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=ED= Bounty Hunter Balance Thread

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8/6/2018 19:16:53   
  Battle Elf
has ten 1v1 wins

Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread

This is where you can discuss everything balance related to the Bounty Hunter class.
Got a skill that doesn't fit? Perhaps a combo that proves to be too strong and abusable. Discuss it here with everyone!

A few guidelines before we start:
  • All AE Forum rules are still in effect.
  • No comparisons between other classes. You can use certain facts to build your case on, but please do not turn this into a 'CH vs X' thread.
  • Everyone's opinions are just that. Opinions. If you don't agree, that's fine. But, there is no need for rule breaking behaviour.
  • Constructive Criticism is meant to improve something, not rant, whine and complain to be heard. If you are going to criticise, do so with the intent to give help, not tear down.

    < Message edited by Battle Elf -- 8/6/2018 23:43:50 >
  • AQW Epic  Post #: 1
    8/6/2018 19:32:47   
    .Lord Ginger.

    Bounty hunter is pretty good right now besides static being not the greatest right now.

    Still want to see a strength smoke nerf though to make focus stronger and more viable.

    Would also like strength to be viable again with with massacre, but that probably won't happen with things like dex builds/kartherax/no passives
    AQW Epic  Post #: 2
    8/7/2018 13:48:02   

    Personally, I don't find Strength Bounty Hunter to be a huge problem because they can only rely on one damage type (Physical). The build simply isn't versatile enough to achieve a high win rate, even though it is extremely powerful against certain builds. (Disclaimer: I have not actually tested the build myself, so this could be wrong.) I am not a big fan of stat requirements, but an increase in the Support requirement of Smoke Screen (scale by 3 per level rather than 2) might be a good idea?

    The major problem with Massacre and all "% more damage" skills is that they don't actually scale with Strength because the % increase is based only off of the Primary weapon bonus. It would be great to see if this could be reworked to work off the entire Primary damage. By rework, I mean a decrease in the % for obvious reasons. Alternatively, the % itself could scale strongly off of Strength (although for other skills like Double Strike, scaling off a stat like Dexterity might be very interesting).

    This may also be a long shot, but perhaps Massacre, as an ultimate skill, could be made immune to the Kartherax special, but I'm not sure how that would work visually.
    Epic  Post #: 3
    8/8/2018 14:27:47   
    Digital X
    Beep Beep!

    I agree NDB, I believe Massacre should scale like that. Although the damage threshold would be greatly increased if that happened.

    I have not used a Massacre builds in years but I always want to give it a try again. Unless it scaled to a certain amount of STR, and then when that amount was reached (total damage not base) it would be lowered by a certain amount every "X STR" added.

    I know what I mean it's just hard to write it down from my head. I forget what the term is.

    < Message edited by Digital X -- 8/8/2018 14:28:13 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
    8/8/2018 14:44:12   
    .Lord Ginger.

    To my opinion, the problem with the smoke level with strength is what I was mainly referring to.

    I would like to see the massacre buff, and someway to buff strength bounty, (a strong gun would help but gun scales on dexterity unfortunately now)

    I like the idea of the Mass immune to Karth since other ultimates are immune to karth (for obvious reasons)

    Strength isn't viable with massacre which is a shame because of this energy meta and lack of tools/energy to smoke/MOB and mass since MOB is really important

    Only build that can use a good mass is a support build

    Strength builds that are good have more than one type of damage

    TM: E sword, fire scythe bludgeon
    BM: E sword, fireball bludgeon

    CH: All E with E primary
    BH: All P with P primary

    Merc: E/P primary, needs a stun or a go first
    TLM: E sword, Poison makes it alright combined with a primary core of P damage

    < Message edited by .Lord Ginger. -- 8/8/2018 14:47:42 >
    AQW Epic  Post #: 5
    8/8/2018 14:53:48   
    Digital X
    Beep Beep!

    Wasn't gun scaling on DEX added to nerf STR builds though? I mean they're still prevalent.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
    8/8/2018 14:58:55   
    .Lord Ginger.

    Right, but I think it hurt certain classes a bit too much were shields come into play when you can't have varying damage such as a str BH.
    AQW Epic  Post #: 7
    8/8/2018 17:01:32   

    but if Gun damage scales with Strenght again then what will happen to dex builds? aswell as jugg would be ruined
    Post #: 8
    8/8/2018 17:12:26   
    .Lord Ginger.

    There are many other builds in juggernaut, it's beating computers, I think it should take longer to beat easier computers to help balance out the game mode with ranks.

    Dex builds have never really been that good to be honest with you... except for 2v2 and jugg, but a 5 foc build in jugg can do the trick.

    And for in 2v2, there are also more builds, and if need be we could buff the dex skills.
    AQW Epic  Post #: 9
    8/21/2018 9:53:59   
    .Lord Ginger.

    Can we change static back to tech like it used to be?
    AQW Epic  Post #: 10
    8/21/2018 10:24:33   

    Static needs a scaling buff first. It scales just too slow making it so useless even if it scales with tech. I'd say changing massacre's requirments to dex and buffing static's scaling with support could do the trick.
    AQW Epic  Post #: 11
    8/21/2018 10:43:22   
    .Lord Ginger.

    Tech is a better and smarter option, this has nothing to do with scaling. The scaling is already awful and having support hardly even increases the grenade itself. It’s a way to have lower hp builds with more tech be more useful against those with less tech.

