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Blood Mages need Reroute/Better Energy Control.

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2/24/2020 18:15:07   


And yes, less than Nuerotoxin for a reason. But that isn't why I say this. I just think Blood Mages shouldn't automatically lose to all of the other class if they aren't using a Strength build. I don't think buffing Energy Parasite drain anymore is even neccesary, and will not make Blood Mages any better against Cyber Hunter heal loop GG/Static Grenade then heal/Assimilate then heal/ Energy drain then heal/Static Charge then heal. I'm not sure if the Devs are just waiting to prank us on April 1st by finally giving Blood Mages decent Energy manipulation and claiming it was a prank all along how bad this class really is. Or what are the odds the Devs do something intelligent like changing Parasite to 120-150% return to user of what they drain to actually be usable at later game state and increasing the minimum gained from 10 to 30.

For now, I suggest Blood Mages get Reroute instead of Fireball. It's far too ridiculous to automatically lose simply to all the other classes due to better Energy Manipulation, CH being the worse. This would be a reasonable, first swap Brutal Strike for Fireball in placement. 2nd swap Intimidate for the swapped Fireball. 3rd Swap out that fireball for reroute. Or ignoring the previous statements, simply swap Fireball for Intimidate, then Swap out that Fireball for Reroute. But either way it would be the same space as Tech Mages Reroute, while keeping TM reroute of up to 30% or possibly a slightly less 25% if seemingly too abusable. Purely personal suggestion for placement though.

Having both Bloodlust and Reroute on the worst possible Level 40 class is not broken. The only BM build that could possibly abuse this are Strength builds. Which will not benefit from Reroute with the exception being possibly getting another Brutal strike if they can survive 7+ rounds or them being able to upgrade their Field Medic by a few points. Regardless, some form of change is neccesary. I shouldn't even have to explain how a class with no Passive amour buff or Energy abusable attacks but 1 won't be broken with Reroute, but I will. And the Plasma cannon builds cannot abuse Reroute even if they tried. That is impossible as they literally all require Focus to be viable to play at Level 40, and will all die due to low defenses unless high Ranking 70 or higher. Blood Mages cannot Tank properly due to lowered stats and no armour passives/0 decent buffs, so it is impossible for a Focus or a high-Tech Blood Mages to spam plasma and win easily. Once again I shouldn't even have to explain this, since all you have to do is look at Tech Mages and how often they win. And Tech/Dex Tech Mages have the most energy abusable attacks/energy spam in the entire game and that isn't the best build in the game... Plus, I am pretty sure they already had Reroute and Bloodlust at 1 point in the past. Even with Bloodlust added, I dont see the current abilities of Blood Mages breaking the game the same way Cyber Hunters did or even close.

Blood Shield needs to have an increase of 120% at least. It it utterly useless.
Fire Rain needs to ignore 30%(not a typo) of the Defense or do more damage. It is utterly useless
Reflex boost need to increase with Tech OR Slight buff to increase 0% chance of winning against Support builds to 1%

Before anyone leaves an incorrect reply about this, think of the last time you saw a low Ranking BM using a Level 5 Focus build and/or Tanking. Now think of literally the last time you saw any other low ranking class with simply a Focus build or Tanking.
Post #: 1
2/26/2020 7:52:55   

No one knows what the least used skill is. We don't have access to those stats, so don't try to use it as an argument.

Giving Reroute to BM is a stupid move that doesn't fit with the original class theme of 3 blood classes and 3 energy classes. It would also benefit low defense high hp supp/str builds without doing much for focus/tech builds.

Blood Shield is the only buff that last for 5 turns and doesn't cost anything extra with every skill point you invest in it.
Fire Rain was nerfed because Supp BM were ruling the game just a month ago.
Reflex Boost needs to stay with support, but I would like to see the BM version come with the old 15% Reroute effect. Nightwraith has proven that skills can be changed individually with the recent Intimidate change, so it should be possible for BH and BM to have different Reflex Boosts.

Anyway, if you are having trouble with f5/tech BM, remember that EP's primary role is to counter high energy builds and to incentivise the opponent to burn through energy ASAP. Deadly Aim, Bloodlust, Plasma Cannon and Firestorm are all very good skills if used at the right time in the right order, even if Firestorm could use a little extra damage to energy steal conversion.

