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RE: Armours - Read the first post!

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4/29/2021 16:22:50   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Doomlight FrostRipper/TremorHide Armour

FO Ice/Earth armours. These scale, and the table below shows what their primary/ally/etc elements will be. For FrostRipper, the elements are Main:Ice, Ally:Wind/Water, Neutral:Light/Darkness, Weak:Earth/Energy, Opposed:Fire. For TremorHide, the elements are Main:Earth, Ally:Fire/Darkness, Neutral:Energy/Water, Weak:Ice/Light, Opposed:Wind. MC on these is two toggle effects. The first one charges 20% Melee in SP cost (TglSP1 in the table below) and activates a Backlash effect on the player that strikes back for (40/1.4)% of the damage the player takes. The second toggle charges 5% Melee in SP (TglSP2 in the table below) and causes the monster to take +25% damage from all Backlash effects.

Level	-	75	95	115	135	150
Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153
MPLvl	58	77	97	117	137	152
TglSP1	25	34	44	56	68	78
TglSP2	6	9	11	14	17	20
BR%	277	334	394	454	514	559
Stat%	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
BTH	7	9	12	14	17	19
Main	68	60	53	47	42	39
Ally*2	73	65	58	51	45	42
Ntrl*2	76	76	76	75	75	70
Weak*2	86	86	86	85	85	84
Opp	95	95	95	95	95	95
Main	-32	-40	-47	-53	-58	-61
Ally*2	-27	-35	-42	-49	-55	-58
Ntrl*2	-24	-24	-24	-25	-25	-30
Weak*2	-14	-14	-14	-15	-15	-16
Opp	-5	-5	-5	-5	-5	-5
Melee	31	34	37	40	43	45
Ranged	31	34	37	40	43	45
Magic	31	34	37	40	43	45
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 51
5/1/2021 11:34:42   
 formerly In Media Res


From Blarney '21: Fiery Matchmaker. (Basically, what joac said)

MC FD Fire armour.

Normal attack is:
- 50% of one hit, 80% total damage.
- 50% chance of two hits, 120% total damage.

All weapon attacks deals -38.7% damage (Melee/Ranged) or -51.6% damage (Magic). Controls your foe (1 round, [50*[hits connected]/[hits attempted]]% chance of not acting). Your foe can resist with a save at a -10 penalty (inflict with DEX/STR, resist with CHA/LUK).

MC: +7.5% weapon damage when wielding a bow or a spear.

Bonus: Comes with a quickcast skill, Certified Matchmaker. Gives you one turn of Celerity (everything) and one turn of Blind (-12.75 BTH). Because this doesn't use an MC it locks you to your current armour until the end of the monster's next turn, and each use after the first costs an additional +33.3% the base cost (so *4/3 for the second use, *5/3 for the third, *2 the fourth, etc).
PLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
BR%	310	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
Stat	562	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BtH Mod	8	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
Fire	92	88	77	69	61	54	48	42	39
Water	95	90	83	75	70	66	62	59	56
Ice	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
Wind	95	90	83	75	70	66	62	59	56
Earth 	95	90	83	75	70	66	62	59	56
Energy	99	95	89	81	79	76	74	69	67
Light 	99	95	89	81	79	76	74	69	67
Dark	99	95	89	81	79	76	74	69	67
Fire	-8	-12	-23	-31	-39	-46	-52	-58	-61
Earth 	-5	-10	-17	-25	-30	-34	-38	-41	-44
Water	-5	-10	-17	-25	-30	-34	-38	-41	-44
Energy	-1	-5	-11	-19	-21	-24	-26	-31	-33
Ice	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
Light 	-1	-5	-11	-19	-21	-24	-26	-31	-33
Wind	-5	-10	-17	-25	-30	-34	-38	-41	-44
Dark	-1	-5	-11	-19	-21	-24	-26	-31	-33
Melee	21	22	26	29	29	36	39	42	45
Ranged	21	22	26	29	29	36	39	42	45
Magic	21	22	26	29	29	36	39	42	45

Price	106	142	535	3680	29047	233577	1882541	15177023	72615500
Sell	53	71	267	1840	14523	116788	941270	7588511	36307750

