Currently owned by:
Jay Previously owned by:
Stephen Nix
This guide contains every pet and guest found in DragonFable sorted alphabetically, with additional element markers.
Looking for a specific pet, guest or element? Press CTRL (or Command for Macs) + F, then type in what you are looking for.
Updated: Dec 12, 2024
Contents Pets (A-Z) Guests (A-Z)
Legend [???] - ??? (Void) Element
[BAC] - Bacon Element ....
[CUR] - Curse Element ....
[DAR] - Darkness Element .
[DIS] - Disease Element ..
[EBI] - Ebil Element .....
[ENE] - Energy Element ...
[EVI] - Evil Element .....
[FEA] - Fear Element .....
[FIR] - Fire Element .....
[GOO] - Good Element .....
[ICE] - Ice Element ......
[LIG] - Light Element ....
[MET] - Metal Element ....
[NAT] - Nature Element ...
[NON] - None Element .....
[POI] - Poison Element ...
[SIL] - Silver Element ...
[STO] - Stone Element ....
[WAT] - Water Element ....
[WIN] - Wind Element .....
[WOO] - Wood Element .....
[A/C] - As Character .....
[ALA] - As Last Attack ...
[N/A] - No Attack ........
[SHR] - Shrinks ..........
[W/S] - Weakness Seeks ...
Also See:
Chronology of Pets & Guests
Thanks to Crynsos, Jorath, Niki, PaperClip OF DOOM, and Stephen Nix for major contributions to this guide over the years.