F5 BM/Tech BM and Str BM are all very common archetypes in 1v1. They're not underrepresented like TLM, because BM makes up for its bad energy control with relatively powerful skills.

Bloodlust classes simply aren't made for tanking - every defensive turn is a waste of 10 skillpoints and the opportunity to combine offense with defense.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
2/26/2020 8:42:30   

As I said earlier, Blood Mates need Reroute and Fireball is the least used ability in the entire game.

Believe it or not, I don't care about making each class unique. I care about making them playable. This isn't a contest of creativity, this is a multiplayer PvP game. Reroute as I said earlier, would benefit strength builds extremely, but it would also affect focus tech builds. Don't reply to this thread if you are going to lie and say Tank/Focus BM won't be getting buffed.

You don't understand blood shield. This isn't a contest of creativity, this skill is useless until it gets 120% buff.
Using the class is utterly pointless against high energy builds, unless they have 1000 Energy or more. This isnt about creativity of the classes, Energy Parasite is an automatic game loss in later game state., unless you using a Strength build. Please stop trolling the Balance threads with nonsense posts. I told you to look at Tech Mages that don't have Strength builds that utilize reroute, and you didn't so now I have to waste time explaining the obvious. Support BM never ruled the game. Send me a screenshot of a Low Ranking blood mage ruling anything, now try I can do any other class. The reason Fire Rain might have done well if you thought they were is because high Ranking 50+ were using it. This argument is invalid. Cyber hunters and Support builds and some Strength ruled a month ago.

I don't care about why this class is made unique, or how creative its effects are. I want to know why Energy Parasite is an automatic game loss for non Strength builds. I shouldn't automatically lose to energy steal then heal/Energy regain then heal/Cyber Hunter Energy regain then heal if I don't have 100+ Strength. Why are Blood Mages the only class in the entire game that are forced to use Strength builds or risk an automatic game loss? Because you want to suggest creative classes be the norm, instead of playable ones. Don't Reply if your going to suggest automatic game loss classes stay because their unique.

Reflex boost needs to increase with Technology, this isn't a debate. Automatic game loss against Support builds unless using strength. Your opinion isn't worth much here. You dont understand Blood Mages Reflex boost, Don't comment anymore about this. Utterly impossible to win against support builds unless using Strength. Reflex boost needs to Increase with Technology.

BM cannot Tank, yes. Main concern really is automatic game loss due to not being able to use any Energy Manipulation. Blood Mages need Reroute. Im not sure that even buffing Energy Parasite to 120-150% return to user will be enough. Reflex boost needs to Increase with Technology. That isn't up for debate.
Post #: 3
2/26/2020 22:02:54   

I'm pretty sure everyone remembers the most recent Support BM, useable by players at all levels. Tech BM certainly hasn't gone away, because I see it all the time. Therefore, BM is not forced into using Strength builds.

Put more points into HP if you don't want to lose to Support Merc/TLM. Nuke them after the Aux hit to regain 125 hp and then heal off the Artillery strike with Critical Heal or a higher level Field Medic. Even the Botanical Battlesuit could be a good solution. Cyber Yetis and Omega Yetis are yet another option. Bloodlust counters low defense/resistance builds.

You also need to fully justify buffing Blood Shield by such a ridiculous amount, as well as switching Reflex Boost to tech. You also need to provide proper reasons for giving BM Reroute, instead of the old "this isn't up to debate." This is a forum mate, everything game related is up for debate. Use objective facts and argue in good faith if you want to be taken seriously.

If you can't deal with Heal Loop, learn to conserve energy and time your nukes properly for maximum effect. Plenty of low rank and high rank BMs can and do use f5 to beat other classes - figure it out. Sometimes not using skills is a better tactic than using them in the right order.