Glorious Matchmaker

As above, but scales according to your Guardian level. Given for 2500+ wins.
AQ  Post #: 52
5/3/2021 20:22:34   
 formerly In Media Res


Update: Cherub armour now works with bows/100-proc weapons.
AQ  Post #: 53
5/8/2021 23:47:47   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Adept/Evolved Protector Armour

Earth/Water and Energy/Light armours, not ele-swap, just separate versions, so 4 items total. Armour has the ability to toggle lean between Neutral/Fully Offensive/Fully Defensive, but it has some caveats. First off, you can only toggle between two specific leans per battle, one of your options is always the lean in which you started the fight (this is always Neutral when you first log in), and a menu gives you the choice of your other two leans. After you've made a choice of your secondary lean, you can now freely swap between the lean in which you started the fight and your chosen lean, you are locked out of the third lean until the next fight starts. So for example, if you start the fight in N lean, you can then pick FO or FD lean, and can then freely swap between N lean (start of fight lean), and your chosen lean. If you for example picked FO lean and ended the fight in FO lean, then the next fight you will start in FO lean, and can pick between N and FD leans, you can then freely swap between FO lean and the lean you chose.

MC effect is that you deal bonus damage based on the % of attacks you blocked in the previous round. Normal MC would be +5% Melee, only working on block means it's given a /0.15 boost, and then a x1.01 boost since the effect is delayed a turn. Thus, your total bonus is +(33.66... x HitsBlocked / HitsAttempted)% damage, bonus is /0.75 for Magic weapon attacks and specials from Magic weapons, and /2 for spells. This bonus gets adjusted specifically for non 100-proc weapon attacks based on armour lean, so the bonus gets a /0.8 boost when in FD lean, and /1.25 penalty when in FO lean when using "normal" weapon attacks.

The armours all follow normal wheel resists for spread. So they are done as follows:

	Main >	Ally >	Ntrl > 	Weak >	Opp
Earth:	Earth	Fire	Energy	Light	Wind
		Dark	Water	Ice	
Water:	Water	Ice	Wind	Light	Energy
		Dark	Earth	Fire	
Energy:	Energy	Fire	Earth	Dark	Water
		Light	Wind	Ice	

Light:	Light	Wind	Ice	Water	Dark
		Energy	Fire	Earth	

Lvl	10Z	35Z	60Z	85Z	110Z	135Z	143Z
PLvl	44	57	73	95	120	145	153
BR%	232	271	319	385	460	559	559
Stat	390.4	476.2	581.8	727	892	1109.8	1109.8
BtH Mod	5	7	9	11	15	19	19
Main	74	66	61	54	47	41	39
Ally	79	74	70	64	59	52	50
Ntrl	86	82	80	79	78	77	76
Weak	95	93	91	90	89	88	87
Opp	100	99	99	99	98	98	98
Melee	32	34	37	41	45	49	50
Ranged	32	34	37	41	45	49	50
Magic	32	34	37	41	45	49	50
A-MCP	396	814	1474	2409	3971	5324	5940

< Message edited by Kamui -- 5/8/2021 23:55:19 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 54
5/18/2021 4:13:25   
Primate Murder

Hey, guys, do we have updated info subs on Matchmaker armor?

Iirc, somebody mentioned that it no longer has an increasing sp cost?
AQ DF  Post #: 55
5/22/2021 17:28:58   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

(Superstar) Muscle Mage

MC FO Energy armour. MC is a skill that works as a toggle. When toggled on, the player pays 50% Melee to deal +25% spell damage, and a further 20% Melee to deal +(7.5 x PlayerSTR / AssumedSTR)% damage and +(7.5 x PlayerINT / AssumedINT)% damage, each of these stat-based bonuses are capped at +9% damage. This toggle is paid for via an even split between MP and SP cost, so it charges a total of 35% Melee in MP and 35% Melee in SP per turn, listed below as TglMP and TglSP.