    Bounty Hunter is decent right now, especially with the support build (as you said you were like 110-14 one day with it), so I don’t think it should benefit from the support scaling like it has been. The reason why the bounty hunter support build became so popular was because of the scaling change from tech to support which shouldn’t have happened.

    And someone decided to break the game with the support build, literally the reason BH got turned into crap was because of them, like people did with strength so now strength is mediocre again

    You increase support scaling and that build becomes abused and broken, hardly any skill required, no thank you

    < Message edited by .Lord Ginger. -- 8/21/2018 10:52:27 >
    AQW Epic  Post #: 12
    10/10/2018 11:46:11   

    The shadow arts is way too overpowered, by being able to reduce the amount of damage being dealt by opponent and is in need of a nurf
    Epic  Post #: 13
    10/10/2018 11:52:13   
    .Lord Ginger.

    Not really. The Bh can hardly regenerate energy because static still needs a buff so it’s not that bad.

    Also if static gets the change to tech(which it really should) smoke should be nerfed a bit.

    Still mass builds are broken, sure you can beat them with Karth, that’s not the point. The point is builds literally revolve around beating that build.

    Then I’d maybe see a nerf, because it does reduce the power of some classes energy draining moves which is pretty funny.
    AQW Epic  Post #: 14
    1/12/2019 21:03:00   

    Can i get a link to the support massacre build? I'm going for focus 5 and it feels like all i can kill are lower level players and some npcs. Granted i haven't actually gotten to the focus level 5 yet.
    Post #: 15
    1/13/2019 13:04:38   
    Digital X
    Beep Beep!

    What is your level? If you have seen the Support Mass CH's in battle, it is basically that.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
    1/13/2019 16:27:02   

    Level is 23. Currently at focus 3. One more level up and I'll get focus 4. Have enough credits for any robot but not sure which to get.
    Post #: 17
    4/10/2019 11:56:59   
    .Lord Ginger.

    The only tool BH has is smoke because static grenade is still bad. Sure, the energy regen is alright, but the energy drain needs to be buffed. Bring back the tech scale static grenade where we could take over 330 energy... this class is missing tools.

    Poison costs way too much for how much it’s worth (look at TLM poison, and they regenerate energy way easier).

    Dex builds will never work so stun and multi are dead.
    Cheap shot is pretty good but you can’t run a build off if that, especially not a focus one.

    BH just needs more stuff. Y’all don’t like touching anything except smoke and making sure static grenade is mediocre

    < Message edited by .Lord Ginger. -- 4/28/2019 11:38:41 >
    AQW Epic  Post #: 18
    6/9/2019 23:53:10   
    .Lord Ginger.

    I think static grenade needs an increase in the damage that it drains. Can have a decrease in the return, maybe to where it steals what it does now. I miss when it drained about 327 and gave back around 213. That's a 65% instead of the 80% right now. BH does okay in the endgame, but not against mercenaries, and since mercenaries have the energy control, BH doesn't have a chance. With this change, maybe BH can have the energy advantage near the end and have a shot.

    (This is excluding the smoke spam builds that are out there right now, which should get nerfed because this is the one BH build that beats basically every other BH build)

    You could actually make this grenade the exact same as it used to be when support BH was OP, and you should.

    Massacre’s requirement is with strength now, and venom strike needs dexterity, so this wouldn’t really be a bad change. Also, robots are stronger now so it wouldn’t be that good.

    BH was a solid class with this previous grenade, and it didn’t need the broken smoke and this could help put BH back on the build map, obviously nerfing smoke and the other changes to mercenaries I’ve been suggesting, as well as malf.

    < Message edited by .Lord Ginger. -- 6/10/2019 11:10:35 >
    AQW Epic  Post #: 19
    4/9/2020 15:07:09   

    Shadow art should required dex not support.Dex build is useless now.
    Post #: 20
    5/9/2020 12:16:19   

    I do not see the point about change to dextery(shadow arts)
    AQW Epic  Post #: 21
    5/25/2020 20:06:32   

    [I already put this in the balance but i think it fits here better]

    How about returning the Reroute effect to Reflex Boost to better compete with Blood Instinct? The BM dex boost has the same cost on every level while bounty does not.
    Post #: 22
    5/26/2020 3:13:43   
    .Lord Ginger.

    Personally I see BH being fine right now.

    I would rather this be on BM and changing how blood instinct works (to still cost energy) to help weaken dex BM
    AQW Epic  Post #: 23
    5/26/2020 12:04:09   

    That can work too
    Post #: 24
    3/14/2021 15:07:01   
    Albus dumbledore

    Bounty hunter is indeed a great class here a few fixes:

    1- nerf the energy shield at 100 support it gives 283 energy points for 100 energy, nerf the given resistance point are given and lower the base energy by 15 energy points.

    2-buff the smoke screen by 4-5 dexterity taken, at 100 tech with no more extra stat on level one smoke screen it gives only 34 dex de-buff.

    3-Static grande: it really needs one of these buffs:

    a- make the damage inflect 100%
    b- absorb 100% of the energy
    c-buff the energy drains

    4-give the multi 10% resistance ignore

    5-nerf the stat required for the shadow art 24 support as a start, it is much, 18 support as start ends at 36 support.

    6- massacre is the only ultimate skill has no special effect: you can check my suggestion and choose one, only one effect

    a-add life steal that stack with bloodlust
    b-add 10% ignore on defense
    c-wand your enemy and inflict a frozen bite that reduce the energy points 30-50 each turn for 3 turns
    AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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