You also don't remember when almost everyone was using BM. There are very good reasons for keeping EP the way it is, with slight buffs instead of drastic changes.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 4
2/27/2020 9:20:47   

Yea, nice try. I'm not going to waste my fine reading your post after seeing that first sentence. Blood Mages are forced to use Strength build or risk an automatic game loss. Instead of wasting time trying to prank me, why don't you make a high HP Blood Mage build that is not a strength build and see how many wins you get in 1v1.
Post #: 5
2/27/2020 19:06:12   
.Lord Ginger.


< Message edited by .Lord Ginger. -- 3/5/2020 6:12:05 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 6
2/28/2020 7:49:47   

Blood Mages are forced to use Strength builds or risk an automatic game loss. Already explained Reflex boost. It's not up for debate. Blood Shield is useless, it needs 120% buff to be worth playing. Unusable against debuffs/worse than not using it at all. Blood Mages need Reroute or parasite 120-150% return to user. If BM get reroute Parasite can be nerfed. Automatic game loss against energy steal/gain then heal, if not using strength.

"Put more points into HP if you don't want to lose to Support Merc/TLM." Is not a Valid point. This person may be severely impaired if they think this is a legitimate claim. If I were to be foolish enough to listen to them and put more HP in my Blood Mage Non-Strength build, I would lose to LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE OTHER BUILD/CLASS much more rapidly. The fact that someone says something so ridiculous, then in turns gives me the ability to ignore everything they say. I'm not going to entertain trolls or pointless rebuttals, Foulman. Nice try though.

I knew that someone would say this if I complained about Support builds long enough. And that is when I would know who is using valid arguments and who is using quick replies with no basis that wouldn't actually help Blood Mages in an attempt to make this seem like a valid Forum discussion by providing a counter viewpoint. Its not, its a pointless Idea that has never been tested even once(Lmao) and Im willing to bet 100% of the things he wrote were utter garbage like that as well. And If you are going to try and troll me as well Ginger, make sure you say so quickly, or don't fail so easily like Foul man did.

Crying about Support BM ghost, won't help your case. Support BM never ruled and never will. Strength + Support BM(Oddly similar to every single other class that uses the literally exact build), maybe. Far better builds on all classes. But keep trying Ginger, your about to get completely dismissed next by lying. Fire Rain needs to do slightly more damage regardless. Its useless. Reroute would help and not break the game if lowered regain to 15-20% if any.
Post #: 7
2/28/2020 9:57:27   
.Lord Ginger.


< Message edited by .Lord Ginger. -- 3/5/2020 6:11:57 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
2/28/2020 19:12:14   

I just respected Foul Man and read the rest of his post... It was exactly as I said. It is 100% utter garbage replies and he is only providing basic counter viewpoints and easy solutions that don't work in-game in order to make me provide support for my claim, while not having any realistic ways to help. You will not be getting any respect from me if you continue to do this. I was already 100% aware of what you guys do and are doing, when I made that first post. There is still no valid reason that Blood Mages are at a disadvantage when it comes to Energy Manipulation to literally all other classes. Oh wait, I almost forgot. It's unique!

Seriously though, in order to solve the issue that is me being rude/ignorant, please do not post anymore untested claims like "just put more HP bro". If you think what I wrote is bad or incorrect, offer suggestion to help or use actually tested facts to actually help the Blood Mage class become playable(and not just to beat 1 specific build or class). It has to be playable. No more quick replies, or any pointless counter viewpoints please. I will not be listening to anything of the sort, in all honesty. Because who would? Ex, "Just use focus with plasma bruh", or "Just hit harder and faster m8", believe it or not, it's not as simple as "just hitting harder". The same utterly pointless counter viewpoints Foulman wrote can be said for Tanks. "Lmao bro just use more Def". I have retrained many times and have used every single BM build possible, I have most likely tried that before. Simply look at my claims and tell me what exactly would be wrong with implementing them, while simultaneously offering help on them, if you have any realisticly helpful ideas.

I'm Free-2-play player. So I don't have game changing core abilities. Not complaining about them though. But if I did have Varium I most likely wouldn't be typing on this Forum right now. No Yetis, Reapers, or any busted cores for me.

Before saying something you dislike, maybe ask why I posted that or reread my posts carefully. I have justification for most of my claims up by now.