The armour further pays -6 MRM (already factored into the below numbers) for two effects, each worth 5% Melee. The first, is that weapon attacks and spells cast in the armour gain Hybrid stats, AKA they use STR/INT for damage and STR/INT for BtH if the attack does Melee or Magic damage. The second, is that you heal based on 5% of damage dealt, split evenly betwee MP and SP healing, so you heal MP = to (2.5x1.5 = 3.75)% of damage dealt, and you heal SP = to (2.5 x 1.125 = 2.8125)% of damage dealt. Both of these are capped at healing 50% Melee, so at best you can heal up to 50% Melee in MP cost and 50% Melee in SP cost per turn. Superstar version is the exact same, it's just a cosmetic variant available at Lv 150.

PLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
CostLv	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
TglMP	14	21	37	56	77	101	128	156	183
TglSP	11	16	28	42	58	76	96	117	137
BR%	310	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
Stat	562	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BtH Mod	8	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
Fire	95	90	83	75	70	66	62	59	56
Water	95	90	83	75	70	66	62	59	56
Ice	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
Wind	95	90	83	75	70	66	62	59	56
Earth 	99	95	89	81	79	76	74	69	67
Energy	92	88	77	69	61	54	48	42	39
Light 	99	95	89	81	79	76	74	69	67
Dark	99	95	89	81	79	76	74	69	67
Melee	15	16	20	23	23	30	33	36	39
Ranged	15	16	20	23	23	30	33	36	39
Magic	15	16	20	23	23	30	33	36	39
Price	106	142	535	3680	29047	233577	1882541	15177023	72615500
Sell	53	71	267	1840	14523	116788	941270	7588511	36307750
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 56
5/23/2021 5:53:53   

Why does the armour give up 50% melee for +25% spell (=25% melee) and ALSO have to pay the MP/SP upkeep? Seems like doubling the penalties?
AQ  Post #: 57
5/24/2021 13:09:10   
Zork Knight

The armor isn't "giving up melee damage", it's "paying SP/MP equivalent to X% melee damage"
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 58
5/26/2021 10:25:15   

Does Muscle Mage bring Magic attacks up to Melee strength like werepyre does?

And does the MP/SP regen get affected by /0.75 or however we adjust magic attack proc effects?
AQ  Post #: 59
5/27/2021 7:18:21   


Does Muscle Mage bring Magic attacks up to Melee strength like werepyre does?



And does the MP/SP regen get affected by /0.75 or however we adjust magic attack proc effects?

AQ  Post #: 60
6/6/2021 8:09:22   

I can't find info on Lord of Thunder '19 Frostval armor.
AQ  Post #: 61
6/6/2021 11:22:46   


I can't find info on Lord of Thunder '19 Frostval armor.

It's essentially an FD Energy variant of the General of Cerberus armor.
AQ  Post #: 62
6/7/2021 10:03:11   

I can't find info on the following GGB UR armors:

Giant's Might

Blazing Bloodzerker
Quenching Bloodzerker
Lumenomancer Bloodmage
NOTE: Dynamancer Bloodmage is Voltaic Bloodmage in the Info Subs, but the search can't find it with 'dynamancer' even if the next entry contains the word...

Grenwog Rider

AQ  Post #: 63
6/7/2021 16:48:13   
Lv 1000


Giant's Might

Blazing Bloodzerker
Quenching Bloodzerker
Lumenomancer Bloodmage
NOTE: Dynamancer Bloodmage is Voltaic Bloodmage in the Info Subs, but the search can't find it with 'dynamancer' even if the next entry contains the word...

Grenwog Rider

Yes, the info subs say Voltaic Bloodmage, it's just a typo, it is refering to Dynamancer Bloodmage

All bloodzerkers are identical so you can refer to this for them.

All bloodmages are identical so you can refer to this for them. Info subs for most Bloodmages older than Dynamancer are inaccurate as they list OLD HP cost values. Thus use Dynamancer's info subs for all Bloodmages (resists would just be shuffled according to the elemental wheel).

Giant's Might can be found here.

Grenwog Rider does not have info subs, the following is summary.

Earth/Wind toggle FO armour (similar to Moglord). Also gains access to 1 Earth and 1 Wind skill (in both modes). Has appropriate elecomp (*1.84976 for Earth skill used in Earth form / Wind skill used in Wind form).

