearance: Dark clouds appear above the battlefield before a howling blizzard appears, dealing the 3 hits of damage. This ends in a whiteout
    Description: Call forth a cataclysmic blizzard to show your foe the true meaning of winter! This spell isn't guaranteed to succeed, but your foe will really know if it decides to show up!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/27/2023 20:34:15 >
  • AQ  Post #: 43
    12/16/2018 17:05:51   

    Robe of Bia
    MC FO energy armour. MC compresses a skill to lock your attacks to Energy and regenerate SP.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Prize: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750
    Location: LTS (then I guess thunder mountain)

    Combat Modifiers
    Melee: 50
    Magic: 55

    Elemental Modifiers
    Fire: 53%
    Water: 100%
    Wind: 83%
    Ice: 92%
    Light: 53%
    Dark: 92%

  • You gain Armour Lean x1.25. Attack is 3 hits (split 50/25/25). -3 BTH lean, so *85/82 damage to compensate.
  • MC Effect: Compresses a skill:

    Costs nothing to use. Locks your attacks to energy element, and your attacks deal *1.679 damage to compensate. Deals -40% melee (so damage = 127.9% melee total) and you heal 157*[HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted] SP per turn.

    Appearance: A simple Greek robe (male and female versions as per character gender). Both have a laurel crown and hold a torch which crackles with a purple energy. The eyes of the player glow purple. There is no animation for the skill.
    Description: Don the robes of Bia, a powerful servant of the energy lord! Incredible resistance to energy and magic attacks. You can even overload yourself, forcing you to deal energy damage but replenishing your energy reserves!

    Attack is charged and deals energy damage!

    Pretty much what it says on the tin - an energy imbue

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 10/30/2024 15:13:35 >
  • AQ  Post #: 44
    12/17/2018 0:32:44   
    Primate Murder

    I absolutely love the idea of elecomp going into anything except damage/cost. That said, with EO available, wouldn't it be better if you regen hp or mp?
    AQ DF  Post #: 45
    12/17/2018 0:43:50   

    So since griffin toggle for Element locked attacks does not count as MC , then neither this one should. Same thing but only redistribution of elecomp different.
    AQ  Post #: 46
    12/17/2018 18:21:02   

    @Primate Murder: This thread isn't designed to create the most game-changing items possible, but more provide some unique concepts. I like the idea of regenerating MP or HP, but it doesn't really fit the concept of Bia, whom is the Greek goddess of Energy

    @LUPUL LUNATIC: Possibly, yes. It's a bit of an odd one to balance (as are a great many of the things I create). If so, the MC can just be fueled into additional SP regen/5% damage as I want to preserve the flavour of the item.

    New boss:
    Isla, Nymph Queen of Fairwind Spring

    Level: 150
    Power: 3.75 (champion elite boss)

    Location: Chance of initiating battle if clicking the water of Fairwind spring
    Monster lean: 0.5
    Element: Water
    Fire: 110%
    Water: -100%
    Wind: 50%
    Ice: 10%
    Earth: 50%
    Energy: 140%
    Light: 110%
    Darkness: 10%

    Magic focused combat defence. Melee/Ranged is lower

    Stat Distribution:
    STR: 0
    DEX: 225
    INT: 275
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 250

    - Has the "Boss boost" status effect
    - Has the "Force of Nature" status effect -> the boss can control ambient mana and therefore damages the player whenever he/she uses a spell, much like the mana trap misc*
    - You start the battle with a 9999 turn water burn, which increases by a small amount each turn. This is renamed to high pressure**
    - her regular attack regenerates MP
    - If she has enough MP, she spends it to use a spell. This spell does no damage but gives her defence boost and "mana blockade" for 3 turns. This reduces damage done specifically by magic attacks. If the status is active, the boss will not use this spell
    - Once she has enough SP, she spends it to use a 3 hit water skill. This spell has 1 of 2 effects, much like the Underbeast boss: You can either:
    1) Be transported to the bottom of the ocean. This transforms the scenery and makes water attacks/status' do increased damage. After this is done, her attacks will automatically revert to 2)...
    2) Greatly increasing the power of the 9999 turn water burn

    *Take from Mother Nature and Mother Nature will take from you!
    **You are dragged [further] into the deep and feel the increasing pressure!

    Appearance: A pale-skinned female wearing a purple robe (a similar colour to the willow plate . Also has similar wings. Wears a crown of flowers. Her attacks:
    Her spell changes her body into flowing water. This persists until the effect wears off
    Her SP skill should have the water from fairwind spring rise up and form a mouth. It should then swallow the player, dealing the 3 hits of damage
    Description: By drinking the water of Fairwind spring, you have angered the Nymph Queen, Isla! Let's hope she's in a forgiving mood...

    If you fail the battle, a shop opens before you die where you can buy the "All washed up!" title. Rewards for beating Isla will be created in due course

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 12/18/2018 5:20:41 >
    AQ  Post #: 47
    12/18/2018 0:10:11   
    Primate Murder

    A fairly unique anti-mage boss.

    I would suggest reversing sp and mp attacks. That way Isla would have anti-magic defences up from the beginning (rather than in 3-4 turns, when spellcasters generally already use up all of their mana) and drag you down later, instead of on the first turn.

    Also, I take it the Bottom of the Ocean inflicts water EleVuln?

    A burn does not quite fit the 'drowning' theme - that would be choke or something along those lines. For a burn, I would suggest using scalding steam.
    AQ DF  Post #: 48
    12/18/2018 5:25:27   

    @Primate Murder:
    - switched them up. Yeah I realise that would be an issue.
    - Essentially it works in the same way as the underbeast fight. A scroll appears offering you the choice. If you select that option, the scenery will change. In that case, it should just deal the increased damage without the need for the status like the underbeast. However, for all intents and purposes it works just like an elevun to water on regular attacks and status effects.
    - agreed, it's not perfect. However, fairwind spring doesn't really have scalding steam so that isn't appropriate either. I've changed it to water pressure, as you're "dragged down into the depths". That would definitely cause a fair bit of damage and increase as you're dragged deeper (because the pressure increases further). It'll work like a water burn but be renamed to High pressure instead.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 12/18/2018 5:26:33 >
    AQ  Post #: 49
    12/18/2018 18:45:45   

    Tears of a nymph
    MC water misc. Provides water defence and INT. Click on the misc to use a spell

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153
    Location: Defeat Isla, Nymph Queen of Fairwind Spring

    Price: 30,256,459
    Sell: 15,128,229
    Cost: [x] SP

  • Provides *0.5 to incoming water attacks and +50 INT
  • MC Effect: Compresses a Spell. Costs 653 MP. 50% Melee is spent to reduce incoming Magic attacks by 50/1.4/3*2*0.9 = 21.4% for 3 Turns, renamed to "Mana Blockade"* (50% Melee /1.4 Modifier for monster damage, /3 for 3 turns, *2 as arbitrary compensation for only applying to Magic attacks. *0.9 as always useful [I felt omni-elemental was too harsh, but some penalty was needed for all elements). The rest is spent on a 150/5*3/3*0.9 = +27 MRM Defence Boost for 3 rounds*.

    *You feel your body become like flowing water!

    Appearance: A purple teardrop-shaped bottle of tears connected to a string
    Description: This vial contains the tears of Isla, Nymph Queen of Fairwind Spring! They offer the defence and intelligence of a nymph, and can even transform your body into flowing water!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/11/2023 19:32:36 >
  • AQ  Post #: 50
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