Main issues being automatic game loss if not being Strength build, meaning Energy Parasite buff or geting a Reroute. Also, Reflex Boost switching to Tech and Plasma Shield 120% buff. I'm automatically losing to support builds because I dont use Strength BM. I think Devs should first implement Reflex Boost and Plasma shield first, see where it goes, then the 120-150% EP or reroute at 15-20% Max. Fireball being the most useless Skill in the entire game can go. If not, then Intimidate or Fire Rain. I'd be 100% fine with Fire Rain or Fireball leaving permanently. Intimidate still has scrap value, being at least a debuff.
Post #: 9
2/28/2020 19:15:28   
  Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

The bickering stops right now. I know discussions regarding balance can get a little heated since not everyone agrees on the same point of view, that is understood. Verbally attacking people will not be tolerated. I suggest a few of you take a breather, go outside and come back with a fresh state of mind. As users of the forum you should be setting a good example for others to follow.

I suggest you conduct yourselves, think before you type so this does not happen again. If it does, warnings will be handed out.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
2/28/2020 20:01:09   

I agree Digital, I shouldn't be targeting anyone. Also, "quick replies" should be banned/Discouraged from all threads in Official Rules.
"Just use more Tech"
"Do more damage then"
"Wym, X is OP"
They offer absolutely nothing to the discussion, they're are undebatable and can be said for anything/used by trolls who want to keep using the overpowered classes in the lead and dont want other classes to come near them.

I find it, and everyone else, extremely uncomfortable being forced to take someone seriously and debate them honestly when they dont have any evidence to support their idea, and they post something like this, so I would tend to respond with the same type of quick reply towards them. I'm not justifying my actions, or saying that I have a right to be rude, only explaining why.
Post #: 11
2/29/2020 22:10:43   

Just to be clear, I have a BM F5 character and I only really play 1v1. Not a Strength BM, and not an automatic loss either.

The only cores you need are Health Booster, Tech Boost, Unbreakable Heart/Spirit/Eternal Enhance/Eternal Protection/Critical Heal, Frost Shards, Energy Shot/Blood Bullet/Tactical Reload and any Aux core. All of them are available for credits.

Yetis are available for credits on a seasonal basis, and I never said anything about Reapers.

Stop simplifying my advice and strawmanning with every sentence you write. Higher HP absolutely counters support, as does high damage and sustain. The game is balanced around not being able to counter every build in the game - if you beat one kind of build you are almost certainly going to be disadvantaged against another build.

BM Intimidate lasts for 4 turns, countering Strength. Reflex Lasts for 4, which works for Smoke but also against Artillery Strike and Bunker Buster. Blood Shield is the longest lasting buff in the game and doesn't need to be increased by a ridiculous 120%. Blood Shield, along with Frenzy and the Energy skills, are the only active skills that have no drawbacks to being maxed out.

Energy Parasite should not be buffed to 120%-150%. We've seen what happens because it's a tried and tested balancing failure.

Again, justify your arguments. Provide specific examples on how your proposed changes will counter specific skills and builds, instead of going on about "this isn't up for debate," "your valid post with specific examples is 100% garbage," "tried and tested counters are rubbish," and making up advice that was never given to you on this thread.

I have provided evidence to support my arguments. You have simply provided arguments while repeatedly refusing to provide evidence or actually countering my evidence with examples of your own. Weren't you taught that a claim without evidence is no better than a fart in the wind?

I agree Roid, no one will take someone seriously if they fail to debate in good faith, refuse to provide evidence and fail to act with even a semblance of integrity.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 12
3/1/2020 1:51:00   

Unfortunately, I well not be reading your post after the first few sentences again. You are a high Ranking BM. Nothing you say matters as your Damage and Defense are drastically different from average. Please stop trolling this thread. Higher Ranks obviously beat lower Ranks/do better against all build types.

These are the types of replies nobody should be forced to take seriously. I strong suggest new Ruling for debates.
Post #: 13
3/1/2020 4:14:24   

Mate, at least try to engage in a discussion. My BM character is level 38 and my highest ranking character is rank 14. I'm not exactly a high rank player.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 14
3/1/2020 10:52:24   

@ Steroided

Disregarding people's thoughts on a forum just because you feel they are biased against you won't help you get your point across to the staff in the long run.