Post #: 64
6/17/2021 17:37:24   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

H-Series Tempest Power Armour

FO Energy armour, Melee blocking focus. MC effect is a +100 initiative boost, and pays 3 blocking (already factored below) to compress two skills. The first skill is a standard spell-type skill, locked to Ranged, and follows your equipped weapon for element. This charges 100% Melee in SP. The second locks your weapon attacks to Melee Energy and after your first attempted weapon hit, if you do not currently have Celerity on you, you will pay 100% Melee in SP and grant yourself & your misc item one turn of Celerity. This can happen once per round, and if you already have Celerity, you'll still have your attacks locked to Melee Energy, but don't pay the SP cost or gain Celerity.

Lv 85 and 143 Z versions cost 2409 and 5940 tokens, respectively.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
BR%	115	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
Stat%	133	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BTH	0	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
Fire	99	95	92	88	87	86	85	83	83
Water	100	97	97	95	95	95	95	95	95
Ice	96	93	84	75	71	65	61	56	54
Wind	96	93	84	75	71	65	61	56	54
Earth	99	95	92	88	87	86	85	83	83
Energy	95	91	80	71	61	54	48	42	39
Light	97	94	88	82	79	76	73	69	68
Dark	97	94	88	82	79	76	73	69	68
Melee	27	29	32	36	39	42	45	48	52
Ranged	18	20	23	27	30	33	36	39	43
Magic	18	20	23	27	30	33	36	39	43
MPLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
SPCost	30	45	80	120	166	217	273	335	392
A+2SP	141	190	713	4906	38729	311437	2510055	20236032	96820667
A+2SS	70	95	356	2453	19364	155718	1255027	10118016	48410333

No longer affects Bows ~ Ward

< Message edited by Ward_Point -- 4/27/2022 12:00:26 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 65
6/17/2021 18:46:46   

I'm not sure if it's unintended or if Kamui just forgot to mention it in his description, but it also appears that the Overdrive mode of the Tempest Power Armor grants elecomp to your attacks
AQ  Post #: 66
6/18/2021 15:34:43   


H-Series Tempest Power Armour

The in-game gold cost is wrong for the level 115 version
Post #: 67
6/27/2021 20:24:52   
 formerly In Media Res


Necro Class Armour

Power levels is 70 + (class level * 5/2), so 70 -> 72 -> 75 -> 77 -> ...

Armour resists scale linearly between the below values:
PLvl	70	95	120
BR%	310	385	460
Stat	562	727	892
BtH Mod	8	11	15
Fire	70	64	60
Water	70	64	60
Ice	86	82	80
Wind	93	94	92
Earth 	93	94	92
Energy	86	82	80
Light 	62	54	47
Dark	102	100	100
Melee	40	44	48
Ranged	35	39	43
Magic	37	41	45

+5 Status Potence

LEVEL 1 - FEAR (active)
Spell-like skill, costs MP, four Magic hits, -50% damage. Afterwards it attempts to make the monster Afraid (resist*50% chance, 4 rounds). Mob can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with CHA/LUK, resist with CHA/LUK).
  • Looming Fear: Darkness Spell, gets eleComp to damage.
  • Searing Fear (level 6): Fire spell, gets eleComp to damage.
  • Primal Fear (level 12):
    >> Against mobs with Freedom: seeks Dark/Harm, gets eleComp as if it were Darkness, no damage penalty nor status.
    >> Against anything else: Harm, no eleComp, no resist mod on Afraid.

