Ryu Draco
So I'm following up on an idea I had a little while ago and am working out new characters that are focused around the Darkovian subraces. However, for the equipment I'm trying to stay somewhat thematic and am having issues filling everything in. Weapons: I'm mainly looking for gear that is either boosted by being a certain race or triggers against one of the others. Vampires seem the easiest for this portion. Arm of the Lich triggers against wolves and pyres, Darkovian Deception becomes Ice, and Crimson Flame heals vamps. For werewolves I've found the Lycan slasher and that's about it. Everything else is magic not melee. Werepyres don't have quite that issue, but the only weapons I can find are the shop weapons. Armor: Simple enough, just use the subrace armors. I'm not sure if Vamps and Wolves can use the armors for the secondaries as the main defence at endgame, but Werepyres are easily covered. Shields: Pretty much the only ones I can find are Darcovian Bulwark and Shadowslayer shield, which overlap. Maybe Lunar Eclipse Shield and Agony's Blood? Spells, I have 3 spells right out of the shops that throw bats and fit my Vamp (Dark, Fire, Water), while the Werepyre again has the racial shop spells Pets: I'm skipping pets for the Werepyre and I've got a Vampire Bat and a small hoard of Vampragons for the Vamp. The Wolf has the Guardian Werewolf pets(Fire, Ice) and When Mogloween rolls around I'll grab the Werepup. I've also got the Undead Archer, because dogs like bones. Guests: Werepyre is again a pass for this, and once I have all 4 armors that's half the spectrum covered. If anyone has any ideas that might fit somewhere I'd appreciate it. I'm not really trying to stay meta-friendly here, it's mostly for fun.