DragonFable Boxcat
DoomKnight V1 was kept on the basis that it is legacy. That means it doesn't receive any updates or adjustments unless it's actually game-shattering. That means no nerfs, no buffs, nothing. This policy also applies to things like customization and visual updates. We decided against a Thankstaking event this year because we had a Maleurous event, and we want to keep progressing with the Reimagined releases, since there are many of them, and the sooner they get done, the better. Could we have done a small quest like last year? sure, but we felt that it would be more valuable to release a Reimagined quest, new customization options, and new house utility items instead. Why wasn't there a war for Friday the 13th? Because it had only been a couple months since the last one. Which was also a Maleurous release. The end of the year is already filled with back to back holiday events, and having an entire third of the year without any main story progression makes things drag on and take forever. Instead of a war, we decided to put more effort into the Maleurous quests themselves, which we hope shows. Our schedule is a balance of variety. Each month we try to have at least some content for all sorts of players. All players are important to us, and I don't see how in any way we have given any other impression. Unfortunately, there's only two of us working on this game full time, churning out weekly releases. There are many ways in which we could artifically lengthen play time, such as with more grinds, but we'd rather just make content that is good and memorable than something that players feel obligated to repeat over and over. If once a week isn't enough, then I'm not sure what else we can do. EDIT: Could there be more repeatable content in the game? Sure. I do still need to update AARGH, and some grind isn't too bad.
< Message edited by Verlyrus -- 11/28/2020 2:09:31 >