    LEVEL 2 - RAISE SKELETON (active)
    Guest-calling spell. Uses SP.
  • Deathless Knight: Melee guest, follows weapon element, click to toggle between:
    >> *0.6 damage, 2 hits, -8 BTH
    >> *1 damage with a bonus +50% damage, *2.1 SP cost, 3 hits, -15 BTH lean
  • Undead Beast (level 7): Ice guest, click to toggle between:
    >> One Ranged hit, +20 BTH lean
    >> *1.5 cost, two melee hits, -25% damage. Makes the monster Bleed (power:0.75*[hits connected]/2). Monster can resist with a save at +0 (inflict with CHA/LUK, resist iwth END/LUK).
  • Deathless Dracolich (level 13): Darkness guest, click to toggle between:
    >> One Melee hit, Darkness Magic. Deals +20% damage if the monster is burnt; deals -13.33% damage if the monster isn't.
    >> Two Magic hits, seeks between Fire and Darkness, Magic. Deals -50% damage and attempts to Burn the monster (power:2.14, duration: [hits connected] rounds). The monster can resist with a save at a -20 penalty (inflict with CHA/LUK, resist with DEX/LUK).

    LEVEL 3 - ANIMA WARD (passive)
    At battle start (or the first time you equip armour) you gain a barrier. This is a standard healing spell, *0.5 damage, stat bonus to damage is INT/8 + END/8 + CHA/8, Lucky Strikes are disabled.

    LEVEL 4 - GRIEVOUS WEAVE (toggle)
  • Rending Weave: When casting spells, you pay an additional [1/5 of standard Magic skill cost] in SP to inflict Bleed (power:0.25*[hits connected]/[hits attempted]). The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with INT/LUK, resist with END/LUK)
  • Chilling Weave (level 9): When casting spells, you pay an additional [1/5 of standard Magic skill cost] in SP. You have a (42*[hits connected]/[hits attempted])% chance of Paralysing the monster (1 round). The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with INT/LUK, resist with END/LUK)
  • Chilling Rend (level 15): Both of the above.

    LEVEL 5 - UNDEAD GIANT (active)
    Weapon-based skill, follows weapon type+element. Costs SP. Overcharged, so +50% damage and has an increased SP cost. If the monster is Afriad, Bleeding or Paralysed, then the spell gains +15% damage per condition; if not, then it takes -15% damage.

    LEVEL 6 - WRAITHWORK (active)
    Summon a friendly ghost. Guests need MP for upkeep. Options include:
  • Ghost Ally: Magic damage, seeks Ice/Energy.
    >> 1 hit, 100% damage.
    >> 2 hits, *0.65 multiplicative damage +50% additive damage, auto-hits. *1.5 upkeep cost.
  • Ancestral Wraith: Wind Magic damage.
    >> 1 hit, +10 BTH, -66.7% damage, attempts to Paralyse your foe (1 round). The monster can resist with a save at a +20 bonus (inflict with CHA/LUK, resist with END/LUK).
    >> 1 hit, +50% damage. *1.5 upkeep cost.
  • Anima Manifestation: [in development]

    LEVEL 7 - ABSORB HEXES (active)
    Spell-like Heal skill, removes the following conditions: bleed, burn (excluding prismatic burn), poison, spiritual seed, fear, choke, panic.

    If you have none of those conditions, it does a standard healing spell worth 75% Melee. No SP cost.

    If you have conditions, the it cleanses the condtions and heals you for [25% Melee] per condition cleansed. First cleanse is free; additional ones cost [75% Melee] in SP.

    Stat drive, gives +35 INT and CHA at lv150.

    Gain status resistance and reduced incoming damage per condition (Fear, Burn, Bleed), on your foe. Each one gives +6.7 resistance and -3.33% incoming damage.

    Gain 1 charge per turn (can spend SP to gain an additional 10 charges). When you die, you become a Deathwalker instead of dying. You can hold up to 50 charges and additional charges become MP (1 charge becomes [10% of standard spell cost] MP).

    Can manually become a Deathwalker. Requires a min of 10 charges. All charges become MP (1 charge becomes [5% of standard spell cost] MP).

    Darkness spells, None of them cost MP/SP to cast and deal -62.5% damage. Gets eleComp to damage. 4 hits, Magic Darkness.
  • Consume Fear: *0.5 damage. Heal HP based on damage dealt (30% of a standard Magic skill in HP cost, if you're dealing expected damage). If the monster is Afraid, then you consume the status and get boosted damage (+1.4*[duration]*[stun chance]/0.85 Melee for each active Fear).
  • Unravel Blood [Level 14]: *0.5 damage. Heal MP based on damage dealt (30% of a standard Magic skill in MP cost, if you're dealing expected damage). If the monster is Bleeding, then you consume th estatus and get boosted damage ([power]*[expected duration], where [expected duration] is 100/(100-SaveDC), to a min of 1 and a max of 10.)
  • Rend Mana [Level 18]: Targets MP, deals *1.5 damage. Additive damage penalty is -81.25% damage instead of the above. You gain an Element Shield (all) based on damage dealt (-(75/6)% damage, 3 rounds if you're dealing expected damage).

