.Lord Ginger.
I'm going to start off with saying that if I’m a 5-focus user I have to use Kartherax because of how broken Support Cyber Massacre and Support Bounty Massacre are. Massacre needs to start the scaling way lower and increase with tech, the previous massacre nerf hardly did anything to these builds and hurt the builds that hardly used massacre anyway. You see a lot of Cybers and Bountys in 1v1, Supp CH, and Supp/Focus Bounty. You don’t really see that much of anything else, maybe the occasional Caster TM or Focus/Caster Merc build. Massacre is the skill needing a nerf, seriously, I want to be able to use a different robot and still win battles. Bounty Hunter – This class is pretty good because of Smoke, Shadow, and Static isn’t that bad, but it’s pretty weak in energy drain but the return is kind of nice. I’d still like the skill to scale back to tech because I don’t know why it was changed. If it was changed back to tech, it could be scaled properly and take more energy but have a lower return so BH has a chance against tech builds. Cyber Hunter – This class is good because of Malfunction, Static, Poison, Massacre. The static returns a lot of energy with a 3 cooldown, massacre does a heck of a lot of damage, and poison can trap heals, as well as malfunction making shielding almost a necessity because of the amount of technology it decreases. I do feel massacre needs a solid nerf, and maybe the scaling on static too? EMP grenade still needs a technology scaling buff for it to be good. Shadow arts needs to be toned down a bit more because support builds can abuse this. Mercenary – This class is pretty good and I don’t know what really needs changing from this to be honest (I also don’t use this class ever). Tactical Mercenary – This class is good with the rage frenzy being unblockable and giving back an absurd amount of health and energy as well as poison being super strong and doing 100% damage, plus atom smash being unblockable. When the support builds are finally nerfed like they should be, I think this class will definitely be on the uprising because of all the potential it has that is wasted because of the Support Hunter builds. Tech Mage – This class is pretty abandoned besides the few Caster TM builds, and the occasional support build which isn’t even remotely good without stuns. With the new assimilation nerf, I think this hurt the already dead Strength build, and the already dead Support/Strength build, so I’d like to see the damage buff back for sure. Also, the Caster TM build seems to be decent, but that’s about the only build Tech Mages have, and that’s a shame because focus should be viable, and it used to be in early active Omega, and I know many old people remember that. Blood Mage – This class is interesting. I think Parasite still needs a tad buff because parasite isn’t too bad right now, the main problem I run into is just the low energy at the end and then BM can’t win because of the mechanics of parasite. I think it should be 100% damage again, and unblockable. If not this, then unblockable and buff Fireball so we can get some strength builds going again. Bludgeon still needs its rightful buff. I remember Intimidate on 4 and Bludgeon on 3 being the same energy, same with Intimidate on 8 and Bludgeon on 6, but this skill got nerfed pretty badly. I think the energy cost should be reduced to what it used to be to try and bring back builds. Plasma cannon is a bit weak in my opinion. Yes, it’s as powerful as Bunker but most people have more resistance than defense and Mercenary has Static Smash which is a quick energy turn around so they can use Bunker again, while Blood Mage can’t. I suggest a decent damage buff, maybe like 50, but decrease the critical chance from what it is right now to about 10%. I still am up for changing Plasma Rain and Supercharge to skills that can actually be used with the class. I think with the new testers it’s about time to start creating new skills. Robots – I think it’s still time for more robot buffs since I feel like everyone will use Kartherax, Hawk, Infernal, Phantasm, Pirate bot after Support is nerfed properly. Assault Bot – Take away 100% of the debuff since you’re still using a turn to take away all your debuff, it will help strength builds more than anything and focus won’t use it that much, but maybe they’d start. Azrael’s Borg – Heart Attack do 90% or 95% damage since most people who use it are Strength Builds. Black Abyss – Still needs some buffs in the def/res it takes away per turn. Cyber Yeti – 3 turns since there are many moves that are now unblockable, like Frenzy, Static Charge, Assimilation Botanical Hazard – I think it’s a fine robot but I think it should have some better focus scaling since it’s moreso used for Caster Builds right now and with quicker battles, poison doesn’t really help that much The Baby Yetis – the basic Yetis that cost 45k will never be used because they do about 20 less damage and then Chomp does less damage (the % damage) for an upgraded robot. So to make this robot sub-par at the Omega Baby Version, you have to dump quite a bit of Varium into them. I think the Baby Yeti should be the 170, Warrior Yeti should be 180, then the Omega Baby should be 190, and then this will help the robot. Spending Varium for the Omega Sword and the Omega Baby Yeti for it to be a never used robot is kind of pathetic. The pink yeti should also stay at 170. Chomp should be the same 90% for every yeti so the other Yetis are still useful if you don’t want to spend Varium leveling them up. Monkakazi – The special needs to be buffed by about 1.25% of the difference of opponent’s stats. Bunny Bot – Any move requiring the primary will be deflected back at the attacker for 2 turns (so smoke screen debuffs will also be deflected), same as parasite, assimilation. Pyro Fly – Kill This Cores – Meteor Shower/Plasma meteor – 120% Primary Damage Jack-O-fire/Thorn Assault – 125% Primary Damage Chairman’s Fury – 40% rage, 110% Primary Damage Hawk Guardian – 135% Primary Damage Yeti Fury – 115% Primary Damage Icy Overkill – 40% Defense Ignored Poison Barbs – 70 Damage Poison Energy Shot – 30% Energy from Sidearm Phase Shift – be able to Shift Weapon every other turn, stays shifted until used again – costs 0 energy Plague – Buff it to 10% Hatchling Rush – 95% Damage (after Support Cyber is nerfed) Lionhart’s Shield – Active for ˝ turn, so you can heal yourself Exile/Legion Strike – 120% Damage + 40 Damage for attacking opposite alignment Improbability Gate – +10% of opponent’s Max HP Bloodshot – 40% HP back Bloodseeker Blast – 40% HP back
< Message edited by .Lord Ginger. -- 11/4/2018 14:25:24 >