As for your suggestion of giving BM reroute that would actually help high HP strength builds as well as the high HP support builds far more because reroute revolves around taking damage to receive energy which these two builds can take a lot of due to their High HP. This would also hurt low HP tank builds as well as focus ones because they can't take nearly as much damage to get their energy back.

While I personally feel energy parasite while unique is far more worthless in PVP (due to the fact that it does exist that people invested less into energy as a means to counter this) while working well against NPC's We can at least agree it works the same universally for all builds, vs Reroute which works best for as pointed out high HP builds that can take damage to get energy back.

Also on another note give BM reroute would also mean the staff would have to remove a passive seeing as if BM got this passive they would have 3 which would also upset the balance of the other classes.
Epic  Post #: 15
3/1/2020 23:39:35   
  Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

BM having thee passives would drastically throw off balance, one or two at the most. If you add more, then other classes being played are going to want more passives as well to even out the playing field. Perhaps a stronger Parasite could be the answer.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
3/3/2020 13:15:41   

I do not think parasite would be buffed more. Bm focus is doing very well. They do not need gain enery like other classes. Buffing more parasite , it will be OP and the new meta
AQW Epic  Post #: 17
3/4/2020 19:19:15   

I know BM strength would increase, however do not lie and say BM Focus won't be getting nearly the same increase with Reroute. I said look at Tech Mages that utilize Reroute. Please look at Tech Mages that utilize Reroute. Don't waste my time with this invalid point.

I said earlier that Energy Parasite is useless unless the opponent has 1000 or more energy. NPCs have 1000 or more energy.... You're correct, it is useful against them. However given that NPCs don't give as much credit or EXP and can't be used for missions that require tons of PvP wins, Blood Mages shouldn't be at a disadvantage when it comes to PvP.

You are 100% wrong. Energy Parasite works HORRIBLY AGAINST TANK/FOCUS BUILDS. This is the main issue I was talking about. I automatically lose the game if a Tank regains their Energy, or steals my Energy then heals. Even if I have Energy Parasite available to use, I cannot prevent then from healing by draining them and I get next to no Energy if I do. I dont think you tested your claim that "Energy Parasite works universally against all builds". As this is the exact reason as I made this Thread in the first place. Automatic game losses against F5/Tank Energy Regain then heal. Energy Parasite is an automatic game loss unless you're using a Strength build. Builds like Cyber Hunter heal loop isn't even unbeatable by other classes. It is just ridiculous to lose due to your class not any Energy Manipulation. I don't have that much of an issue with any other build regaining their Energy. I mainly have issues with the Tanks and Armor passive F5 Energy regain.

I agree, having 3 Passives would only incentivise the more broken Classes to want more passives simply to stay in the lead. I wouldnt personally mind losing Deadly aim, however that would literally kill all Blood Mages as I said dozens of times that BM is an automatic game loss unless using Strength. I dont have an honest suggestion on this besides breaking the rules and giving us 3. But while a 15% Reroute would Balance BM, it might throw the game into chaos. So I wont be expecting that.

@armagedon I personally did not want Energy Parasite to get buffed, I wanted Reroute. But I realize that won't happen. However seeing as EP is useless in PvP, you either don't understand the BM class, or you're a lower level that isn't level 40. I don't know what type of buff Energy Parasite deserves, however I am not going to lie and say BM don't need a better way to Manipulate Energy. You are coming off as a strong Troll saying that we should auto lose due to our class lacking in this area. Also, yes BM Focus is doing well, for the Rank 70's and higher. I've noticed them, their pretty good. However that still doesnt explain why lower Ranking BM are at a more severe disadvantage to quite literally all other builds and all classes.

I am fairly new to forums, not Epicduel. I have figured out the reason why so many inaccurate and troll comments appear on Epicduel Forums. It is because people take their experience from higher Ranking players with a specific build and view all Ranks with that build as if they were the same. Like a level 38 complaining about a Rank 11 Blood Mage Strength build being Meta and asking for a nerf. This is the main cause of inbalanced updates occurring. These people quite literally do not understand WHY their losing to specific builds or classes, and they blame it on the build or class, not taking Level or Rank into consideration.