    Once per battle, change your lean. You can select from Neutral, Full Defence, and [at Lv17] Spellcaster. Spellcaster lean gives a multiplicative damage boost to Darkness, Fire, and Ice spells.

    Standard Darkness spell. Gets eleComp to damage. 6 hits, costs MP.
  • Dark Haunting: Standard spell
  • Precise Haunting [Level 16]: Efficient, costs 40% of the usual cost and deals -37.5% damage.
  • Grand Haunting [Level 20]: Overcharged, costs 140% of the usual cost and deals +25% damage.

    +2.5 Status Potence, +2.5 Status Resistance.

    Toggle, boosts spell damage, [at level 17] pet damage, or [at level 20] both. Costs [20% of a standard spell] in SP each.

    Necromancer Class Skills 16 to 20
    From Joac1144

    LEVEL 16 - TWIN SUMMONING (active)
    Summon one of the three different Raise Skeleton guests as your pet. They have the normal power of a pet.
    • Deathless Knight: Same as the guest version, except that this one does not have a -15 Bth lean in Beserk mode, and instead of paying *2.1 SP upkeep cost, it pays 44% Melee in MP in Beserk mode.
    • Undead Beast: Same as the guest version, except that instead of paying *1.5 SP upkeep cost, it pays 20% Melee in MP in Bleed mode.
    • Deathless Dracolich: Same as the guest version, except that the Burn power is 1.43 instead of 2.14

    LEVEL 17 - MANA QUICKENING (active)
    Pay 100% Melee in HP and 125% Melee in SP to heal your MP. You heal MP equal to 250% Melee. In addition to this, you also get a 3-turn Elemental Shield that makes you take *0.928571 damage from all elements. This skill can only be used once per battle.

    Passive skill. After casting a spell that deals damage to the monster, you gain a Barrier. Functions as a standard healing spell, *0.125 damage, uses INT/END/CHA for damage. Cannot LS.

    Toggle the skill to pay 25% Melee in SP and gain 1 charge per turn. Once you have 3 charges, you can use the skill below.
    Spell-based skill, 3 hits, follows weapon type and weapon element. Costs 150% Melee in SP to use.
    Like Undead Giant, it gets +10% damage for each of these statuses inflicted on the monster: Bleed, Fear, Paralyze. If the monster is not inflicted with one of the mentioned statuses, the skill deals -10% damage.
    The skill deals another -25% damage to attempt to inflict Fragile (-16.67*[hits connected] END, 5 turns) on the monster. The save is INT/CHA vs. END/LUK. Save bonus is +5 for each inflicted status, -5 if no status.
    The skill uses INT/CHA/END for damage and Bth, and it cannot LS.

    LEVEL 20 - DEATHLESS LEGION (active)
    You need to "charge" the skill for one turn. This costs standard spell cost in MP. You can use the actual skill the turn after charging.
    Spell-based skill, 6 hits, Magic Darkness. Gets elecomp to damage. Costs 100% Melee in MP to use.
    The first 5 hits each deal 100/5.5 damage, with the last hit dealing half of that.
    The skill gets +10% damage for each of these statuses inflicted on the monster: Bleed, Fear, Paralyze. If the monster is not inflicted with one of the mentioned statuses, the skill deals -10% damage.
    In addition to this, the skill gets +50% damage and another +(0.5 - 0.8333 * (HP/[max HP]) * 100)% damage.


    -- [core] starts at 1.
    -- If the monster is afflicted with Burn, Poison, or Fear, then [core] gets +0.1 per status. Otherwise, -0.1.
    -- Modify [core] based on your HP: at full HP, it's -1/3; at 0 HP, it's +0.5. It scales linearly between these.

    -- Everything gets eleComp.
    -- The spell itself does [core]% Melee damage.
    --- Uses CHA/DEX/LUK for beast variant
    --- Uses INT/DEX/LUK for mage variant
    --- Uses nonstandard stat bonuses otherwise (INT/8 + CHA/8 + END/8 for damage; INT*3/40 + DEX*3/40 + END*3/40 for BTH; no LUKy strikes)
    -- The spell is split up into six hits: 5 hits of *2/11 damage, and one hit of *1/11 damage (tiny bird at the end is tiny)
    -- When I say *[hits], I mean *[hits connected]/[hits attempted] where the big hits counts as 2 and the little bird hit counts as 1. 11 "hits" total.
    -- Afterwards, it inflicts Poison, Burn, Bleed, and Fear.
    --- Poison: Darkness damage, 4 rounds of power: [core]*[hits]*1.25. Heal HP equal to damage dealt.
    --- Burn: Darkness damage, 4 rounds of power: [core]*[hits]*2.5
    --- Bleed: power: [core]*[accuracy]/2
    --- Fear: 4 turns of a [core]*[hits]*[mob Dark%]*21% stun chance.
    -- Each status can be resisted with a save at a +0 bonus. Resist with END/DEX/END/CHA (repsectively) and LUK; inflict with:
    --- Beast: CHA/LUK
    --- Mage: INT/LUK
    --- otherwise: INT/CHA

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 1/24/2024 2:47:32 >
  • AQ  Post #: 68
    6/28/2021 1:05:19   
    Primate Murder

    Does Hexpertise have some kind of conditions or triggers? I mean, it seems to be four times as strong as a regular passive...

    < Message edited by Primate Murder -- 8/1/2021 1:52:13 >
    AQ DF  Post #: 69
    8/1/2021 11:41:42   
     formerly In Media Res


    LEVEL 6 - WRAITHWORK (active)
    Summon a friendly ghost. Guests need MP for upkeep. Options include:
  • Ghost Ally: Magic damage, seeks Ice/Energy.
    >> 1 hit, 100% damage.
    >> 2 hits, *0.65 multiplicative damage +50% additive damage, auto-hits. *1.5 upkeep cost.
  • Ancestral Wraith: Wind Magic damage.
    >> 1 hit, +10 BTH, -66.7% damage, attempts to Paralyse your foe (1 round). The monster can resist with a save at a +20 bonus (inflict with CHA/LUK, resist with END/LUK).
    >> 1 hit, +50% damage. *1.5 upkeep cost.
  • Anima Manifestation: [in development]

    LEVEL 7 - ABSORB HEXES (active)
    Spell-like Heal skill, removes the following conditions: bleed, burn (excluding prismatic burn), poison, spiritual seed, fear, choke, panic.

    If you have none of those conditions, it does a standard healing spell worth 75% Melee. No SP cost.

    If you have conditions, the it cleanses the condtions and heals you for [25% Melee] per condition cleansed. First cleanse is free; additional ones cost [75% Melee] in SP.

    Stat drive, gives +35 INT and CHA at lv150.

    Gain status resistance and reduced incoming damage per condition (Fear, Burn, Bleed), on your foe. Each one gives +6.7 resistance and -3.33% incoming damage.
  • AQ  Post #: 70
    8/1/2021 21:54:45   

    Links are missing from the frostgale armor rewards section of the Quest Pedia entry, it says

    [link=URL]Frostgale's Legacy Z[/link] (Lvl 11Z, 80Z)
    [link=URL]Frostgale's Legacy[/link] * (Lvl 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150G)
    , likewise for other items listed in the pedia entry.
    AQ  Post #: 71
    8/10/2021 1:52:33   
     formerly In Media Res


    Lvl	70	95	120	135	150G
    BR%	310	385	460	505	559
    Stat	562	727	892	991	1109.8
    BtH Mod	8	11	15	16	19
    Fire	115	115	110	105	104
    Water	84	79	76	74	73
    Ice	73	69	66	60	57
    Wind	73	69	66	60	57
    Earth 	115	115	110	105	104
    Energy	84	79	76	74	73
    Light 	130	130	120	120	110
    Dark	63	54	47	42	39
    Melee	37	41	45	47	50
    Ranged	37	41	45	47	50
    Magic	42	46	50	52	55

    Spellcaster lean - x0.8 weapon damage and *1.25 incoming damage. Dark, Ice, and Fire damage is boosted mutliplicatively.