Just some helpful advice to whoever the Developers are, next time someone complains about a class or something, ignore them and test it at 5 Ranking difference againt the other builds/classes multiple times. Like a level 35 vs 40 or Rank 22 vs Rank 27. I noticed the majority of people in earlier threads(not only this post, other balance threads) were giving their experience against higher Ranking better players and not testing the class or build they claim were broken against it's own Rank or Level. Which causes unnecessary nerfing/lack of buffing of certain classes or builds. And why builds can pop up out of nowhere and become the new Meta(Giving Cybers Hunters Static Grenade to beat higher Ranks easier). Unnecessary and pointless, but they got the buff anyways, and look at what happened with Cyber Hunters being unbeatable for months.

Just ignore them Devs. Not me though, BM needing Energy Parasite buff is necessary after Level 30, and is a game loss even against lower Ranking players if their Tanking hard enough. And armour passives make 400+ Def/Res way too easy on lower Ranks.

Unrelated to the other post.

Blood Shield still needs a 120% increase to be worth using against debuffs. Not about creativity guys. Reflex boost issue has been solve mostly due to nerfing of Frost Reaper. I would still like to see it increase with Tech just to increase number of Tank BM. We have lowered stats and no armor passives. Tech Mages already have the exact same thing. There was no reason to nerf the Gun Tactical reload. The Gun Tactical reload was never a problem. Please change Sidearm tact to 0 warm-up while keeping Aux at 3. Fire Rain got fixed and is worth using now.

Still the issue of Fireball being the most useless ability in the whole entire game out of all 6 classes. I don't know what buff Fireball needs now though. Maybe def/res reduction, but I'm not sure. You guys can remove Fireball and give a non-passive energy Manipulation to help BM. Or an armor passive or literally anything better than this that doesn't increase with Strength. To not give BM Strength too much of an edge. And just buffing Fireball effect without buffing its Damage wont help. It is quite literally the least used Skill in the entire game on the worst Level 40 class for a reason. I think changing it to a decent skill that does not increase with Strength will be perfect. Or just give it plasma bolt effect and have it increase with Technology, while keeping it physical.

Posts merged. ~Digital X

< Message edited by Digital X -- 3/5/2020 6:01:30 >
Post #: 18
3/5/2020 1:01:19   
.Lord Ginger.


< Message edited by .Lord Ginger. -- 3/5/2020 6:11:32 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 19
3/5/2020 3:22:12   

While Blood shield is somewhat decent if you don't get debuffed, it still is utterly useless in a PvP if you get debuffed. Which is what I said. Cyber Hunter F5 is not a good march up for BM focus/Tank. This is the 2nd troll comment you left. F5/Tank BM automatically lose the game to F5 CH due to heal loop GG. I'm actually not asking for a counter to this build. 3rd troll comment you left. I'm asking for better Energy manipulation to combat ALL OF THE CLASSES. Static Grenade then heal, Reroute then heal, Cyber Hunter heal loop GG, Static Shock then hell, energy drain then heal, Energy regain then heal. Literally can copy paste what already exists.

What part of main issue is automatically losing due to no Energy Manipulation in PvP don't you understand? Is it the Energy Manipulation part? The PvP part? The game loss part? Nobody should be forced to take your replies seriously.

Ranks don't need to be touched and Strength builds arent that much of a problem. It is a little hard to win against the higher Ranks with maxed damage, but not impossible. So I agree or disagree to whatever you wrote.

Off topic comments removed. ~Digital X

< Message edited by Digital X -- 3/5/2020 5:58:45 >
Post #: 20
3/5/2020 5:06:33   
.Lord Ginger.


< Message edited by .Lord Ginger. -- 3/5/2020 6:11:39 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 21
3/5/2020 5:42:56   
  Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

Locking this thread and warnings will be issued. I do not expect to have tell you twice to stay on topic. This is no place for name calling, trolling or off topic posts.

Thread is unlocked, I do not want to see this kind of behaviour again, if you unsure of the rules please re-read them here: =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules

< Message edited by Digital X -- 3/5/2020 6:03:48 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
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