    Has a permanent mana shield. HP is locked to [one standard Melee skill in HP]+1; HP healing is redirected to MP at par.

    Default attack: 2 hits. Sacrifices 25% Melee to heal your MP (10% of a spell * damage inflicted / expected damage per hit). Sacrifices another 25% Melee to inflict Bleed (power:0.125). The mob can resist the Bleed with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with INT/CHA, resist with END/LUK).
    [Nerd stuff: Melee/Ranged gets *0.75 multiplicative damage (for the heal) with -1/3 additive damage (for the bleed). Magic gets *2/3 mult damage with -1/2 additive damage.]

    Undead Assault: 5 hit Spell-like attack. Overcharged, so +50% damage and increased SP cost. Locked to Dark and gets EleComp to Dark.

    Terror: 2 hit Ice Spell-like attack. Costs MP. Gets eleComp to damage. Attack does -(62.41/eleComp)/% damage and Freezes the mob for 1 turn. The monster can resist at a -10 save penalty (if both hits connected) or a +10 save bonus (if only one connected) (inflict with INT/CHA; resist with CHA/LUK).

    Horror: SP Spell attack, gets eleComp as if it were a Darkness skill, seeks Dark/Fire/Harm. Against monsters with Freedom it deals full damage; otherwise it deals -50% damage and makes the monster Afraid (50*[resist]% stun chance, [hits connected] turns), The mob can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with INT/CHA; resist with CHA/LUK).

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 8/21/2021 12:10:53 >
    AQ  Post #: 72
    8/10/2021 11:32:15   

    The bleed from Deathwalker in-game isn't 12.5. It's 0.125. Is your info subs a typo, or is there a typo/bug going on with the deathwalker?

    Info sub typo. Fixed, thanks! ~Imry

    The spell booster and pet booster toggles increase damage by how much? And I know it just says "pets", I just wanted to make sure it wasn't guests also... And if not... WHY? 8-( -cry-

    < Message edited by SapphireCatalyst2021 -- 8/22/2021 20:45:29 >
    Post #: 73
    9/10/2021 11:20:03   
     formerly In Media Res


    Carnax's Malice

    FO Energy armour. Normal attack is two hits.

    Comes with two skills:
    - Bette Laser Eyes: Energy spell-like skill, follows your weapon's type, deals -50% damage, 5 hits. Burns the mob (2 turns, power:[hits connected]*eleComp, hits HP, heals your SP equal to [damage dealt]*9/8). The mob can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with [mainstat]/LUK, resist with INT/LUK).
    - Invincible: Energy spell-like skill, follows your weapon's type, 4 hits, deals *[75/2]% damage with eleComp. You then get a Chi Shield: damage is as a spell, *0.85*0.9*[125/2]% standard spell damage without eleComp, stats are as per your weapon, efficiency is [what this skill's SP cost should've been]/[shield power]. Doesn't cost SP to cast.

    PLvl	55	75	95	115	135	150G
    BR%	265	325	385	445	505	559
    Stat	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
    BtH Mod	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Fire	72	64	58	54	46	43
    Water	97	95	95	92	92	87
    Ice	97	95	95	92	92	87
    Wind	97	95	95	92	92	87
    Earth 	72	64	58	54	46	43
    Energy	69	61	54	48	42	39
    Light 	74	74	72	69	69	68
    Dark	74	74	72	69	69	68
    Melee	29	32	36	39	42	45
    Ranged	29	32	36	39	42	45
    Magic	29	32	36	39	42	45
    AQ  Post #: 74
    9/10/2021 13:46:43   
    Lv 1000

    Carnax's Malice (150G) -

    EleComp For Skills: *1.77528
    Post #: 75
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